
“S-Sorry to keep you waiting, Akuru-san.”

I was waiting at the meeting place and Mari came in a little out of breath.

“Why are you so tired?”

“Because I took a little time to get ready and I was in a hurry. ……”

You say that, but it’s only ten minutes before our meeting time.

“Don’t worry about that…it’s only ten minutes before our meeting time.”

“No, I’ve always tried to be on time.”

You’re a great young lady…very conscious.

“Well, shall we get going?”

“Yes! Let’s go! Akuru!”

She said and grabbed my arm with a smile.

Does Mari like to walk with her arms crossed?

It was the same last time, wasn’t it?

“Oh, by the way, where would Mari like to go today?”

Since Mari said there was a place she wanted to go on today’s date, I was told I didn’t have to think about anything.

“Actually, I like aquariums and I wanted to go there with Akuru san!”

“The aquarium, good, I haven’t been there in a long time.”

“I’m glad you liked it! Let’s go then!”

“So, how are we going to get there?”

Will Mari have someone pick her up and take her to the aquarium?

“Usually I have someone pick me up, but since it’s just the two of us on a date, let’s take the bus.”

“I see. Shall we go then?”


Mari seemed to have known the bus time in advance, so we were able to board the bus smoothly.

The bus was a very smooth ride.

“Let’s sit here! Akuru san”

“Oh, okay.”

“Akuru san! What do you usually spend your time doing?”

“Well, I usually go to school, do club activities, and hang out with Haruka and the others. I also like to play games and read novels.”

“I see that you also play games. I also play games, but only to the extent that I enjoy it.”

“Hee, that’s unexpected… I hope we can play something together next time.”

“Yeah! Let’s play together!”


I’m glad to hear that Mari also plays games.

“So what do you do for club activities?”

“Basketball club.”

“Basketball club? You sure are tall, and you seem to be very good at it.”

I don’t know how to react when you look at me with such sparkling eyes. ……

I’m aware that I’m a good basketball player… but I don’t want to sound so self-conscious… but I also don’t want to be too modest.

I have a troublesome personality, don’t I? ……

“Well, I put in a lot of effort, so I guess I’m kind of there.”

We were having this conversation when we arrived at our destination.

“let’s get off here.”

“Yes! Let’s get off here.”

Mari and I got off the bus and headed for the aquarium.

“We’re here! Akuru san!”

Mari looks like she’s having a great time…she really likes the aquarium, doesn’t she?

“Well, let’s go inside right away.”


And so we went inside the aquarium.

“Akuru san! This way.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Look, there are lots of cute fish.”

Mari had a wonderful smile on her face as she pulled me by the hand.

“Next, this way.”

After that, I was taken to various places one after another.

“This one’s cute, too,”

Seeing Mari genuinely enjoying herself made me smile more and more.

“Look! It’s a penguin. He’s so cute, walking so slowly.”

When I first met Mari, I was wary of many things, but after meeting her twice, I felt like I didn’t need to be wary at all.

Mari was such a nice girl that I felt that way.

“This shark is big, isn’t it? Ah! There is a small shark over here, too.”

The time I spent with Mari was passing by quickly.

“Haa It was fun.”

“Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve been to an aquarium, but it’s still fun.”

“That’s right, Akuru! Would you like to buy something to go with it?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Thank you!”

We headed for the gift shop.

“Akuru san! You can pick one out for me.”

“Okay, just give me a minute.”

I don’t know what to do. ……

I think a keychain would be a safe bet.

I don’t think a mug would match since we live separately.

After much thought, I decided to buy two.

“Mari, I bought them.”

“Thank you.”

I sat down next to Mari.

“So, what did you get me?”

“I was pretty torn, but Mari said she likes penguins best.”

“Yes! I like penguins the best because they are the cutest.”

“I couldn’t decide which one to get, but I ended up getting both of them. First of all, we got matching penguin key chains.”

“Wow, they’re so cute and tiny.”

“Mari has a nice smile, so she got a smiling penguin keychain, and I got a keychain of a penguin holding a basketball.”

