
★Kamiya Suguru(side)

“Damn damn damn!!!!”

I was screaming at home, remembering that Ai and that asshole were kissing.

My mother, who is downstairs, is coming over to say something to me, but I’m completely deaf.


I was on my bed, punching my pillow like crazy.

I tried to calm down, but I couldn’t stop the frustration.

The more I thought about it, the more it pissed me off.

“After Haruka, now Ai… !!!”

Haruka has successfully switched from me to that punk.

Even though she was the most clingy to me when we were little.

But Haruka has become a bitch without my knowledge.

I was betrayed as a childhood friend.

I despaired when I learned of this fact.

But for some reason, it made me calm down.

Then, I decided to observe and distance myself from Ai and the others.

After a couple of weeks of observation, I noticed a few things.

First of all, Haruka…she is completely hopeless.

She is flirting with Sano without a care in the world.

They are a couple by all accounts.

And yet, Sano is pretending to be serious…and when Haruka tries to kiss him, he refuses, saying it’s too public and that she can’t do it.

Well, I’m glad about that because if he kissed me in front of me I’d want to punch him. ……

All the boys around me are asking me if I broke up with Haruka, and even though I told them so myself, it’s really depressing.

Can’t you just leave it alone or something?

Next is Ai. Ai is a bit on the delicate line of liking Sano from what I can see.

She talks to him, but there is no body touch or facial expressions like Haruka’s.

Ai never even talks to guys, so talking to Sano should not give a bad image to her.

From these facts, I felt that Ai only came to talk to Sano through Haruka, but not romantically.

And then there was Sara. Unlike the other two, Sara was never alone with Sano.

Even when the four of them were together, Haruka and Ai were next to Sano, and Sara was never next to Sano.

The relationship value is probably lower than Haruka’s and Ai’s, and they don’t like each other.

She was only there for Haruka because she had no other choice.

As evidence of this, sometimes when she and Sano make eye contact, she turns her head away and turns her head down.

She is probably scared of Sano, but she can’t say anything.

Haruka and Ai are terrible, too, because they are aware of it and do nothing.

And lately I haven’t heard any rumors about Sano at all.

Maybe it’s because Ai and the others are with him, but people are starting to say that Sano is actually not such a bad guy.

Apparently, people are starting to think so because he does a good job of cleaning, carries heavy things for them, and above all, he’s a good student.

“Don’t joke around!!”

How can it really be that a delinquent’s reputation can rise all at once if he does a few good things?

Everyone is so easily fooled by Sano! I will never be fooled!

“Whew, calm down, me.”

Those are the things I observed and noticed.

In summary, Haruka is currently out of control.

Ai will be fine if I be careful from now on.

Sara is in no hurry.

I came to this conclusion yesterday.

And from today, the plan was to increase Ai’s favorability.

And yet!

I was so flustered when I came across the kissing scene.

I came to my senses and stopped her.

From my eyes, it looked like Sano was forcing Ai to the wall and kissing her.

To be honest, I felt lucky.

I was disappointed that Ai’s first kiss was taken away from her, but I took the chance that Sano had finally caused a problem.

The fact that he forcibly attacked a girl was enough to get him expelled from school.

Besides, by saving Ai’s life, I would increase my favorability rating, which I thought was an unexpected blessing.

But in fact, I was wrong.

It turns out that Ai and Sano are dating. ……

There was no pretense at all. ……

“When did this happen, damn it!”

After Haruka, Ai also betrayed me.

Ai had been acting like she wasn’t interested in men, saying she was depressed by the way they looked at her, but behind my back she was even kissing Sano. ……

Was Ai cheating on me, too?

Sano is not a good person anyway, Haruka and Ai will regret it in time.

I have to protect Sara…I can’t let Sano take her away from me.

Yes…from tomorrow, I’ll only look at Sara. ……

★ Yano Ai(side)


I was out of character and happy in my room.

I would say that this was the happiest I had ever been in my life.

That’s how happy I was to be tied up with Akuru.

“We kissed. ……”

I can still remember the feel of his lips and tongue.

I never thought my first kiss would be something so intense. ……

I can feel my body temperature rise when I remember.

And I was very happy with his confession.

When he told me what he liked about me, not a single thing was about my looks, he was looking at what was inside me.

When I think about it, I feel like he was always speaking to my heart.

I think that’s why I was able to be honest in front of him.

When I was with him, I felt that I did not have to force myself, that I did not have to be picky, that I did not have to hold things in alone, and I began to feel that way about him.

I gradually felt a sense of security and warmth from him, and I became comfortable when I was with him.

Through these experiences, my feelings of love for him grew little by little.

The guys who had confessed their feelings for me up until then were always talking about how cute I was and how stylish I was, and when they occasionally touched on the inside, it was only to say something frivolous, like, What are you talking about when we’ve never talked at all?

But I could tell by the look in his eyes that he really saw what was inside me and liked me for it, and that he wasn’t lying.

Of course, my looks are probably part of the reason why he likes me…but if he feels that way about me, then for the first time in my life, I’m glad I was born with good looks.

I thought that Akuru wouldn’t think anything of kissing me, but I was so thrilled to see him like that.

I noticed this when we embraced after kissing.

My heart was racing and so was his, so much so that I couldn’t tell whose heart was beating more.

I was very happy that he was also pounding.

“Haa, it was a great memory but……”

I was looking forward to this day, thinking it would be a memory that would last a lifetime.

In fact, it turned out to be a really good memory…but in reality, it could have been even better.
If only Suguru hadn’t interfered. ……

I didn’t think anything special when Suguru saw me kissing Akuru, so I wasn’t particularly upset.

I just calmly wondered why he was so upset.

I really didn’t understand what he said next.

Because he suddenly called me and Akuru and told me to come over there.

Hearing that, I kind of lost my feelings and thought that I didn’t care about him anymore from the bottom of my heart.

Then he started saying that Akuru had kissed me forcibly, and it was all a mess.

Then I became increasingly angry at him for continuing to speak ill of Akuru, and we had an unusually loud argument.

I felt really bad that he was saying bad things about my boyfriend.

If it had been me, I wouldn’t have been so angry, but when he said something about Akuru, it made me feel terrible.

And what did he mean by “betrayed”?

Could he be talking about Haruka as well?

I don’t know how he became so bad-natured ……

I thought it was because of Akuru, but I don’t think so…it sure seems like it accelerated after we got involved with him.

But it was around the time we graduated from junior high school that I felt a sense of discomfort.

Since then, his personality has gradually changed. He would ask what Haruka talked about when she talked with a boy for a while, or he would persistently ask what we were doing on holidays and so on.

Whenever we were confessed, he would ask if we had turned him down, and for some reason he began to ask if we were happy with the confession and what we thought of it.

“It’s so annoying …….”

As for me, I want to enjoy my lover’s relationship with Akuru, but I don’t have to think about the unnecessary obstacles that will come up from now on.

Of course, the same can be said for me as well as Haruka and Sara.

I think you are overstepping your bounds just because you have known us since childhood.

You’re in the habit of assuming that Akuru is a bad guy and not trying to understand him. ……

Recently, there are fewer people who say bad things about Akuru, and in fact, I even hear people praising him.

He is definitely a good person, and people are starting to notice that. ……

But Suguru doesn’t even try to look at him at all, he just assumes.

To be honest, he’s the type of person I don’t like, judging and criticizing without even trying to know…it’s the worst.

But still, I guess I need to report what happened today to Haruka and Sara….

It’s too late for anything to happen.

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