
“Hmmm~, well, I knew it was coming, but I didn’t expect it to be so unavoidable.”

There are a few things I’ve learned in the week since the entrance ceremony.

First of all, I really feel that they don’t like me.

When I enter the classroom, the chattering atmosphere turns to a hush as everyone looks at me, and after a short while, everyone starts talking again.

For some reason, Sara is the only one who looks at me every once in a while, and when our eyes meet, she immediately looks away.

Well, it’s not like there’s anything going on, so it’s okay.

The problem is the main character.

I’ve been observing him for about a week, and the main character, who is not controlled by the player, is in a bad way.

He brags about his childhood friends to the boys around him as if they were his own, and he’s getting into a good mood. The boys around him look at him with a variety of expressions, some laughing, some chilling, some jealous, but some of them are appalled.

And what’s worse, when he talks about it, he always tries to do so in places where there are no girls around, and when girls ask him what kind of relationship he has with them, he just says, We’re just childhood friends~

That’s all he says.

The three childhood friends may be three different people, but the expressions on their faces when they talk to the main character makes me think that all three of them like the main character.

The first one is Aizawa Sara, whom I met yesterday. She is usually calm and gentle, and has big breasts despite her short height.

The second one is Yano Ai , cool and model-like in looks. Her facial expression usually doesn’t change much, but only when she talks to the main character, her expression relaxes a little, and people around her don’t seem to notice this change.

The third one is Nanase Haruka, who has a complex about the other two, but she always acts cheerful and has the most friends, but I think she’s so cute that I find it strange that she has a complex from someone who plays the game….

As I was looking at the main characters while thinking about this, Sara looked at me and immediately looked down. I don’t know why she was looking at me, but she’s really cute after all. Honestly, I don’t care about the main characters, but I’m happy for the three of them. I want the main character to have a harem.

I hope he doesn’t aim for the route, but looking at the current protagonist, I can’t trust him~

He looks so good towards girls other than his childhood friend that I wonder if he can really protect the heroines~

Well, I remember the dates and times of certain events, so I just have to be prepared for them.

It was lunchtime and I was eating lunch on the rooftop as usual when I heard the sound of a door being opened, even though no one usually comes in here.

I hid to make sure, but it turned out to be three of his childhood friends.

Normally they eat in the classroom with the main character, or when the main character eats with his male friends, the three of them eat together.

But, I was afraid to ask them why

“So, what is it that you have trouble talking about in the classroom?”

“Well, it’s unusual that Sara has something she doesn’t want to talk about.”

“Yeah, Umm, what do you two know about Sano kun?””

It’s not like I don’t have any idea why she’s asking about me, but I think it’s enough for her to ask. Well, I guess it’s because Sara is so kind that she thinks so.

“What? Why does Sara care so much about that?”

“Isn’t he the last person Sara would want to have anything to do with?”

“Well, until recently I thought so too, but the other day when a foreigner was trying to talk to me, he helped me out, and since then I’ve been a little curious about him, and he doesn’t seem like a bad person.”

“Well~, it’s just a rumor, and to be honest, I didn’t have anything to do with him in junior high school either, so I don’t know what to think about him.

I don’t know what to think about it, but I guess it can’t be a total hoax when there are rumors about him?”

“Either way, I don’t think it’s anything for you to worry about.”

“I see. I suppose that’s true.”

I felt Sara’s expression was a little subtle while she smiled, even though it was from a distance.

“I knew that Sara is a very good-natured girl~”

I felt that way again.

Speaking of which, today is the first event to take place.

Yano Ai goes in to save a girl who is being involved with a delinquent, and although she succeeds in helping the girl escape, Ai herself is caught and taken away, but the main character happens to pass by and gets into a fistfight with the delinquent while calling for help, and gets beaten up, but the police arrive in time and manage to save him, and Yano’s favorability rating towards him goes up.

I can’t ignore this event, so I decided to go to the neighborhood.

After school, I was walking around killing time when I saw Ai walking around.

I want to follow, but the way people look at me is amazing, especially the girls. Rather than saying they don’t like me, it’s more like they’re looking at an idol from a previous life.

If I continued to follow her, it would be noticeable, so I thought I’d wait until it was time, but then I heard it coming from a back alley.

“Stop it!”

What?! It’s still early. The main character is still playing with his friends right now!

I didn’t want to get too involved with the main characters, so I wasn’t sure whether to go in and help or not.

“Haa? What’s up, girl?”

“Can’t you at least be a little bit more reasonable?”

“They don’t mind, do they?”

“Of course they do!!”

“Hey! they don’t like it.”

With that, Ai slapped the man’s hand that was holding the girls and let them go.

“Hey, hey, why are you letting them go?”

“You’re going to take care of us instead of those two, aren’t you?”

The three guys, who looked like college students, laughed and grabbed Ai’s arms.

“Hey, let go of me!”

“You’re going to have to take responsibility for letting them go, aren’t you? Besides, you’re not going to get any help here at this hour if you resist like that.”

“Why don’t you just hang out with us, sweetheart?”

“Who’s going to play with you? Hey, stop it!”

Ai was grabbed by the arm and led away, and when I Iook around, there was no sign of the protagonist coming. I thought it was bad, and my body moved.

“Hey, wait up, you guys!”

“Huh? What?”

“Eh? Sano kun?”

“You know this girl? What’s a little guy like you gonna do against three guys?”

“Hmm? What can you do with just three people?”

I said, and returned the blow.

In fact, in a previous life, I had kickboxed and practiced karate and was one of the strongest fighters in the country, and Sano Akuru himself was a strong fighter and had good sense.

“You, don’t you dare mess with me!”

One of them said that and came at me with the other two. But to me, they were all amateurs and no match for me, and in no time at all, all three of them were on the ground.

“Well~, I guess I went a little overboard, but it doesn’t look like these guys are going to be awake for a while, so can you call the police for me?”

I turned to Ai and said so, and she looked shocked, but hastily took out her cell phone and started to call.

After a while, the police arrived, I explained the situation, and since there were other approvals, the conversation went smoothly, and I decided to end it and leave.

“Well, I’m leaving now.”

“Wait a minute!”

“Hnn? What’s up?”

“Umm, uh, thanks.”

“No, no, no. Don’t worry about it. Bye.”

“No, I mean, why are you leaving so soon?”

I don’t want to get involved because I don’t know how my involvement will affect the story, but I also felt that it would be strange to ignore the story after being involved in it so much.

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Y”eah, so? What do you want?”

“Well, it’s not much of an errand, but I wanted to thank you for saving my life.”

“Well~, you don’t have to do that.”

“No, I don’t feel comfortable with that! Open your time tomorrow after school!”

“Ah, yes.”

She said it with so much force that I just responded by reflex.

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1 month ago

Lol that’s a date innit

1 month ago
Reply to  IAMVIRUZ

it looks so scuffed lmao
