
Time flew by and it was time for the testing period.

I’m now on my way to my house with Haruka, Ai and Sara.

Needless to say, when the four of us left school together, it was very noisy around us.

“Hey, Akuru? I didn’t hear this, but is there anyone else at your house besides you?”

“No, there isn’t. My parents hardly ever come home, so I live alone.”

“Then I guess it’s okay to be noisy.”

“Not too much…”

“You’re assuming that we are noisy…”

I’d like to say that it’s okay to be noisy, but I want you to study properly, so I won’t say that.

It’s not like I’m going to have you come over to play…

And so we arrived home.

“Alright! We’re here.”



We’ve arrived at my house and all three of them are speechless with surprised expressions on their faces.

Well, yeah… even I was surprised at how big it was.

It’s a big mansion for someone living in an ordinary family. ……

“Well, I can understand why you’re surprised, but we’re having a study session here today, so get used to it.”

“Time for a minute! Akuru, can I have a word with us three?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Hey, Ai chan, Sara chi… what is this place? This place is much bigger than I thought it would be…”

“Don’t worry, Haruka we’re thinking the same thing.”

“I was so surprised that my mind went blank for a moment…”

“We’re going to be coming here every day… will we get used to it?”

“I don’t know… but it’s a bit easier to think of it as a house of Akuru..”

“Once again, I realise that Akuru kun’s family is rich after all.”

The three of them looked at each other and nodded.

“But being with Akuru means we need to get used to this sort of thing as soon as possible, so let’s do our best!”

“Right, but you know, just because Akuru is rich doesn’t mean you should take advantage of it, you two…”

“Of course not, I wouldn’t do anything that bad… but I’m sure Akuru will tell you it’s okay to take advantage of him.”

“Yes, I’m sure he would… well, even if he does, you mustn’t forget to thank him.”


“Then let’s go back to Akuru.”

“””I’m back.”””

The three of them came saying that in perfect breath.

“Yeah, did you finish your discussion?”

“Yeah, we’re fine.”

When Ai said so, Haruka and Sara nodded their heads in agreement.

I was a little curious about what they were talking about, but they looked like they had made up their mind about something, so I didn’t dare ask.

‘’Well then, follow me.‘’


“””Sorry to disturb you.”””

“Wow, it’s amazing from the entrance…”

“Yeah, I’ve never seen such a big house before…”

“Yeah, it’s amazing from the outside, but it’s even more amazing inside…”

No wonder everyone thinks so… because this house was originally a party house. ……

That’s why it’s so spirited from the entrance.

“Then let’s study here.”

“Is this the room for Akuru?”

Haruka looked around and said so.

“No, this isn’t really any room, it’s just an empty room… why?”

“No, I just wanted to look at the room of Akuru♪”

“Oh, but I just moved in and my room is just a bed and a desk, so it’s not much different from this one.”

“Oh, is that so? But are there some naughty books…”


Haruka was about to say something weird, so I responded with a bit of a bite.

The innocent Sara’s face is turning red just from hearing the word ‘erotic book’…

“Hey Haruka!! Let’s start studying right away!”


“You three go ahead and start, I’ll go prepare something to drink or something. By the way, do you want anything to drink?”

“I’ll have a cup of tea, please.”

“I’ll have a cup of tea too, please.”

“Then I’ll have an orange juice, please.”

“Yeah, just wait here for a minute.”

I left the room to head to the fridge to get a drink, but Ai followed me.

“What’s wrong? Ai.”

“I’ll help you carry it.”

“It’s all right? You’re a guest.”

“It’s okay, it’s what I want to do.”

“Okay. You’ll help me then?”


We came to the fridge.

“Hey, Akuru?”

“What’s wrong?”

“What kind of food do you usually eat, Akuru?”

“Hmm? I don’t know, but… I usually buy lunch at the convenience store, and sometimes I make my own food?”

“I see…”

Ai said, feeling a little relieved.

“What’s wrong?”

“No, I’m just relieved to see that you don’t have a surprisingly extravagant diet.”

“Oh, well, I’m rich, but I don’t usually spend that kind of money.”