“It’s lovely, Akuru san! And I’m glad you said I have a nice smile!”

Mari smiled and moved her face closer to mine.

I was so surprised that I looked away.

“Y-Yes, and here’s the other thing.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a big stuffed penguin.”

“It’s soft and cute. I see that yours is blue and mine is pink.”

“Yeah, I wanted to make them a matching pair, since we’re both wearing the same color.”

“Thank you very much, I will sleep with it every night.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6 o’clock.

I arrived at the aquarium at two o’clock, so it had been four hours already…it felt so fast. ……

“Ah yeah, Mari.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“What are your plans for dinner? Do you want to get something to eat?”

“Yes, let’s eat and go home.”

“Do you want something to eat?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, I’ve never really eaten fast food.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, my mother doesn’t like it much.”

Well, it tastes good, but it’s not good for you… Mari’s mother must be very careful about her health and beauty.

“I personally would like to try such fast food once in a while, not from a restaurant or chef’s cooking.”

“Well, if it’s just once in a while, I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

“Yes! So we are going to go out to eat today.”

“Good, so what kind of fast food do you want to eat?”

“Um, well, I’d like to try a hamburger.”

“Okay, burgers, that means Maks! Let’s go.”

“Yes! please.”

With that, we headed for the maks

“It was my first time at the Maks.”

“Is this your first time at a maks hamburger?”

“Yes, it’s my first time.”

“Then let’s go to the menu and choose what you want.”


I got the menu and showed it to Mari.

“There are a lot of choices…what are you going to have, Akuru san?”

“I think I’ll have this triple burger set and two double burgers.”

“You can eat so many…”

“I’m a big guy.”

“I’ll have the healthy cheeseburger set then.”

“Okay. All right, I’ll order them and bring them to you, and you can sit here and wait.”

“Yes, please.”

I ordered, and after two round trips, it came.

“I’m sorry you had to carry it all the way out here.”

“No, no, that’s all right. Let’s just eat it”.


Mari put the hamburger in her mouth.

“Hamburgers are so delicious, I can see why they are so popular.”

“Yes, especially since they are so popular among students.”

“I see.”

“Oh, yes Mari”


“Last time I told you I was dating one person, right?”

“Yes, you said you were dating one person and liked three others.”

“Things have changed a bit, so let’s talk about the four properly.”

“Okay, please.”

“I’ll make it easy for you. I’m dating three now.”


“Sorry. Here, have a drink.”


Mari, surprised by my comment, swooned.

Mari, who had calmed down after drinking her drink, began to speak.

“I see, I understand somehow that the other one is an adult.”

“That’s what it means.”

“It’s amazing that you went out with two girls in one week, isn’t it?”

“The timing was perfect.”

“Well, personally, I don’t care how many lovers you have.”

“Well, I heard that the four of them want to meet Mari, so I’m going to ask them to meet you soon… okay?”

When I said that, Mari started to eat up.

“I want to see them too. I want to see them as soon as possible. If you like, we can meet tomorrow.”

Why are you so eager?

Do you want to see them that badly?

“Tomorrow? Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes! Akuru-san may think I’m busy, but I’m just a normal student, so I’m not that busy.”

“Well, wait a minute, I’ll check with the four of them… do you have a preferred time by any chance?”

“I’ll leave it up to you.”


Then I checked with the four of them and they said that afternoon would be fine.

For some reason, we decided to meet at my place.

“We’re going to meet at my place at 1:00 p.m. Is that going to be okay?”

“Of course I’m fine♪”

“I’ll send you my home address…we haven’t exchanged LIME yet…can we?”

“Of course it’s fine, I’d rather we do it.”

“Then, let’s exchange.”

Then, Mari and I exchanged LIME.

After exchanging LIME, we left the Mech.

“Okay, well, I’ll send you my home address, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, thank you very much for today.”

“Yeah, that was really fun.”

“Yes, I had a great time too, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Mari said and got into the car that came to pick her up.

“Okay! I guess I’m going home too.”

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