
★Yano Ai (Side)

I wonder if Akuru and Mari chan are having fun right now……

Me, Sara and Haruka are on our way with Kaori san to the place where we are meeting Suguru’s parents.

Mari-chan provided the location, so it’s unlikely that Suguru will find out.

Haruka is …… fired up. ……

Sara looks a little anxious ……

But still, surprisingly, Kaori san is …… more nervous than Sara. ……

“Kaori san,…… are you okay?”

“Eh, yeah, I’m just a little worried.”


“I haven’t seen Suguru-kun for about a year,……, and I’m good friends with his parents, so it’s even more awkward for me,…….”

Kaori-san smiled, looking a little troubled.

“It’s okay…we’ll talk about Suguru, so Kaori-san can just listen and say what she thinks. Are Haruka and Sara okay with that?

“Yes, Mom! There’s no need to worry too much about, since you are not really a party to it! ”

“Yes, I think so too.”

“I see. …… Well, I’ll do what I can do. ……”

The anxiety seemed to have disappeared from Kaori san’s face as she said that.

We arrived at the rendezvous point.

It seems to be one of the cafes run by the Jinguji family, and it’s reserved for private use today.
It’s still awesome ……

When I entered, Suguru’s parents were already there.

The father is Kamiya Manabu and the mother is Kamiya Toko.

Both of them are very devoted to Suguru and have very conscientious hearts.

Of course, we were also indebted to them.

We greeted each other and took our seats.

“Then let’s talk…… first, tell me what you and Manabu san are thinking and what happened”

Kaori said with an unusually serious expression on her face.

“Yes,……, we honestly don’t know much about it either,…….”

When Toko-san said that, Manabu-san opened his mouth.

“I thought it was a little weird before the summer vacation, but right after the summer vacation started, he suddenly turned blonde…and I was really surprised when I heard from my neighbors that he was apparently hanging out with delinquents…”

I knew the situation was that they knew almost nothing about it. ……

Haruka is not very good at explaining things,…… and Sara doesn’t seem to be able to explain things calmly,…….

I could ask Kaori san to help, but since she is not a party to this, I think it would be better for me to talk…

“I think I can give you some idea of what’s causing that. ……”

“I see!”

“Ai chan! Please tell me about it!”

“This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but are you okay?”

When I said this, they both gulped down their spit and nodded.

“I started feeling uncomfortable when we were in junior high school. ……”

I told them that I started to feel a little restrained or that his personality had changed since the end of junior high school.

“I have no idea why this is, …… and what I’m going to tell you is what happened after we entered high school. ……”

I told them that Suguru had told the boys that we were engaged to be married and that we had had sexual intercourse with each other.

Manabu-san looked very pale, and Toko-san said, “That’s….” and was very depressed.

“And the reason why Suguru has changed so much …… probably lies with us …….”

“Eh? Ai chan and the others? What is that ……?”

“I hate to say this, but it’s because …… we have a boyfriend. ……”


They are both very surprised……

“That’s ….. I see,…….”

After Manabu san turned his head down and said that, Toko san opened her mouth.

“Well, does that mean that …… his childhood friend Ai chan and the others were taken?”

“In our opinion, that’s what it means. …… We even told him that we’re engaged….”

“Yes,……, but didn’t the three of you have a little bit of a crush on Suguru,……?”

“Well…to be honest, both Haruka and Sara had feelings for Suguru…but do you think you can continue to love him after hearing such terrible rumors?”

In truth, that’s not the only reason……. I didn’t really like him, but I did have feelings for him.

And there were more things that could have cooled my feelings for him, but I couldn’t push it any further. ……

“Well,…… speaking from a woman’s point of view,…… I wonder if I can ever forgive it. ……”

Lighty said, her shoulders slumped.

“So you’re saying there’s no way to undo it..?”

Manabu-san probably thought he could find a solution today,……

It’s as if he said he couldn’t solve the problem, so it’s no wonder …… he’s depressed. ……

It would be easy to solve it if we just went out with Suguru, if you ask me. ……

But that’s never going to happen. ……I don’t even want to imagine dating anyone other than Akuru once I meet him. ……

Haruka and Sara would definitely feel the same way……

“Have you two had any conversations with …… Suguru lately?”

“No, not at all. …… He doesn’t even want to talk to me. ……”

“I’m the same way …….”

I knew it, it seems like it’s a lot of trouble. ……

After that, the air became heavy and everyone fell silent. ……

And after a while, Kaori san spoke up.

“I understand what’s troubling you, Toko-san and Manabu-san,…… but right now I need you two to keep a careful eye on Suguru-kun,…….”

“Yes, that’s right. ……”

“I also want Suguru-kun to return to his normal self,…… but I think it will be difficult right now,…… so let’s all keep an eye on him for now and try to persuade him when we get a chance,…….”

“I guess we’ll have to do that. ……”

Well, that’s what we’re going to do. ……

And honestly, there’s no solution we can realistically take. ……

And now Suguru won’t listen to us at all if we talk to him. ……

I’d like to say something thoughtful, but I can only come up with words of comfort from both of them. ……

“I’m sorry, both of you,…….”

I said and bowed my head.

Then Sara and Haruka seemed to realize why I bowed my head and bowed their heads next.

“Eh? Why are the three of you apologizing….”

“That’s right,……, the three of you are not at fault at all,…….”

The two seemed to be confused.

I know we don’t have to apologize either,…….

But we are in no small part the reason why Suguru turned out the way he did.

In a way, this is an apology out of our guilt……
“Well,…… we’ll talk to Suguru when the time is right,……”

I don’t know if that time will ever come, but if it does, we’ll talk it over. ……

“”Thank you …….””

Suguru’s parents said so, smiling weakly.

After we split up, we were walking and talking.

“Ai-chan,……I’m sorry,……I didn’t know what to say, so I left it all to Ai-chan,……”

“I was the same way,…… I put a lot of energy into the challenge, but when it came down to it, I just couldn’t think clearly. ……”

“I’m sorry too…… for leaving it all up to Ai-chan, even though I’m an adult……”

You both shouldn’t have to worry about such things……

And even Kaori san….

“It’s okay,…… we decided before that we would help each other,…… Haruka, Sara and Kaori san shouldn’t be so depressed over something like this…. I’m a little embarrassed by what I said.”

I said this to myself, feeling a little embarrassed and turning my face away.

Seeing me like that, the three of them chuckled and said

“I see, that’s right. …… then it’s thank you, not sorry! Ai-chan.”

”Yes, thank you, Ai-chan.”

“Thanks a lot, Ai chan.”

“Y-yeah, ……, this much is obvious.”

I’m glad the three of you are feeling better. ……

Still, I couldn’t figure out how to get Suguru back to normal in the end. ……

His parents seemed to be in a lot of pain. ……

I wish there was something we could do, but there’s nothing we can do about it……

I know it’s not very likely. I hope time will tell. ……

I went home with that thought in my head.

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