“Oh, yeah, right. That’s even better.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, it’s a different world from ours as ordinary people, and I’m a bit confused, but I’m relieved to hear that.”

“Well, that’s good.”

After that conversation, we went back to our room.

“Hello, you two.”

“We’re going to start our studies now.”



~An hour later.~

“I’m tired, I need a break.”

“Haruka, isn’t it a little early for you?”

“Yes, Haruka-chan, let’s work a little harder.”

“Yeah, because we’ve been at it for an hour.”

“Well, well, it’s okay for both of you to take a little rest, isn’t it?”

From Haruka’s perspective, she must have worked hard for an hour… Still, it doesn’t seem like Haruka can’t study, she seems to be the type who can do it if she tries.

She is able to understand what I teach her and her studies are progressing smoothly.

“Now that you mention it, I was just thinking about it, but you said you wanted to go to the same university as everyone else…which university are you all going to?”

“That’s true, it would be a different story if it was a different university. ……”

Now that you mention it, it’s true… I also wanted to go to university with the three of them, but I didn’t think about the important thing.

I was thinking about attending university, but what do Ai and Sara think?

“Well, I’m going to go to Sasaka University because I can commute from home and it has a pretty high deviation score.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“That’s good, because I was thinking of going to that University too.”

“Do you think I can go there now?”

“You can’t… that’s why you have to study hard.”

“That’s right, Haruka chan!”

“Let’s work hard together, Haruka.”

“Yes! I feel like I can do my best! Alright! I’m going to study, everyone!”

At this rate, it seems like she’ll be able to study sooner than expected.

I’ll just think about supporting her as best I can.

‘It’s almost six o’clock for all three of us, should we split up now?”

“Hmm, I’d like to study some more, but I don’t know what to do. ……”

“If Haruka’s up for it, it’s fine, why don’t we go and have some dinner?”

“Eh? Is it okay?”

“Yeah, but I’ll have to take out for dinner”

“Then me and Sara chi will make it!”

“No, but to study. ……”

“Well, that’s right! In that case, Ai-chan and Akuru buy some ingredients! Meanwhile, Sara chi and I are studying!”

Then, Ai and I were semi-forced to hold a piece of paper with a list written on it and were taken out of the room.

“Um, let’s go to the supermarket for now.”


“Even so, I’m glad Haruka is motivated to do it.”

“That’s a real relief… we’ve been together since we were little and I’ve always told her she should study.”

“Well, because it’s Haruka’s thing, it seems she’d rather do sports than study anyway, so she won’t study…”

“That’s right…”

Looking at this situation, I guess Ai was more worried about Haruka than I thought…

“So, now that we’re at the supermarket, let’s just go and buy some food and go home.”


We finished our shopping quickly and left the supermarket.

I was thinking about it while I was shopping.

How should I proceed with my relationship with Ai and Sara?

Unlike Haruka, the two of them aren’t the type to attack on their own, so I thought I should attack first…that’s what I thought.

To be honest, I feel like it wouldn’t be a bad idea to confess to her now.

But I still want to treasure the situation.

“Hey, Ai.”

“What’s wrong?”

“If I win the final exam, there’s something I want to talk to you about, so please listen…”

I said with a more serious face than ever before.

“You have a very serious face… if you look at me like that, I’ll know what you want to talk about…”

“Ah, seriously… sorry ……”

“Fufu, okay… but what are you going to do if I win?”

It was something I thought of and suggested on the spur of the moment, so I hadn’t even thought of such a simple thing.

I don’t feel like losing… but surely what am I going to do…

I feel a bit down when I think about losing…

“Just kidding, don’t look so gloomy… then when I win, I have a word to tell you, so listen to me…”

Ai said shyly.

When I heard Ai’s words, I was surprised to the extent that my heart was pounding in my chest.

I couldn’t imagine that Ai would say something like that to me.

“Ah, but then I definitely can’t lose.”

“Fufu, I’m looking forward to it.”

Ai said that with a smile.

I thought even more when I saw Ai’s smile.

I absolutely have to win…I want to be the one to confess.

“Okay! Haruka and Sara are waiting too, so let’s go home!”


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