
A little after Sara left, I left the infirmary too.

My cheeks were naturally puffed up.

I thought that Sara was not so high in terms of likability, but I did not think that my likeability is higher than Kamiya’s.

While I was thinking about that, it was time for my lunch break.

I got myself together, slapped both cheeks, and left the infirmary.

After I returned, I looked at Haruka and the other girls and saw that the parents were eating with each other and the girls were eating with each other.

Of course, my parents couldn’t come, so I was trying to eat alone.


Haruka stopped me.

“What is it?”

“Hehe, you’re good~, Akuru~”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

Haruka was grinning at me.

To be honest, I had a vague idea what she was talking about.

“Um, are you talking about Sara?”

“Kyaaa, you’re calling her Sara!”

“Hey, hey, why is Haruka so excited?”

“Because That’s what happens because the people I love have a good relationship with each other! ”

“Good relationship? We’re not in that kind of relationship yet.”

“Hmm, not yet. What happened earlier?”

“You’re grinning too much, Haruka, ask Sara about that.”

“Moouu, I’ll do that.”


“I mean, come have lunch with us!”

She said and grabbed my hand.

“No, wait, he’s here.”

“That guy?”

“Kamiya, Kamiya.”

“Ah, he’s gone to his friend.”

That’s what they call him now, well, that’s all right, but how is it possible for Kamiya to leave Haruka and others on the day of such a big event?

“All right, then I’ll go.”

Haruka took me by the hand and led me to Ai and Sara.

I came in front of them.

“Umm, it’s been a while? Yano, Sara.”

“Sara? Eh? Why do you call her that?”

“Well, I’ve been going through some stuff. Right, Sara.”

“W-Well, yeah, A-Akuru-kun.”

Hearing this conversation, Ai was wide-eyed and surprised, while Haruka was still grinning.

“W-well, I’m not going to tell you what happened.

“Well, I’ll just hear it from Sara.”


I open my lunch box.

“I wonder if Sano-kun makes those himself?”

“Yeah, well, my parents don’t usually come home, so I’ve been practicing lately.”

“Hmm, you’re pretty good at it, aren’t you?”


“A-Akuru kun!!!”

“Hnn? What’s up, Sara?”

“Well, I’m a good cook, so if you want, I can make lunch for you next time.”

“Eh? Is that okay?”

“Ah, Sara, you’re so sneaky, I can cook too, I’ll go make it for you!”

“Even Haruka. Then I’ll take your word for it.”

I didn’t expect Sara to tell me that. She is steadily growing up.

“I’m sorry about this, I’d like to say I’ll go cook too, but I’m not a very good cook. ……”

“No, no, I’m so happy just for the feeling, thanks, all three of you.”

Lunch break was over and it was time for the final event, the relay.

The running order was decided by lot drawing.

I was chosen as the anchor for the relay.

There were two teams per team, for a total of six teams.

Except for me, all the other runners were third-year students, and the only second-year student was the ace of the track team.

When the relay started and the baton was passed to me, I was in fourth place.

I ran as hard as I could and managed to come in first place.

“Akuru, you’re so cool”

“You’re awesome, Akuru-kun!”

“You’re good, Sano kun.”

The three of them were saying that to me, but I was thinking, Aren’t these body specs just outrageous?

“Y-yeah, thanks.”

That’s how the gymnastic festival ended.

★Aizawa Sara (Side)

“Haaa, I hate scavenger hunts.”

I’m not a great athlete, and taking someone along is a hurdle.

To be honest, it is pretty much a chore.

I stood at the starting line and began.

I ran as fast as I could. Fortunately, the others in the same race weren’t too fast either.

I took a piece of paper and looked at the words on it.


Ha? What is this? Prince? I had never heard of such a thing before.

My head was spinning, but then I came back to myself and thought.

My prince has been Suguru-kun since I was a little girl, but now it’s Sano-kun that comes to mind.

I was running toward Sano when I thought that.

“S-Sano kun! Please come with me!”

I said with no hesitation.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

I was about to start running when


I sprained my leg.

“Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

I was so pathetic that I was determined to be okay.

But when I tried to run again, I felt a pain where I had sprained my leg.

“Excuse me”

Saying that, Sano kun pulled me into a princess carry.


I was too startled to say anything.

Then Sano-kun looked at me with a smile.

My heart was about to burst. I couldn’t decide if it was because I was being hugged by Sano kun or because so many people were watching me.

When I came to, I had reached the goal and Sano kun had dropped me off.

“I’m sorry, it was so sudden.”

