“…I had a terrible experience.”
“Yuito suddenly started drowning and I really panicked, you know?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect my legs to cramp……”
We were sitting on a bench by the pool talking about such things. I was feeling exhausted until a while ago, but I’m finally starting to get back to my normal state.
“Besides, I gave Yuito the first kiss I cherished for the past 18 years, so I need you to take responsibility.”
“If you say that, it would be like I lost my first kiss to Kano san, so isn’t it fair? It’s what is called an equivalent exchange.”
“There’s no way my first kiss and Yuito’s first kiss are worth the same, so it can’t be an equivalent exchange.”
It’s true that there are many people who would pay a lot of money to have Kano san’s first kiss, but there are probably very few people who like things like me.
“Speaking of which, you still haven’t been punished for lying and trying to hide the fact that you and Suzuno chan were in close contact before, and you’re starting to owe me more and more.”
“I’m about to get stuck in debt, so could you please forgive me?”
“I’ll give it some thought.”
“No, no, those are the words of someone who has no motivation from the beginning.”
I couldn’t help but poke fun at Kano san, who was smiling and speaking like a politician.
“For now, Yuito is feeling better, so it’s time to go back to playing.”
“Well, what’s next?”
The calf of both legs is still a little sore, so it’s difficult for me to move vigorously, but other than that, I’m totally fine.
“How about a sauna?”
“I understand. Oh, before we go any further, let me tell you that I won’t compete with you in any kind of endurance contest.”
“Eh, you won’t?”
“I’ll never do it.”
I said this firmly to Kano san, who was looking at me with a slightly dissatisfied expression on her face. I really don’t want my debt to Kano san to increase any further.
We then went to the sauna, where we enjoyed ourselves for a while and then went back to playing in the Jacuzzi and the flowing pool.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
“…..It’s already late.”
“True, there were a lot of happenings, but we had a lot of fun, and it all happened so fast.”
The digital clock on the wall reads 17:00. When I was changing in the locker room, it must have been past 14:00, so it looks like nearly three hours have passed while I was engrossed in playing around.
It was almost time to go home and meet up with Kenji and the others. Kano san and I started looking for the three of them and we were able to find them rather quickly. But there was something a little strange about the three of them.
“Hey, hey, you all look so gloomy, what’s going on?”
“Can’t you see, Kaito and I failed miserably at picking up girls?”
“They’re so merciless that I feel like it’s going to break my heart…”
Kenji and Kaito said in unison. I see, that’s why the two of them look so depressed. But more than that, Sho’s heartbreak was so drastic that I was concerned.
“For now, I understand Kenji and Kaito, but what happened to Sho? His cheeks are also turning red.”
“That’s right, listen, Yuito. Sho’s guy actually had a girlfriend.”
“Oh, he’s been hiding it from us all this time.”
Kenji and Kaito exclaimed with some excitement. I was quite surprised as it was completely new to me that Sho had a girlfriend.
“By the way, why is Sho so depressed? Don’t tell me you two torture Sho together?
If so, I would have to rethink my future relationship with Kenji and Kaito. While I was thinking about this, Sho, who had been silent until now, raised his voice.
“……She saw me picking up a girl and slapped me.”
I couldn’t help but let out a stupid sound at the words I wasn’t expecting. For now, I begin to hear the detailed circumstances from Sho.
Sho had recently started dating a girl in the next class, who happened to be at Tokyo Summer Hills with a friend of hers.
He was seen picking up a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time, and after a lot of verbal abuse, he was slapped in the cheek.
Kenji and Kaito, by the way, saw the scene from a distance and realized that Sho had a girlfriend.
“I’m pretty sure that’s 100 percent your fault.”
“…She was so angry that she might dump me.”
Sho looked like it was the end of the world. My honest opinion is that you shouldn’t pick up girls if you have a girlfriend.
“After this, I’m planning to have a consolation party for Sho with Kaito somewhere, what will you do, Yuito?”
“Hmm, I…..”
“You should go now, because I kept borrowing Yuito from the three of you the whole time we were at the pool.”
I was at a loss as to what to do, but Kano san gave me permission, so I decided to go. Even before I go, I can already feel that it’s going to be a chaotic meeting, but I’ll just hang out with the three of them.
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