
At the doorway was Sakimiya-san, a beautiful girl in mine fashion.

I was startled the moment I saw her and later flinched.

“W-Why is Sakimiya-san here ……?!”

“Eh? K-Kazakiri kun!?”

Sakimiya-san also seemed surprised to see me, and dropped the moving buckwheat noodles in the box she was carrying at her feet with a thud.

“S-Somehow Kazakiri-kun, you’re my neighbor!?”

“That’s my line, Sakimiya-san! wait, neighbor?”

“Yes. I’m moving in next door to this room today. So I thought I’d give my neighbor some soba noodles to say hello.”

I can’t believe Sakimiya-san is moving into the room next to mine. Is there such a thing ……!

There are plenty of rooms in the apartments around here, and to be in the room next to mine, of all places, is not just a matter of destiny or something like that.……

“I was so surprised…… I never thought that Kazakiri-kun would be my neighbor.”

“M-Me too!”

It’s nice to see such an opportunistic development in a romantic comedy, but it’s scary to see it come full circle.

“Um…it would be bad if we continue to talk like this, so if you don’t mind, could you come into my room? I want to ask you a lot of things.”


I invited Sakimiya san into my room, unable to hide our mutual surprise.

Today is not the time to be going to lectures, and since it’s a no-attendance lecture, let’s just skip it.

In a way it was a good thing that I had prepared with the intention of going to college.

If Sakimiya-san saw me getting up from bed, it would be the end of my life.

“Kazakiri-kun, is it okay if we don’t go to the lecture?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. 4th period is a lecture where you don’t have to attend and just take notes, so I’ll ask Hinata later.”

“I see.”

Sakimiya san is so smart that she even remembers the lecture schedule.

Sakimiya-san is really kind to me for worrying about me…

“Oh, wait a minute, Sakimiya-san.”


I ask Sakimiya-san to wait for a moment before I open the door that leads from the hallway to my room.

Maybe it smells …….

Worried about the lingering odors, I went into the room first, sprayed the deodorant Five Breeze, and opened the window to ventilate the room.

“Is this okay ……?”

I look around the room.

Surprisingly, I am a minimalist, so I don’t have many things in my room other than furniture, and I have a habit of folding the clothes I hang out to dry on the clothesline and putting them away, so it’s not cluttered.

If it’s like this, it won’t be a problem even if Sakimiya san sees it.

I go out into the hallway and welcome Sakimiya san into my room.

“Sorry to bother you. …… Wow, Kazakiri-kun’s room is so clean.”

To put it better, maybe it is, but to put it worse, there’s just nothing in there. ……

On the other hand, is Sakimiya-san’s room all pink?

“F-For now you could just sit here for now.”

“Thank you, Kazakiri-kun.”

I put a chair in front of the low-back table in the center of the room and ask Sakimiya-san to sit down.

I take out the barley tea from the refrigerator, pour it into a cup, and serve it in front of Sakimiya san.

“I never expected you to move in next door to me, so I was surprised just now.”

“I was surprised too. I was also surprised that Kazakiri-kun was in this apartment,……, it seems like fate, doesn’t it?”
I guess it’s fate …….

“Why did you move, Sakimiya-san?”

“Umm you know, I decided to move because my neighbor in my previous apartment was a bit scary rocker ……a noise polluter.”

“That must have been tough.”

If you were in so much trouble that you had to move, you should have consulted me about it. ……

I wonder if Sakimiya san still doesn’t trust me that much.

“It’s because my previous apartment was like that that I thought if I could get along with my neighbor with moving soba noodles like this,…… I felt great relief that Kazakiri-kun was my neighbor. If I ever have a problem, I can rely on him, and most importantly Because it’s Kazekiri-kun.”

“S-Sakimiya san,……”

Sakimiya-san trusts me …….

“If you have any trouble, just tell me anything! Look, I’ll help you unpack things, throw away cardboard boxes, etc! I’ll do anything!”

I was so happy that I said this excitedly.

Sakimiya-san looks at me and gives a small smile.

“Fufu, Thank you, Kazakiri-kun. Then, let’s get started.”


“Actually, I made a little mistake when I moved in.”


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8 months ago

Wait, he didn’t ask her out? They’re not dating? He tells her he likes her then that’s that? Come on man…