“N-no, I-I’m okay, T-thank you”

“More importantly, you’re a mess.”


I was so nervous that I didn’t notice it at all.

The people around me were staring at me.

“Well!, it was very hot. What was the subject of the first place winner?”

First place? When did that happen? When did I get first place?

“W-Wait, wait”

“The subject is… ‘Prince’.”

No, it’s too embarrassing. Everyone’s getting too excited.

My face is definitely red. I can’t turn around like this.

“Are you okay, Aizawa?”

Sano kun gently calls out to me.


“Your leg hurts, right?”

“A-A little bit.”

“You’re kidding, right? You can barely walk. Can I carry you again?”

Eh? Eh? One more time? I felt like my head was going to explode.

“Eh, n-no.”

I couldn’t understand what I was saying.

“You don’t like it?”

don’t like it? Did I say I didn’t like it? I didn’t care about that right now.

It’s just that Sano kun looked a little sad, and it made my heart ache.

“N-No, I don’t dislike it…”

I said so.

“Then, I’ll carry you”

Saying that, Sano-kun carried me in his arms.

My heart was pounding so loudly that I could not speak until I was carried to the infirmary.

After being carried to the infirmary, I calmed down a little while the doctor was treating me.

After the treatment, the doctor left.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes, thank you.”

After I calmed down, I talked with Sano kun.

“But we’ve been very conspicuous.”


“Aizawa’s parents looked at us strangely.”


I didn’t notice that much, it’s too embarrassing.

“Yeah, I mean, why did you pick me?”

“Well, to be honest, I was torn between Sano-kun and the other one.”

“Oh, it must be Kamiya.”

“Eh, How do you know?”

“Because the only boy that Aizawa is involved with is Kamiya, and you were alternately looking at me and Kamiya after you saw the subject.”

“I-I see.”

That’s a little embarrassing to be told that by Sano kun.

“Yeah, tell me the rest of the story.”

“Well, the reason is because of the karaoke thing, and the way you play games with me, and the way you said you wanted to be friends with me, and I thought about who would be cooler, and it was Sano kun.”

I told him honestly what I was thinking.

I don’t know why I can be so honest with Sano kun.

“I-I see, no, I’m extremely happy to hear you say that.”


I couldn’t say anything because Sano-kun blushed and said such a thing.

My heart was only pounding harder and harder.

“But you know, I don’t think I deserve it.”


I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“You said earlier that you wanted to be friends with me, but you have to understand that I want to be friends with you because you are Aizawa”


I don’t know what Sano-kun is talking about. If you say something like that to me, I…

I can see my face turning even redder.

“I’ve been thinking for a while now, Aizawa, you should have more confidence in yourself.”

“I know that, but I can’t help but think that when everyone compliments me, it’s just flattery. ……”

That’s my bad, I just can’t believe it even though Sano kun said so.

“Hmm, from my point of view, Aizawa, she looks ridiculously cute, has a nice personality, and her hobbies match mine, and she’s a really nice woman, isn’t she?”


You give me too many compliments, Sano kun, I think I’m going to get a headache.

“I don’t know if you know this, Aizawa, but Aizawa, Yano and Haruka are known as the three most beautiful women in school. You should have more confidence in yourself. I’m going to keep praising Aizawa until she gains confidence.

If you say it with a smile like that…no, I know what I want to do.

I took a deep breath.

“Sano kun, you and Haruka have been getting along very well lately, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Are you going out with her?”

“No, we are not in a relationship, but she is a very important person to me.”

“Then why are you being so nice to me?”

“Well, I’m going to tell you the truth without any false pretenses, but it’s because I think Aizawa is as important as Haruka.”


I’m going to be courageous.

“I’m going forward to build my confidence!”


“So please call me by my name like you do Haruka-chan!”

“Of course, that’s fine, keep up the good work Sara.”

“Y-yes, I’m in your care, ah, Akuru kun”

I said that and kissed Akuru-kun on the cheek.

I can’t breathe, I want to escape as soon as possible.

“T-that’s all I can do right now!”

I said and tried to run away, but I panicked so much that I almost fell down.

At that moment, I was grabbed by Akuru kun, who was probably trying to help me, but ended up pushing me down.

I was so close to his face that any more would have been really bad! I thought, and my voice came out.

“A-Akuru kun”

I said, and he rushed away.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“I-It’s okay. You were trying to help me.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Okay, I’ll go first.”


I left the infirmary, my mind was blank and I found myself at Haruka-chan and Ai-chan’s place.

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