

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

“I guess today is the day the test results come out. ……”

Depending on the test results, it will be decided whether I can confess my feelings to Ai or not.

To be honest, I think it would not be a bad idea to be confessed by Ai.

Well, I’m just thinking about it, but if I’m actually going to do it, I want to do it from me, so I’m really going for it.

For me, I think it’s no problem to get a perfect score of 1,000 points.

“I’m a little nervous. ……”

Confession makes me nervous…I can’t get used to it no matter how many times I do it.

Even if you know you’re going to succeed, you still get nervous when the day comes.

“Okay! Let’s go to school!”

I got myself pumped up and headed off to school.

When I got to the school, I went to the place where the test results were written and found Haruka and the others waiting for me.

“Good morning, Haruka, Ai, Sara.”


“Have you looked at the results yet?”

“No, we haven’t seen them yet!”

“Well, let’s go see.”

“Yes, but Sara and I have a few things to do, so you two go alone.♪”

Haruka and Sara went somewhere.

“Well, shall we go?”

“Y-Yeah, let’s go.”

Test Results

First place: Sano Akuru, 998 points

Second place: Yano Ai, 988 points

Third place, Mar Maruyama, 922 points

Fourth place: Aizawa Sara, 920 points




Haruka had a very impressive 720 points.

Sara also moved up from 10th to 4th place.

I missed the 1000 points by a careless mistake.

“I guess I won anyway.”

“I-I guess so. …….”

I smiled and said that to Ai, and she turned away with a blush on her cheeks.

“Do you have time after school today since there are no club activities?”

“I do. ……”

“Then why don’t we talk in the classroom after everyone else is gone?”

“I understand. ……”

The reason I chose the classroom is simple.

Confession in the classroom after school is a common scene as a page of youth, but I think there are a lot of people who yearn for it.

I’m one of them.

I was waiting for after school to be out of sight.

Haruka had been grinning all day, and Sara was as nervous as I was.

Ai and I haven’t talked since this morning.

They left the classroom with Ai.

Haruka said that I should LIME when the classroom was empty.

It was half an hour later when the classroom was left alone with just me.

“Nobody’s here.”

“Okay! Ai will be right there, we’re going home, good luck!”

I called Haruka, and three minutes later, Ai came to the classroom.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. ……”


“Quite a feat, I thought I was going to win this time ……”

“I really wanted to win. ……”

I said, and we both looked away, embarrassed.


I say, taking a deep breath.



“I love you, and if you ask me since when, it’s probably since we were in the same class and I saw you for the first time. ……”


“But at that time, I didn’t want to go out with you or anything like that. ……”

I’ve been in the game for a while now, and I’ve always seen the three of them in the game. It was no exaggeration to say.

However, if I was going to intervene unnecessarily and make the three of them unhappy, I was thinking of leaving it to Kamiya.

“I see. ……”

“The first time I talked to Ai was when she was being picked up, right, and from there things happened and I gradually fell in love with her. ……”

“Yeah. ……”

“There are many things I like about Ai, such as the way she takes care of me, the way she does everything perfectly but sometimes makes mistakes, the cute smile she sometimes shows even though she’s not very sweet, the way she worries about me, and many other things.”

“Yeah. ……”

“So I like you, Ai… please go out with me. ……”

When I said that, it was quiet for a few seconds and Ai started talking. 

“I have to admit, I wasn’t very good at the whole Akuru thing before we talked. ……”

“Yeah There were a lot of rumors about me…..”

“But you know, I don’t know about myself, but I’ve been interested in Akuru ever since he saved me from being picked up… I didn’t realize it at the time, but now I can tell you for sure.”

“Yeah. ……”

“I like you too… so I’m counting on you”

I was relieved to hear that.

“Thank you, I’m glad!”

I said and we hugged each other.

“Hey, Ai?”


“Can I kiss you?”

Ai’s face turned bright red as she replied

“I-I’m your girlfriend, so of course”

“I see.”

After saying this, I put my lips on hers.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

We were so startled that we parted our lips and looked at the voice.

There was Suguru, looking like a demon.

“Ha? What’s wrong?”

“You piece of shit! Ai, get over here, quick!”

What is he talking about? Has he finally lost his mind?

I looked at his face and saw his eyes.

It wasn’t angry, it wasn’t impatient, it was emotionless, it was the kind of look you give to someone you don’t care about.

“Haa? What are you talking about, Kamiya? I don’t know, but should you think there’s any reason for Ai to go that way?”

“Shut up, you forced her against the wall and kissed her, didn’t you?”

Surely it could look that way from the hallway. ……

I don’t care about that… is this guy insane? At least check the facts before you say anything… you should have seen the look on her face before that… ……

“I did kiss her… but you know what? It wasn’t forced, okay? It was mutually consensual, okay?”

“Bullshit! Look at her! she’s too shocked to say anything!”

No, that’s the face she’s making at you……

“Haa? Just calm down.”

“Shut up! Get away from that guy and get over here, Ai!”

He’s a mess… he’s not communicating. ……

I’m just frustrated that he’s interrupting my precious time. ……

As I was thinking that, Ai’s expression changed and she shouted,

“What are you talking about!? Me and Akuru are lovers, remember?! Why should I let you talk to him like that!!”

“W-What are you talking about, Ai?”

Kamiya’s voice, which had been so vigorous earlier, suddenly changed to confusion.

“What I just said… please don’t get in our way.”

Kamiya began to talk as if he was thinking about something.

“I see, so that’s what you’re saying! Are you going to betray me too?”

What are you talking about? Betray? I don’t understand anymore. ……

“What do you mean, betray? I don’t understand.”

“Shut up, remember that, Sano.”

Kamiya said and ran away.

“What is that ……?”

“I’m sorry, I have no idea either.”

“I see. ……”

“Sorry Akuru, I’m feeling a little sick, let’s try this again.”

“Yeah, sure.”

We kissed harder than before because Kamiya interrupted us.

After intertwining our tongues, I hugged her, and my heart and her heart were pounding so loud that we could both feel it.

“Ai, I’m going to make you happy, I promise.”

“Thank you, I’m looking forward”

When she smiled, it was the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen on her face.

That night I was thinking.

“What’s with this Kamiya…it doesn’t make any sense……”

No matter how much I think about it, I can’t understand it. ……

I didn’t expect to see that scene, but I knew I should have changed the place?

No, but I don’t want to change the way I confess because of Kamiya.

But still, what’s with the betrayal?

“I hope nothing happened……”

I’m sure Ai will tell Haruka and the others, but maybe we should discuss it at a later date. ……

“Haaa, why do I have to think about this on a happy day?”

I’ve become a lover with Ai, so let’s just think about Ai for now.

But still, it was so soft… Ai’s lips.

I have to admit that the look on her face when we were kissing was quite erotic.

Her eyes were so soft that I would never normally be able to see her face.

By the way, Ai was also very excited… I can’t speak for others, but to be honest, I’m glad to see that.

I don’t think there is a man who wouldn’t fall in love with Ai when he sees that smile…combined with the gap between the two, it was very destructive, wasn’t it?

I’m going to have to protect that smile from now on. 

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