
★Jinguji Mari(side)

“Well, I’ll tell you, Suguru is …….”

I was immensely surprised when I heard what she said.

His personality is about 180 degrees different from what I thought it would be. ……

I thought it was because of Akuru san, but apparently not at all, he was strange even before he met Akuru san.

“Let’s see, to summarize the story, he was a childhood friend of Ai san, Sara san, and Haruka san, and all three of them trusted him, who was kind to them. But little by little he stopped being nice, started spreading terrible rumors, became selfish, and kept causing trouble for all three of you.”

“That’s right.”

“And above all, he is always bad-mouthing Akuru san, is that what you are saying?”

To be honest, I was very angry when I heard that he was being talked about so badly.

“Yeah, that’s what I mean.”

“We’ve been trying not to get involved lately, but he hasn’t given up on us at all. ……”

“It really is, and that leads me to Sara chi’s story earlier.”

I see, I finally understood.

From what I’ve heard, it’s true that Suguru san, or rather Kamiya-san…doesn’t seem to realize that he’s saying something quite strange.

Rather than that, he thinks he’s right.

“So he’s still disturbing the three of them. ……”

“Well, we’re annoyed too. ……”

Hmmm, if I’m honest with you, he’s a great hindrance…..

“Well, let’s stop about Suguru kun here, I want to hear Mari chan’s story too.”

“Oh, that’s right, Kaori! san Then let me explain why I asked Akuru san to get engaged to me. ……”

I told them how I was saved by him a long time ago, how I worked hard to become a woman worthy of him, how I finally found him through a magazine, and how I fell in love with him wholeheartedly when I actually met him.

Of course, I didn’t tell them about my reincarnation, which was a nice way to connect the two.

“That means you’ve been in love with Akuru chan ever since you were in elementary school, Mari-chan!”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What’s that! That’s amazing! It’s just fate!”

“Yes, I think it’s very nice too.”

“I was thrilled to hear that. It’s really wonderful!”

“Fufu, I never thought that Mari chan would be the first among all of us to fall in love with Akuru kun”

“Yeah ♪”

“Mari-chan, Mari-chan, does Akuru chan know about that?”

“No, I’m thinking of keeping it a secret from him”

“Why is that?”

There are many reasons, but right now I simply want to get along with the current me and the current Akuru-san, so if we talk about the past, we might not be able to genuinely fall in love with each other, so I don’t want to talk about it if possible. ……

“Hmm, as I told you before, the old me was completely different from the present me… but I’ve changed, so I want Akuru-san to see only me after I’ve changed… so I left the weak me behind, so I don’t want to talk too much…”

“I see, so you want him to see only you as you are now. ……”

“Yeah! That’s what I’m saying.”

“Haa, but that’s good…”

“What is?”

“I can tell Mari chan loves Akuru, so I’m going to be frank, but we were actually very wary of you.”


“Yes, we heard that your engagement was decided by your parents, so we talked a lot about whether you didn’t like Akuru and what we should do if we didn’t get along with you.”

I didn’t know that was happening. …… That’s a little bit of a bad thing. ……

“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t think that much of it. ……”

“No, it’s okay, I’d rather say thank you now.”

“Thank you?”

“Yes, because we already trust you completely, and more than anything else, we can feel how you feel about Akuru, and we want to get to know you even better.”

“Yes, I feel the same way, Ai-chan!”

“I agree, let’s all get along well together.”

All four of you are really good people. ……

And on top of that, they’re cute. ……

I originally thought that all I needed was Akuru san, but now I’ve grown to love the four of them as well.

I hope it’s okay, being too happy…..

“Yes, by all means, let’s talk a lot from now on and get to know each other better and better!”

“Mari-chan, Mari-chan, listen, listen.”

“Yes, what is it, Haruka san?”

“About Akuru……”

Then we lost track of time and talked about him

“I see, as expected of Akuru san!”

Y”es, he’s amazing!”

“Um, guys?”

“What’s the matter, moom?”

“It’s okay to get excited, though, right? It’s already been an hour since Akuru kun left, you know?”


I was totally getting excited.

Akuru san has been waiting for me for a long time. ……

“Oh no, I’ll go get him!”

“It’s already been an hour and they’ve been talking for a long time. ……”

But the fact that they can talk for so long probably means that they’ve become friends…

I’d be happy if that was the case.

“Akuruu, the girls’ party is over.”

I heard Haruka’s voice.

It sounds like they finished talking without incident.

“Okay! Let’s go.”

And so I headed downstairs.


When I opened the door, everyone was talking really well.

“Well, it looks like you guys are getting along, huh?”

“Yes! Everyone was so nice to me and we got along great!”

“That’s right, Akuru! Mari chan is one of us now!”

Saying that, Haruka hugged Mari.

I was hoping they would get along… but isn’t that getting along too well?

What on earth were they talking about?

To be honest, I’m terribly curious, but I can’t listen to the conversation at a girls’ night out….

Well, there’s nothing wrong with getting to know each other, so I’ll stop worrying about the details.

“Let’s see, so let’s say again that the six of us will take care of each other from now on.”

“Yes! I’m looking forward meeting you all again.”


After that, the six of us had a nice talk, and then I gave Ai, Sara, and Mari the key that I hadn’t been able to give them after all.

By the way, I told everyone they could come and go as they please.

That night I was thinking.

“Well, one big problem solved for now. ……”

I had a lot on my mind, but I’m glad it ended up feeling like everyone was happy. ……

The five of them got along many times better than I imagined.

Mari seemed like having a lot of fun too.

And when I told my dad that Mari and I would get along well together, he was very happy.

Well, at the same time, I was troubled that he apologized so much to me.

It was amazing that my father and mother seemed to feel more responsibility for this engagement than I thought they would.

I was also very troubled at first, but I am grateful that they accepted the engagement.

If it hadn’t been for that, I might never have met Mari.

I wish I could meet Mari a little more easily, but her house is three stations over, so it’s not easy.

So, I’m feeling sorry that she has to come to my place every time. …… I’ll have to start going there from now on.

“But then again, I can finally catch my breath …….”

Summer vacation starts next week, and I’d love to go somewhere with everyone. ……

And it may be early, but I’d like to go say hello to Ai, Sara, and Mari’s parents.

Well, I’ll think about it after I get confirmation from them.

I think the only thing we need to worry about now is Kamiya. ……

I know he and Sara have been having problems lately.

I didn’t ask Sara and the others because I told them to focus on Mari and that we would take care of Kamiya.

But now that the Mari thing is resolved, it’s okay to get involved in Kamiya’s affairs, right?

“Well, I can’t have you telling me no though….”

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