“Five-year-old Luca has developed an aura?”
With a dull thud, the drinks on the table spilled heavily.
The cream-colored carpet is stained, but the white-haired man, without showing any sign of caring about it, raises his voice even more.
“Yes, it’s true. Father just told me.”
“Kuh !”
The people who are talking are the son and daughter of the Duke Salvatore family. In other words, Luca’s brother and sister.
They’re gray hair was shaken, especially the male one, who was very upset.
“It’s impossible. An aura at the age of five? Even the first head of the family awakened his aura for the first time when he was eight years old !? Three years earlier than that……”
“He is definitely the fastest of all time. It is said that he won the duel with Camlen with his power.”
“Ha!! Camlen is just a small fry. He can’t even use his aura to measure up.”
“But Camlen is seven years old. It’s not easy to beat someone who’s two years older than you. You know that, don’t you? You can’t beat me.”
“S-shut up ! I will kill you soon. But right now, it’s more about Luca. If Luca really did manifest his aura, his talent is far beyond ours, even that of the first head of the family.”
“That’s right. We awakened our aura when we were twelve years old. The difference is overwhelming.”
“I didn’t expect to see a more powerful opponent than Sister Norn……”
“We still don’t know if his talent is real or not, do we?”
“What are you talking about? Sister Norn manifested her aura at the age of ten. She is now the most powerful swordsman beside Father. No doubt, Luca will rise to the top.”
“Instead, we are far from the head of the family, huh?”
The white-haired woman looks out the window with melancholy.
But on the contrary, the man was ready to kill. It is not a good idea to leave Luca like this.
“Damn it, damn it, damn it ! I can’t just sit on my hands like this !”
Biting his nails, the white-haired man kicked the chair violently and left the room.
The white-haired woman watched him go and muttered to herself.
“You’re a stupid man. Your talent is no match for Luke. After all, we are–“
After that, the sound disappeared.
There was no need to put it into words.
The next morning.
I woke up feeling refreshed, and after finishing breakfast, I was led to the training hall by the butler.
According to him, the head of the family, Lucius, had prepared a special opponent for me.
Would I have to fight someone else again?
I thought so, but what was waiting for me was a woman with black hair.
She was much older than me. That’s no wonder. She is Norn Salvatore, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Salvatore.
Her red eyes shone suspiciously beautifully.
“Hello, Luca. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other like this.”
“It’s been a long time, Sister Norn. When did you return to the mansion?”
“I returned yesterday. I was taking a rest and suddenly Father came to see me. He told me that Luca had a talent and that I should teach him the sword and aura. Luca is five years old now, but you can use your aura?”
“I can. Look.”
Yesterday, under the supervision of Lilith, I had aura training. My aura manipulation ability, which had been subtle, has improved since yesterday.
Perhaps, Sister Norn should be able to sense even the smallest amount of aura.
” ! It’s true. That’s great, Luca. By far the fastest. Faster than the first head of the family…….”
“Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be a fine swordsman like you, Sister Norn.”
“I’m not that admirable. Ehehe.”
Sister Norn is the strongest swordsman in the family except beside my father, Lucius.
Her tone is clean and calm, but her ability is real.
The Salvatore family member who challenged her to a fight once, who used to be my older brother, was killed by her sword. It was a single blow.
She seems calm now, but she also has a fierce side like a member of the Salvatore family.
“–Oh, yes. I heard that Camlen was abusing Luca, that you had a duel, and that you spoke out of turn.”
“Eh? Ah, yes.”
How did she know all that? I don’t think Lucius would talk about it……
“That’s not good. He doesn’t have talent, but he’s dragging down Luca, who has talent.”
My sister’s voice is getting lower and lower. She’s definitely angry.
“If you’re a Salvatore, you must die. I’ll go and kill him for you. –Both Camlen and the butler who interfered with Luca.”
Her tone of voice was the same, but her body was emitting a dense killing spirit.
The butler nearby shudders and his face turns blue. Even he, who has fought in many battles, is like this. I also could not stop sweating.
She is the strongest of the Salvatore family !
She also appeared in the game. She was one of the enemy characters with overwhelming strength.
Such an opponent is right in front of me. Within reach of my sword.
It doesn’t even reach her now, but….someday, my blade will kill her.
I want to be strong enough to kill her, I thought.
But that’s it. It doesn’t matter now.
I managed to smile awkwardly and said to her,
“No. You don’t have to kill Brother Camlen or the butler.”
“Really? Even though they’re a small fry? Do you think they’re worth living…..?”
“Maybe Brother Camlen will grow up. Besides, the head of the family is also the one who stopped me. He’ll be angry if you kill the butler without permission.”
“Muu……I don’t want Father to be angry with me. It can’t be helped. Please allow me special forgiveness.”
Sister Norn wiped away her murderous intent with a smile.
The butler and I both felt relieved.
“I mean, are you going to teach me the sword and the aura, SIster Norn?”
“Yes. I’m happy to do it for the sake of my little brother.”
Sister Norn hugged me.
Two bulges are against my face.
You said earlier that you were going to kill one of my brothers.
I knew it was talent after all. Talented people are recognized as younger brothers? Salvatore is a crazy family.
I’m the only sane one.
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