
“Wait a minute, Hazuki. Why are you lying like that? What’s the point of doing that?”

Hazuki, who had been going out with me, would know that my will wouldn’t waver just because my position in the class was getting worse.

I think Hazuki might not have understood me as well as I thought.

My classmates are looking at me suspiciously. It will be uncomfortable from now on, but as long as I can graduate, I can say that there is no particular problem.

I don’t have to prove that the pregnancy is a lie. If I were to insist stubbornly, I could just use a pregnancy test.

Hazuki didn’t seem to understand me, but I don’t. I’ve been dating Hazuki for about three months, so I think I know most of what’s going on.

I’m not going to back down, but neither is Hazuki. It seems we have no choice but to talk it out.

Talking is not really my forte. Hazuki is smart and quick-witted, so I’ve never been able to win an argument with her.

But I know that if I keep running away from the situation, I will never be able to solve it… To be honest, I have a feeling of fear, but I’m going to do my best.

“To be sure, it doesn’t mean anything, but…I guess this is just a preliminary step. This act itself may not mean anything, but… once you get home, it will be a different story.”

“Home? Did you do something to my family?”

“No, I didn’t do anything to them. Don’t worry about it.”

“…is that so?” 

Is it really okay to believe?…I have come to a conclusion before thinking about such stupid questions. Hazuki may have been trying to contact my family, or rather, Mai.

If yesterday’s view was not a dream, if Mai is cooperating with Hazuki, I am sure I am in a disadvantageous position.

I am vulnerable if Mai is brought out of the picture.

“I understand. I’ll leave it at that. I have something I want to say to Hazuki.”

“What, are you going to get back together with me?”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Ha? Why?”

“Why? I told you the other day, I broke up with Hazuki out of bitterness for her sake. I thought Hazuki would be happier without me.”

Hearing my words, my classmates started to change their attitudes.

“I’m sure Nijihashi is right about that. I feel sorry for Hazuki if she goes out with that guy. She can’t be happy.”

“Yes, Nijihashi is right.”

“Hazuki san, you shouldn’t go out with that guy. I know it’s hard to get pregnant, but it’s only a matter of letting ○○ or ○○ happen.”

The teacher came in just as the morning assembly chime rang, just as the whole class was starting to express their concern for Hazuki.

Apparently, this matter will be put off.

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Light novel junky
Light novel junky
11 months ago

Whoa…. Is this a Japanese novel? Kinda doubtful, since he talked back against the group and they don’t really do that.

11 months ago


11 months ago

Too wuss to keep his high spec girl, but fighting off the whole class’ condemnation? No prob.

I swear his self-esteem is on a slider.