
★Aizawa Sara (side)

“Akuru, is he okay?”

“Yeah, I’m a little worried.”


I’m a little worried that Akuru kun is not feeling well, I wonder if he’s going to be okay?

But there’s nothing I can do now but worry, so I’ll leave it to Kaori san and we’ll have to concentrate on our studies.

When first period ended and I was on my way to the bathroom by myself, Suguru-kun spoke to me.

I jerked up, but replied cautiously.

“Hey, Sara.”

“What’s wrong? Suguru-kun.”

“After a long time, why don’t you and I go hang out after school?”

“Eh? To hang out?”

“Oh, yeah, we used to hang out after school a lot when we were in middle school, right?”

“That’s true, but ……”

I’d like to go visit Akuru kun today, and I’m worried about him and Suguru right now,…….

“Well, it’s difficult because I already have a prior engagement today. ……”

“What kind of prior commitments do you have?”

“Well, you see, I have an appointment to play with Haruka chan and others”

“Then can I go with you?”

You can’t do that, Suguru kun.

Haruka chan and Ai chan will never say okay. ……

“Sorry, this might be a bit difficult, but I need to go to the bathroom, so I’ll see you later.”

I forced myself to end the conversation and hurried to the restroom without looking back.

“Haaa I didn’t expect him to come to me and ask me to play with him. ……”

I was a little scared of his eyes… for some reason I felt that way even though he was smiling.

What happened all of a sudden?

After the third period, the next class was in a mobile classroom, but I forgot something and was rushing back to the classroom.

“Hey, Sara!”

Suguru-kun spoke to me again.

He never speaks to me when Ai chan or Haruka chan is around, but maybe he’s trying to get me when I’m alone?

“What’s wrong, Suguru kun?”

I answered with a slight tremble.

“I understand that today is impossible, but then how about the day after tomorrow?”

I don’t know what to say.

I’ll just have to make a suitable excuse and walk away.

“Well, Suguru kun? Class is about to start, so I’ll see you later.”

“No, that’s okay, we still have some time left.”

“Sorry, I have to go back to the classroom now, so that’s not the case.”

I walked next to Suguru-kun and I thought I heard a click of his tongue.

Fourth period was over and I was having lunch with Haruka chan and Ai chan.

“So, have you two seen any movement on Suguru’s part?”

“No, nothing on my end, I guess.”

“Well, there was on my side.”


“Sara, are you okay? Did he do something to you?”

“No, Ai chan… he didn’t do anything to me.”

“So what happened, Sara chi?”

“Umm.. ……”

I told that I had talked to him when I was alone.

“I see, Suguru, you’ve been messing with her after all.”

“I know, but did you turn him down? Sara?”

“Yeah, I was a little nervous, but I didn’t tell him I was coming.”

“Well, that’s good.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

“Well, Suguru can’t do anything bad at school, and if Sara doesn’t want to go, it won’t be a problem.”

“Well, we’ll go together after school, won’t we?”

“Sure, of course.”
All the classes were over and it was time to go home.

“Haruka, Sara, let’s go.”


“Oh, you two wait at the door, the teacher told me I had to deliver the handouts.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just have to hand them in and I’ll be done soon.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you at the door.”

I handed the prints to the teacher.

“Excuse me.”

Okay, let’s get to where they are.

By the way, I don’t like Suguru-kun, he’s so different from the old days. ……

He used to be so kind and cool. ……

It was when I was thinking that.

“Hey, Sara”

Suguru-kun spoke to me again.

And this time he was a little angry and scared.

“U-umm What’s wrong? I have to go. ……”

“Can’t you just stay a little bit?”

His tone is scary, what should I do ……

“But Haruka chan and Ai chan are waiting for me. ……”

“Why? We’re just going to talk a little bit, right?

“Well, yeah, just a little bit… so what’s up?”

“I’m just asking if we can hang out the day after tomorrow.”

“Well, what are we doing, anyway?”

“Well, I want to go to Sara’s house for the first time in a while.”

Long time, it was in elementary school before, right?

We’re already in high school. And it’s just the two of us. ……

“It’s not good for two high school students to be alone together. ……”

“What? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.”

“But we’re not dating, right?”

“Yeah though?”

You really don’t get it?

Or are you pretending you don’t?

No, I have no idea what Suguru-kun is thinking these days. ……

“I see, but I’m sorry… I can’t after all… Well then, I’ll go now.”

I said that and was about to leave when he grabbed my left arm.

“Ouch why?”

“Why? We haven’t finished talking yet, have we?”

He had a really serious face… and his eyes were scary.

“I’ve got to go.”

“You promise to play with me tomorrow or the next day, and I’ll let you go.”

“No way. ……”
I was about to cry because I was so scared.

“”Hey, what are you doing?””

Ai chan and Haruka chan came over.

“We were just having a little chat, hey Sara?”

“Of course not! You’re all teary-eyed, Sara.”

“Let go of her!”

Ai-chan slapped Suguru-kun’s arm to get rid of him, and Haruka chan hugged me.

“What are you doing, Ai?”

“Shut up!”

“Ai chan, let’s go. Sara chi doesn’t want to be here.”

“Oh, yeah, right.”

We then left the place.

I was a little creeped out that Suguru kun didn’t say anything at that point.

We walked out the front door of the school and talked.

“I’m sorry, you two. ……”

“We’re the ones who should be apologizing. ……”

“Yes Sara-chi it’s because we left you alone ……”

“But that’s because I said it was okay. ……”

After a few moments of silence.

“Oh yeah, I’ve got a great idea, come over here, Ai chan.”

After a few moments of silence, the two of them started sneaking around talking about something.

★Haruka (side)

“What’s so good about it?”

“Well, Sara chi’s more depressed than I thought she’d be.”

“Yeah, I know. ……”

“That’s why, let’s ask Akuru to comfort her.”


“Yeah! he and Sarachi will get along even better and she’ll feel better too. Two birds with one stone!”

“Well, yeah… what are you going to do about it?”

“Well, we’re just going to talk about what happened today and leave him and Sarachi alone.”

“Hmm, but Akuru is not feeling well…”

Yes…that is why I was going to visit Akuru’s house.

“Hey, Haruka? What’s that look of surprise on your face?”

“Eh, no, it’s not like that, though, is it?”

“Haa, it’s okay, I’m worried about Sara, and it depends on how she’s feeling.”

“I guess so.”

We went back to Sara chi’s place.

“Are you two done?”

“Yeah! Let’s go buy something to drink or something for Akuru!”

“Yes, I think Kaori san bought some, but there’s a chance it’s gone.”

“Anyway, I’ll call Akuru to see if he wants anything!”

“Yeah …….”

I knew it, Sara chi… you’re not well. …… 

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