
When I first moved here, I tried to avoid trouble at every turn.

However, no matter how hard I tried, I could not avoid them, and they would come to me on their own.

It was as if the future foresight wanted me to take care of the trouble.

But I never thought that I would be the one to get myself into that trouble.

The change in my mindset may be due to the many things that have happened in the months since I transferred to the new school.

Starting with Yuri’s family, and then Yuyu’s suffering. And just recently, Suika’s worries.

I would be lying if I said that these experiences were not difficult, but I am still glad to have been a part of it.

Thanks to them, I have learned a lot about everyone. They taught me things I didn’t know.

I was never able to get involved with anyone deeply, but now I am spending my time surrounded by many friends.

I just want to say that once I decided to get involved, it’s not a good idea to do so half-heartedly. I have often been told by Yuri that I am being kind half-hearted, and now it has become second nature to me.

In short, I don’t recommend that anyone should easily get involved in other people’s affairs. I would like to say that.




What is this? What time is it?

The clinking and clattering of forks and knives against dishes is the only sound that dominates the place.

Occasionally, there is the sound of a cork being pulled out of a bottle, and the sound of wine being poured topotopo into a glass.

“What’s the matter, Ito-kun? Perhaps it’s not to your taste?”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. ……”

“If so, please eat it while it’s still warm. If you want a refill, I will have one prepared for you.”

“Oh, no problem.”


We are in the middle of a dinner.

I visited the Fujibayashi family on the upper floor of their high-rise apartment building and tried to talk to Fujibayashi’s mother – Reina-san, who was at home today.

I was prepared to be pushed away, so I persisted and tried to talk to her for Fujibayashi’s sake, but for some reason, she invited me to dinner normally, and the three of us ended up eating together.

Naturally, there was no friendly conversation, and we just reached for the dishes on the table in silence.

Incidentally, a hired chef came to dinner and served us teppan dishes.

What do you mean you have a teppan at home? I want to say

I thought from the moment I looked up at the apartment, she seems to have an unbelievable amount of money.

Fujibayashi also had surprisingly good table manners and served the food in an elegant manner that I couldn’t imagine from her usual appearance.

So this is the gap society. ……

I also took a look at the food prepared for me and asked for a chance to have a conversation.

However, Reina san did not change her expression at all and was enjoying the food and wine.

According to Fujibayashi, Reina-san is the president of a famous cosmetics company.

Well, she certainly has the aura of a capable member of society, as she says.

An awkward silence followed. I wanted to run away right now.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any parents since Kurase

It was awkward in many ways then, but it is awkward in a different way this time, too. I want to quickly tell them what I want to do and leave.

“Oh, um, ……”

“Ito san. We are having dinner right now. If you want to talk, we can talk after dinner.”

“Uh, yes.”

I knew it wasn’t the right mood to start a conversation.

Was I supposed to talk about complicated things later? Or was it just a normal etiquette thing?

I can’t decide. ……

Fujibayashi had given up, and now we had no choice but to eat in silence.

Finally, the enjoyable dinner party was over, and the table was set up neatly by the nanny.

After-meal coffee was brought to each of us.

Although it was summer, the room was well air-conditioned and prepared hot.

Reina san, in the front, picked up a cup and drank it elegantly.

After placing the cup on the plate with a clink, Reina-san finally opened her mouth.

“I hope the meal was to your liking,”

“Yes, it was very good.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Umm! I came here today because…”

“Sana must have suggested something and forced you to come with her. I’m sorry, my daughter always acts without considering other people’s convenience.”

“Haa!? No–“

“No, I wasn’t forcefully brought here.”

Fujibayashi was about to argue with her, but I covered my words first. Fujibayashi was surprised by this and kept her mouth shut.

“I came here to talk to Reina-san as a friend of Fujibayashi’s.”

” …… talk, huh? I have an idea what you asked me to do. For the record, I’m not going to listen to you if it’s about academics. I’m going to have her study at home all summer except for remedial classes. That’s why I’m going to have a tutor come in. It’s not just for the summer. I’m going to have her do that for the rest of the summer and beyond.”


She made the first move. I was about to tell her exactly …….

And not just for the summer, but for the rest of the year as well.

For the free-spirited Fujibayashi, that is just too much. Even if she had to study, she might not be able to put much effort into it if there are too many restrictions on her activities.

“I think that …… is too strict.”

“Too strict? I’ve been too lenient up to now.
Not only are her grades bad in school, but if I ask, she doesn’t even go to school properly. I’m sorry that I was too busy with my work to take care of her. I am also responsible for neglecting her, so it is my responsibility to make sure she can do as well as anyone else. That’s why I’m trying to provide her with the best possible environment for her to do so.”

“You’re talking nonsense again…”

“Fujibayashi, I want you to leave this to me.”

“…… yes.”

When I stop her, Fujibayashi obediently backs down. Seeing this, Reina san’s gaze also became sharper.

“When it comes to studying, I will be responsible for teaching hrt. So, could you allow her a little more freedom?…Please.”


