
The requests that the academy undertakes and distributes to students are basically for those who ‘want to gain experience.

Even if the academy is attended by nobles, not all of them will succeed to their families and become lords.

The second son who is not the eldest may become an adventurer, a knight, or a mage.

People who are looking to the future like that take the job in order to gain experience, and almost no one takes it for money. Only a special student like Sophia would take the course for the money.

“So, what’s the point of having new students do it on their first day of school…..?

The location has changed, and they are now in a harbor town with a view of the sea via a carriage ride.

The sun has completely set and there is not even a trace of the school that was the setting, Yuran’s shoulders slumped as he basked in the sea breeze.

“Yu-kun, it’s the sea! This is the one that goes to the beach and says, “Hahahaha~!” “Hey, wait for me!” type of chase!”

“Why must we do the old-fashioned couple scene?”

Tia’s figure is reflected on the side of the screen, frolicking, perhaps happy to be going on an outing with Yuran.

On the other hand, Sasha, looking around the port town with the request form in one hand, had a serious expression on her face.

“If I do …… this request and show Tia a good part of myself, I can get closer to her.”

However, it seems that the vector of serious thinking was pointing a bit in the direction of the opposite direction.

Yuran looked away, not wanting to get involved.

“I mean, why did you bring the request just in time, nee san? No, I know what you’re talking about, about lowering your reputation and reducing your voice.”

If she does the request, at least her reputation in the school will improve.

In any case, teachers and students alike will have the impression that she is strong enough to handle the requests and that she is a person who tries to fulfill her duties as an aristocrat.

Sophia is a commoner, so her reputation is only enhanced by her personality and rare healing abilities, but Rex, the son of the Knight Commander, who is currently the most influential character in the game, is directly connected to his reputation as a nobleman. Therefore, if he were to fail in his request, his credibility would surely be affected in no small way.

However, why did Tia bring the mission so conveniently?︎︎︎︎︎ Moreover, they were about to take it.
Such were the questions that Yuran had.

And Tia, with her cheeks puffed out in response to Yuran’s question…

“I was about to go back…… when I saw that Sophia and Rex. Something like, “This will be a good experience for Yuran-kun! It will also raise Yuran’s evaluation, which has been lowered due to the violence!””


Yuran smiled bitterly and added, “I appreciate that you care about me, but I don’t need someone on my side.”

“I was thinking that if things continue as they are, Yuran-kun is going to be going out with that commoner, so I thought I’d get ahead of her and squash her!”

“A bundle of action”

If Tia were to marry anyone, she would be absolutely devoted to them.

Now, a glimpse of that much energy has been seen. Although, to its detriment, unnecessary fights are likely to break out.

“Well, I understand why, but …… why me? It’s already getting dark, and I’m feeling like I want to go straight home.”

“Fufu, that’s a funny thing to say, Yu-kun, of course it’s because I wanted to have a …… night view date.”

“Fufu You’re crazy, you’re wrong in the first place when you say that the target of your …… date is your brother, don’t you realize that?”

But even if he said this and that, there was no way he was going to leave for free after visiting all this way. In fact, it’s a hassle, and there’s no way she’ll let him go home for free.

(I really don’t want to be a part of Sasha because it’s a hassle and it involves a character who is going to be captured……)

The capture character and the main character will give Tia a doom flag.

It’s definitely best to stay out of it as much as possible to avoid eating into that involvement.

That is why he did not want to accept the offer to join Sasha’s faction and be a supporter.


(At this rate, it looks like she won’t let me leave until I have a night date with her. …… haaa, I would have gladly gone out with her if she wasn’t family)

Good visuals, devoted and single-minded. She’s a little crazy sometimes, but basically she’s very kind to those she likes.

If it weren’t for his sister, Yuran would have happily taken a page out of his precious youth.

However, that is not the case.

To prevent a date with a night view, he switched to fulfilling the request.

“So, what kind of request is it?”

Leaving Tia to imagine her own date with the night view, Yuran approached Sasha, who was staring at the request form.

“It seems that we’re going to clean up the bandits who are probably using this place as their base of operations.”

“Ugh,……, how dare you let your students do something that the Knights would do? Why would Sophia san even want to take this?”

I think it’s about the money and the level of difficulty. 

“Isn’t it about the money and the level of difficulty? It seems like it’s the highest-ranking mission posted at the school, and if you can complete it, you’ll get a lot of feedback from the teachers.”
Of course, there may be a financial motive, but judging from Tia’s comment, Sophia is trying to raise Yuran’s lowered evaluation, even at her own peril.

Yuran was again moved by the charm of the main character, saying, “She is very kind”

“Well, let’s get on with the search before Sophia san and the others find it. Even if we run into each other, I’m sure you and I will have plenty of time.”

“…. I’ve been forced to take pity, and I’d like to be rewarded with some kind of work. This is free work for me, right? I didn’t even say I’d join a faction.”

“Oh, well, how about I reward you by doing something you boys would enjoy?”


“Would you mind not staring at my breasts so openly? I’m just kidding.”

Unexpectedly pervert, she said

Sasha tapped Yuran lightly on the head, tugged on his sleeve, and strode off into the city.

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