
After school on 26 June (the day after Sano Akuru’s birthday)

“Well, Akuru we’re going to get ready, I’ll go first.”

“Yeah, I should be there at 6:00, right?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you later♪”

“Yeah, see you later, Sara and Ai.”

“”Yeah, see you later.””

After saying that, the three of them left first.

Where shall I kill time?

As my house is the exact opposite of Haruka’s, I can’t say that I kill time at home.

I haven’t been to the new house yet. 

“Well, I’ll just hang around there for a while.”

I kill some time and it’s six o’clock.

“Well, it’s about time.”

I rang the doorbell and four people came straight away.


“Oh, thank you all.”

Everyone headed for the room

“Well then, once again Akuru!”

“”””Happy birthday!””””

“Really, thank you!”

The five of us were having a good time, eating cake and stuff, when Kaori san’s phone rang.

“Everyone, I’m sorry, I just got a call from work and I have to go out for about an hour, so I’ll be out for a bit.”

“Yes, no problem, Kaori-san!”

“See you later, Akuru-kun.”


With that said, Kaori san went outside.

“mother’s gone, but it’s time to give you a present.”



“Oh, presents?”

“Actually, Akuru, we’ve been thinking a lot about it, and as a result, we wanted to give you something matching.”


“Yes! We wanted to make them feel special.”

“Well, that certainly makes it special.”

“Here’s one from me, a yellow bracelet! Can you wear it on your arm?”

“Yes, of course.”

After having Haruka put on the bracelet.

“Should I put it on you too, then?”


After having Haruka put it on my arm, I put it on Haruka’s arm as well.

“Fufu, I’m more happy than I thought we’d be matching.”

“That’s for sure.”

As Haruka says, I’m certainly happy.

“Then next is mine, mine is a black bracelet.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“Thanks, but you should lend me your arm.”


Then Ai put the bracelet on me.

To be honest, I was nervous because I didn’t think she’d put it on me directly.

“Ah, that’s right, Akuru! I think it’s hard for the two of them to tell, so I’ll tell you first, but the only time the two of them wear matching bracelets with Akuru is outside of school.”

“Yes, as expected”

“Yeah, when they wear it to school… then that’s when they’ll wear it♪ of course I’ll wear it♪”

“Ummm, does that mean I shouldn’t wear mine to school with Ai and Sara?”

“No, you can always wear yours.”

“Okay, well, can I wear it on Ai’s arm now, too?”


Ai turned her arm towards me.

I put the bracelet on.

Ai looks nervous too, her eyes are swimming.

“T-Thank you”


“Okay, I’ll be next. Pink bracelet”

“Okay, thank you.”

I put my arm out and asked her to put it on.

“Okay, Sara, give me your arm.”


Ai was amazing, but Sara’s face is bright red.



“Akuru, you must wear it at all times, except when you bathe, sleep or exercise.”

“Yeah, of course I’m going to do that.’

The four of us then enjoyed talking.

“It’s time to go and it’s time to split up.”

“Yes, it’s almost time for my mother to worry about me.”

“Yeah, well, I guess we’re splitting up now. I’ll treasure my bracelet forever.”

When Ai and Sara left, I was about to leave too.

“You can’t go home yet, Mom’s home right now.”

“Well, yeah, it’s not like I have to leave early.”

Five minutes later, Kaori san came home.

“I’m home”

“”Welcome home.””

“Well then, I’ll get right to it, but Akuru! Go and talk to mother alone♪”

“Eh? Ah, yeah…”

I didn’t understand it well, but I decided to talk with Kaori san alone for the time being.

“Kaori-san! Good work”

“Yes, I’m sorry I left in the middle, Akuru kun”

“No, no, I’m very happy that you’re celebrating with me.”

“Fufufu, it’s just like you, then, may I give you my present?”

“Eh? Do you have a present for me too, Kaori san?”

“Of course, actually, there’s a lot going on, and I just picked it up a few minutes ago.”

“Oh, I see. So that’s why you left in the middle.”

“Yes, I did, and here’s my present.”

Saying this, Kaori sab showed me her present.

“Eeeh? This is… the XX limited edition bash, which is hard to get even if you have the money!”

“Yes, I have a little contact from my school days who gave it to me specially.”

“Really? I’m so happy!”

“Fufufu, that’s good.”

I was looking at the bash.

“Hey, Akuru kun…”

Kaori-san called my name with a serious face.

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“Akuru-kun likes Haruka, right?”

The question came unexpectedly from Kaori-san.

To be honest, now I can already think of the Haruka of the game and the Haruka of this world as completely different.

Of course, the same goes for Ai and Sara.

Therefore, there is no need to lie, so I decided to answer honestly.

“Yes! I love her!”

“Yes, but it’s not just Haruka, is it?”

“Yes, to be honest, I have the same feelings for Ai, Sara… and Kaori-san…”

I was unsure whether or not to talk about Kaori-san too, but I wanted to be honest and tell her how I felt, so I decided to talk about it.

“Yes, I kind of knew…”

“I’m sorry…”

After a short period of silence.

“To tell you the truth, I feel the same way as you do.”


I couldn’t understand the reply, which was too unexpected.

“I’ve been thinking about it ever since you saved me, but when I thought about my age and Haruka, I felt I had no choice but to hide it. But Haruka knows, and after talking it over, I decided to tell you how I feel about you.”

“I never thought that Kaori-san was thinking of me like that, but… yes, I’m absurdly happy…”

“But you know, right now I want you to prioritise Haruka, Ai-chan and Sara-chan over me.”

“Well, why is that?”

“Well, it’s a simple reason, I’m fine with being last, I want you to give priority to the younger kids in your youth. Besides, we can’t move forward with the relationship until you graduate from high school.”

Well, if you think about it calmly, it’s usually not good to be a high school student and an adult.

“That’s certainly true…”

“So, that’s it for now.”

With that said, Kaori san gave me a light kiss just to touch each other.

“K-Kaori san!?”

“If it’s up to this level, it’s okay, isn’t it♪”

“Y-That’s right, if it’s this much.”

I was suddenly too much and my face was red.

“But when you graduate from high school, you must treat us all equally.”

“That’s a given, well I don’t know what’s going to happen with Ai and Sara.”

‘Right, but you like them, don’t you, Akuru-kun?”

“Well, that’s true…”

“Then you’ll have to work hard, won’t you?”


That’s true, if you ask me, I wanted Haruka and the others to be happy, but for some reason I never thought I would make them happy myself.

But that’s no good, right now I definitely like the four of them, including Kaori-san.

So from now on, I will make the four of them happy.

I decided that in my heart.

“Fufufu, your face has changed.”

“Yes! Thank you.”

“It’s okay, let’s go back to Haruka’s place now.”


When me and Kaori san went back to Haruka’s place, Haruka was grinning.

“Hoho, from this feeling, it must have been a good feeling.”

“Well, yeah, I guess so.”

“I see, then I’m glad.”

“It’s thanks to Haruka♪ Thanks”


“Okay! It’s getting late. I should probably go home.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

“Well, I’ll walk you home in a bit.”

“It’s okay though?”

“No, no”

So me and Haruka went outside.

“Hey, Haruka.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you free tomorrow or the day after?”

“Yeah, I’m free tomorrow, it’s Saturday!”

“Then why don’t we go on a date tomorrow?”

“Date! I’ll go! I’m going!”

“Okay, tomorrow afternoon at 1:00, we’ll meet in front of the station.”

“Okay!! See you tomorrow.”


I’m going to try to go ahead with my relationship with Haruka tomorrow.

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