I say what I want to say and bow my head. Fujibayashi next to me was upset because she didn’t seem to expect me to bow my head.

“Why should I listen to you? This is a family matter.”

“…… still …… Fujibayashi doesn’t like it.”

“When you go out into the world, there will be plenty of things you don’t want to do. You will have to bow your head, even if you don’t want to. You won’t grow up if you just keep on complaining like a child. You seem to know that.”

“I don’t think it will be effective if she is unwilling to do it.”

“It’s still better than not doing it at all. Or do you think …… you can do it? Do you think you can rehabilitate my selfish and selfish daughter?”

“I don’t know. But I will do what I can do. And …… Fujibayashi isn’t that selfish and self-indulgent.”


Silence ensued. In the meantime, her cold gaze held my attention and did not let go.

As expected, it might be impossible for someone like me to listen to the request. If you say it’s a family situation, you’re right. Sticking one’s head in there is called uncouth. Still, I wanted to do something about Fujibayashi’s troubles.

“That’s fine. If you insist, I’ll leave it to you.”


What did you say?

“Didn’t you hear me? If you’re that confident, I’ll leave Sana in your hands.”

It was so easy. It was a bit of a letdown. No, I had thought she would reject me more than that, though we had been talking about it for quite a while.

“Is it that easy? I asked you for it….”

“I don’t mind.”

Reina-san replies while sipping her coffee.

I exhale a little, reassured by that.

“But you have to accept my conditions.”

“The …… conditions?”

“Yes. I’m not so foolish as to think that it will work out if I simply leave it to her. If that condition can be met, then I will continue to allow Sana some freedom.”

That’s right. But the conditions…….

What in the world kind of unreasonable demands will be forced upon me?

“One, she must attend all make-up classes. On top of that, she must pass all the supplementary lesson’s confirmation tests.”

This is …… well, is it natural? I don’t know how good Fujibayashi’s academic ability is now.

Didn’t Sasaoka say that the confirmation test is on the last day of each supplementary class?

If Fujibayashi does not score well on that test, she will be in remedial hell for the second half of the summer vacation.

This is a condition for Fujibayashi, but it is also imposed on me as a teacher.

And one more thing…is there more?

“Two, from tomorrow until the next confirmation test, you must take at least three hours of lessons from your tutor every day.”

“Wha!? That’s not what you said!!”

“You know what? This is still a compromise. If you can’t hear that, I can stop what I just said and force you to make you study all the time, okay? It would be so easy to hire someone to keep you in the house.”


The second is also a condition for Fujibayashi.

This is somewhat better than the fact that she was originally scheduled to spend most of her time outside of remedial classes. While tutoring itself may be unpleasant for Fujibayashi, if she did not pass the test, she would end up with less freedom. Although I said I would teach her, there are limits to what I can do on my own, so in that sense, I am grateful for Reina san’s suggestion.

“Three. If by any chance you fail the test or show no signs of improvement in your attitude toward life, you will be held responsible.”


Fujibayashi’s mother looked at me and said this with a cold gaze.

I’m responsible? What, what are you going to do ……?

“You meddled in someone else’s family affairs. You have to be prepared for that.”

“Oh, um, what …… does that mean?”

Still not understanding what she was saying, I repeated the question again.

“Responsibility is responsibility. You have to take responsibility for the lives of others.”


It’s true that from Fujibayashi’s mother’s point of view, she’s entrusting me with the opportunity to rehabilitate her daughter, so yes, I do, but …… it’s an exquisite way of putting it that I don’t understand.

So I’d like to ask what happens if I take responsibility. ……?

It’s not like I’m holding her life in my hands or anything, is it?

“You don’t have to look so scared. There’s no need to look so scared, it’s not like I’m going to take your life and eat it. I’d like you to take Sana’s life with you.”

“…… Yes?”

Wait a minute. That means …… that kind of thing?

Eh, is that possible in this atmosphere ……? No, right?

I mean, the time period is subtly short! Too short to shoulder the responsibility for someone’s life!

Reina-san looked at me hasty and laughed a little.

…… are you perhaps teasing me? Someone like Reina-san would never …… think that.

“I’m serious.”

….. serious.

Fujibayashi had a ? in her head, as if she didn’t know what she was talking about.

“As long as you can keep these three things, you can do whatever you want. Of course, you can do whatever you want outside of tutoring and tutoring, just as you have always done. As long as she can pass the course.”

Can I just nod here? It seems like some kind of irrevocable contract.

Well, I can’t say that I’ve come this far and it’s all good. Is there no choice but to make up my mind…?

No,…… if it’s Fujibayashi, I’m sure she’ll be fine. I have no choice but to believe that.

“I understand. Fujibayashi will be okay with that?”

“……If Arase says so, I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you.”

“That’s my line!…Thanks”

Fujibayashi looked away, hercheeks tinted, and said so bluntly.

“Then, it’s getting late, so I’ll call a cab. Wait for it to come.”

I managed to persuade Fujibayashi’s mother, and a few minutes later, I was in the cab that had been called for me and headed home.

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