“Aoto~! Wake up~!”
Mother’s voice, which serves as an alarm, is heard from the first floor.
Why is it that he can wake up much easier than with a bad alarm clock?
Is it because he is related to her?
While thinking about such unproductive things, Rukawa Aoto rises from the bed.
With his feet too slow and his drowsiness still lingering, he goes downstairs to find that breakfast has been placed on the table as usual.
There was a perfectly shaped fried egg, fresh vegetables, and yesterday’s leftover pork miso soup.
While Aoto struggles to wake up, his mother prepares breakfast every morning.
Sometimes he oversleeps, but that doesn’t count because of his gratitude.
“Here, eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”
This conversation is also the same as usual, and has become a commonplace.
However, there was one thing that was not usual in the usual routine.
“It’s really bad to be late from the first day of your new school.”
“Sorry, I’ll wake up properly tomorrow.”
“Really mouu”
Aoto is a transfer student from today onward.
The details of the reason for this are beyond scope, but anyway, for his parents’ reasons, he was transferred to a different high school.
The time is June.
At his previous high school, which he entered in April, he had made friends smoothly and planned to lead a peaceful school life.
However, that fact was sadly shattered, and from today he has zero friends.
Of course, he has no girlfriend.
However, that is not to say that Aoto has never been in love.
In fact, he has three ex-girlfriends, and while it may be wrong to say that he has a lot of ex-girlfriends, it is clearly the opposite of having none at all.
The first was in kindergarten.
Well, if a girl from kindergarten were asked if she was an ex-girlfriend, it would be a matter of deliberation, but there is a girl who made a promise to him, ‘Let’s get married when we grow up, okay?’
He is sure that she is an ex-girlfriend.
The second was in elementary school.
Cheeky, he was clearly in a relationship when he was in elementary school.
She asked me, “Will you go out with me?” and Aoto replied, “Please take care of me.”
Then he made a promise with the girl, “Will you be my husband in the future?”
In a way, it was the same promise he made to his ex-girlfriend from kindergarten.
The third girl was in junior high school.
Like in elementary school, he had a clear relationship with her, and his memory of her is more recent than that of his other ex-girlfriends.
His classmates knew about it and he often get teaset about it.
With a girl like that, “Will you let me stay next to Aoto forever?” they promised.
As a junior high school student, he was getting a little more sophisticated in his use of language.
So, Aoto had three ex-girlfriends.
Three ex-girlfriends with different words, but essentially the same promise.
And there is one more thing they have in common.
That is – natural extinction.
The girlfriend he had in kindergarten disappeared spontaneously as it were when he went to elementary school.
The girlfriend he had in elementary school disappeared spontaneously when he moved up to a different class.
The girlfriend he had in junior high school also disappeared naturally when he had to study for the entrance exam.
He is a womanizer, depending on how you look at it, and he could say that he still has three girlfriends, but unfortunately, he doesn’t want to do that, and he can’t.
Because he really hasn’t kept in touch or gone on dates with any of them.
When he was in kindergarten and elementary school, it was difficult because the only way to contact was by home electric appliances, but this was the case with his girlfriend when he was in junior high school.
Although it was nice that they got together, nothing developed, and they just went with the flow and the relationship spontaneously disappeared.
Well, there is nothing he can do about that now.
Furthermore, he is a transfer student from today.
If there is no involvement, the possibility will be proportionally lower.
――If he doesn’t have anything to do with it.
“Thanks for the food.”
Aoto finished his breakfast, which had been prepared for him without fail, and clasped his hands together.
The time is eight o’clock.
He had plenty of time to spare, since the distance to school was only about a 10-minute walk and he would not be late if he got there by 8:30.
However, there was nothing better than being on time.
He didn’t want to be late on the first day of school and be out of the game early.
“Ara, you’re leaving already?”
“Yes. Because I don’t want to be there too late.”
“I see. I thought it was to make friends.”
“No, that’s true, too. ……”
The mother is somewhat sarcastic.
But that’s also true. Aoto thought it might be a good idea to go early to make friends, so he finished brushing his teeth and washing his face.
“I’m going to go now.”
“Be careful. You have to start off on the right foot.”
“I’m not going to do any one-liners or anything like that.”
“Ara, I was expecting you to do that.”
“No, you’re the one ……”
Aoto is the type of person who wants to stay steady and live a peaceful life, while his mother is the type of person who is ready to make a one-shot joke and become a popular person all at once.
Even though he is the son of a mother who thinks this way, Aoto is a person in the middle, neither a popular nor a gloomy person. The courage to do so did not come to him.
“Then, see you later.”
“Okay, have a good day.”
Aoto headed off to school, once again having a parent-child conversation with his son.
New faces and self-introductions again.
Aoto walked to his new school with the nervousness that comes with a new life.
First, he wants to make friends and, if possible, get a girlfriend.
He hoped for an ordinary high school life like that–
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