
★Yano Ai (Side)

Today, two days after the summer festival, I was invited by Haruka, and Haruka, Sara and I were at the café.

By the way, Kaori san was at work and Mari had family matters to attend to.

“So, what’s up today Haruka?”

“I wanted to have a regular girls’ night out, so I invited everyone to play together.”

“I agree with you that we should have a regular girls’ night out.”

“But I’m having a hard time because when I tell my mom that we should all hang out together, she gets a bit confused because we’re so far apart in age.”

It’s true that when you play with kids the same age as your daughter, you have to be careful. ……

Even if we don’t have to think that way, I would if I were in Kaori san’s shoes. ……

This is my opinion, but from Kaori san’s point of view, Haruka is her own child even if they have the same lover.

And since Sara and I have also been taken care of since we were little, I think that combined with her feelings would make her think that way even more so. ……

“I think that’s true,……, but Kaori-san is a solid adult, so it’s natural that she’d have trouble playing with us,…….”

“Hmm, I guess that’s what you all think too. In fact, that’s what she said when I asked her about it…When I asked her if she’s not flirting with Akuru, she said after he graduated from high school.”

“Well, if that’s what Kaori-san says, maybe we should respect that. ……

“Haruka-chan, did you feel like Kaori san was saying that because she was concerned about us?”

“To be honest, I don’t feel that way, but I think she really meant it.”

It might not matter if we talk about it alone. ……

After all, it’s up to Kaori san……

” …… It’s probably no good if we think about it alone. …… Let’s invite Mari and have a girls’ night with Kaori san and the five of us next time and discuss it. ……”

“Yeah, that’s right. ……”

“Hmm, well, it’s a good opportunity …… to do that.”

“I guess so.”

“By the way, Ai chan, what are you going to do tomorrow?”

Haruka suddenly started grinning and said so.

I honestly think my parents would approve.

Or maybe they already approve of it, since they talk about Akuru regularly. ……

If someone asks me what I’m going to do about it, well, that’s ……

But it’s a little, no, pretty embarrassing to talk about it before that……

“For now, forgive me, I’ll tell you properly later. ……”

“Hahaha, all right, Ai chan, good luck!”

“Ai chan, just take it easy and let Akuru kun take care of things!”

“I-I know.”

I sipped my coffee to calm my slightly disturbed mind and looked out the window.

At that moment, I saw something amazing in my field of vision and almost spewed out my coffee.


“Eh? What’s wrong, Ai chan? You are in such a hurry.”

“What’s wrong?”

I couldn’t speak, so I pointed my finger.

“What? Something outside ……”


Haruka and Sara looked outside and were so surprised that they couldn’t keep their mouths shut…….

That’s no wonder,…… because there was a group of delinquents walking outside the window.

And among them was someone we were all familiar with,……

Suguru, with dyed hair,……

A week into summer vacation,…… what happened in this period of time. ……

I don’t think he had been involved before,…… because Suguru especially disliked delinquents,……

From the looks of things, it doesn’t seem like he’s fully acclimated yet.

But his eyes are clearly sharper than they were before the summer break……

After Suguru and the others were out of sight, we remained silent for a while.

After a while, Haruka spoke up.

“What do you two think?”

“I honestly don’t know. ……”

“Me neither. ……”

“That’s right. ……”

No wonder, I can honestly say that Suguru is a different person now than he was before.

There are so many things I don’t understand that I can’t think straight.

“I mean…maybe it’s not a particular delinquent group…”

“I don’t think that… That leader-like person is not well-known around here…”

“Well, yeah, I know. ……, I was just asking. ……”

“Akuru kun was rather famous too, but he’s not that bad either. …… When we were in middle school, a boy in our class said he was mugged. ……”

“Come to think of it, there have been fights about Akuru, but not a single rumor of bullying or mugging. ……”

“Let’s not talk about Akuru now ……, he’s not a delinquent …..”

“That’s true ……”


The three of us sighed heavily.

“I wonder if Suguru’s parents will be okay. ……”

I said, suddenly thinking about it.

His parents were very kind people, and they loved us as well.

“I know,…… it’s our fault after all,…….”

“No, but it was Suguru who changed before us? right Sara chi?”

“Yes, it’s true that we can’t help but think about his parents, but that doesn’t mean that we have to put up with it.”

“That’s true. ……”

“But I think we should have a talk with his parents in the near future.”

“Yes, it’s probably his parents who are the most confused.”

“But, you know, if Suguru-kun found out, it would be a big problem, wouldn’t it?”

“Of course, we’ll meet without his knowledge. …… We’ll ask one of our parents to help us.”

“That role should be played by my mom, since she’s related to us ……”

“Well, I don’t think we need to talk about the relationship between Akuru and Kaori san, but I think it would go most smoothly.”

“Well, we’ll have to have a group chat or something later.”

“I don’t think we’re in the mood to play anymore today. ……”

“I guess so. ……”

With that we disbanded.

★Kamiya Suguru (side)

“Damn it!!!”

I was on summer vacation, walking alone.

I wanted to somehow make the three of them mine, but I just couldn’t think of a way.

I thought of using force or assaulting them, but decided against it just in time.

I don’t have the courage to commit a crime ……

So I was walking around frustrated.


I bumped into someone.


I clicked my tongue and looked up.

It was a well-known delinquent around here, Saito Harato.

I was in a cold sweat. ……



“Are you good at games?”

What? Games? Why games?

I play games sometimes when Sato or Sakaguchi invite me to play. ……

According to the two of them, I have talent, but in my opinion, I didn’t care about my gaming talent or anything else.

Come to think of it, Sara also asked me out when I was in middle school, but I passed because I wasn’t interested ……

And now is not the time to think about that. ……

“Well, to some extent, ……”

“Well, then follow me.”

“Where to?”

“Where else but the arcade, since we’re playing games?”

Are you serious?

Why would I ……

Well, how could I refuse? ……

Saito took me to the arcade.

“Well, why do you want….. me?”

“Hmm? Because I happened to be looking for someone I could play games with and you were there.”

I don’t want you to ask me out for that reason. ……

After that, he made me play games with him, and Saito was surprisingly not a delinquent.

“You’re good at games, what’s your name?”

“Well, I’m Kamiya Suguru……”

“Suguru, follow me.”

With that said, I was taken to Saito and his group’s hangout.

They were obviously a group of delinquents, and all they had were flirtatious guys. ……

Why did he bring me here?

“This guy is Suguru, and he’s one of us from today.”


A friend?

I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to, so a week went by.

There are a few things I learned from being with this group of delinquents.

First of all, this group plays with women a lot.

It is not that they force or use drugs or anything like that, but they play around a lot.

They seem to get each girl on their own.

Second, they often get into fights and muggings.

They beat and mugged anyone they didn’t like.

I did not participate in these two things at all.

In fact, I was afraid of them at first.

But they were quite kind to their friends.

So after seven days, I was no longer afraid.

I had dyed my hair blonde, and I felt more at home.

And with Saito and the others, I had regained the confidence I had been losing.

I had a secret desire ……

I thought I could use Saito and the others to get Sara and the others back. …..

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3 days ago

Something tells me that Raito wouldn’t take kindly to being used like that Suguru.