
★Nanase Haruka(side) 

A few days had passed since the incident, and Mother and I were feeling much better.

I was alone, thinking about whether or not to tell Ai chan and Sara chi about the incident.

But there was no need to worry them by telling them that it was over.

So I decided to hide it from them.

At that time, my feelings for Suguru were completely gone.

It was because of the combination of the strange things he had said about me and the fact that he had abandoned me so easily.

Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that Sano had overwritten them.

But, well, I thought that if Suguru was serious about me, I would be willing to maintain a friendship with him.

Now that I no longer had romantic feelings for him, I honestly didn’t care about the rumors.

For my part, I was happy as long as Sano did not misunderstand

The incident took place on Thursday and Sano was discharged from the hospital on Sunday.

On Friday, the day after the incident, both Sano and I missed school.

On Monday, I arrived at school a little early.

Ai chan and Sara chi were already in the classroom, of course, since they always come to school early.

The reason for my absence was that I was not feeling well, so there was no change from the usual.

At that time, I heard Suguru and his friends’ voices.

“Hey, Suguru, it looks like the rumors are true.”

“Seriously? Do you have any proof?”

Rumor? I’m a little concerned because Suguru seems to be so interested in it.

That’s what I was thinking.

“I don’t have any proof, but my friend’s mother told me that a fainting Sano was brought to the hospital where she works.”

“Hahaha! I knew it!”

Suguru was grinning creepily as he said that.

That was creepy and made me back off a little.

I didn’t pay much attention to the rumors about Sano

Because Sano himself wouldn’t care about it at all.

Besides, I knew that even if it was about me, Sano would be more concerned if I was concerned about it.

Sano is such a good-natured person, if I had thought of that,


My voice leaked out.

Ai chan and Sara chi were looking at me curiously, but I fooled them into thinking it was nothing.

I was fiddling with my phone in the classroom when suddenly the classroom went quiet.

I understood at that moment that Sano had arrived and looked at him and froze a little.

I was going to talk to him just as I did at the hospital, but for some reason I felt very nervous in the classroom because it was full of people.

And when I looked at Sano, my heart was pounding even louder than when I was talking to him at the hospital.


I suddenly looked at Ai-chan and realized that she was looking at me with a startled expression on her face.

I realized that I had been so absorbed in my own world that Ai-chan’s expression changed.

I smiled at her and said, “It’s nothing,” and headed toward Sano.

When I spoke to Sano, he called me “Haruka”

I found myself blushing unbelievably.

I was so nervous that I ran away.

I made up my mind to talk to Sano every break time.

I called him “Akuru,” which was very embarrassing, and my face was hot.

Seeing me like that, he was surprised for a moment, but immediately smiled.

During the lunch break, I got used to calling him Akuru, and we were able to talk normally.

The time spent talking with him, who sometimes made me laugh with his jokes, was very relaxing.

During this happy time, an intruder came.

Suguru started to speak ill of him

I was so annoyed that I was surprised at myself and was talking back.

The chime rang and Suguru grabbed me by the arm and took me to the classroom.

During that time, we were silent.

I was pondering self-study time.

I told him that someone had called the police after that day and that the police had arrived and everything had been resolved without incident.

I also told him that I was not angry and that he did not need to worry about it.

So it was fine to talk as usual.

But if he says something about Akuru, I won’t keep quiet either, okay?

I just won’t refuse too much now that Ai chan and Sara chi are here, okay?

I don’t want to bother them.

The next day, when I was thinking about this, I talked with Ai chan and Sara chi.

That’s when I somehow understood.

Ai-chan might like Akuru.

I was glad, I want to be with them forever, but if I fall in love with someone else in the future, we will inevitably spend less time together.

So I knew how Ai chan felt and came up with an idea.

I thought that maybe the three of us could fall in love with Akuru

I thought about that, but I felt that it was not the same thing as manipulating someone’s feelings.

And somehow I had a feeling that everyone would like him without me having to do anything.

“Fufu, thoguh there’s no basis for that ♪”

★Yano Ai (side)

I came to school as usual.

For some reason, Sano and Haruka were not there.

I contacted Sano kun and Haruka, but for some reason Sano kun did not reply and Haruka replied that she was not feeling well.

When I was worried that Sano kun did not reply for two days, I received a reply from him.

[Sorry, I couldn’t reply for some reason, but I’m fine! I will start school on Monday.]

I was relieved to receive his reply.

Monday came and I went to school. I sat down and started reading the novel I had brought with me.

Haruka seemed to be doing the same thing as usual, but for some reason she and Suguru seemed to be at odds with each other.

I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but Haruka was smiling, but she seemed to have a certain coldness about her, and Suguru looked frightened.

Then suddenly Suguru became impatient, at first I thought I was going to stop him if it got bad, but he seemed to be okay, so I continued reading.

The classroom went quiet, and I looked at him, thinking that Sano kun was here.

There were a lot of strange rumors going around, but I was relieved to see him looking fine, so I continued reading, and as I was about to return my gaze, I noticed something strange about Haruka.

When I saw her four days ago, she didn’t look like that at all, but now she looked like a maiden in love.

I was so surprised that my voice leaked out, “Haruka,” and Haruka noticed me and I simply said, “It’s nothing,” and walked toward Sano kun.

I thought so, but she came back immediately.

I wondered what had happened to her, and her face turned bright red and she fell down on her desk.

Moreover, after that, she talked to Sano kun every break time, and I heard when she went to the restroom, Haruka called him Akuru

I wanted to ask her what happened, but somehow it was too difficult to ask Haruka.

I went home and LIME’d Sano and he told me he couldn’t tell me.

I felt a little pain in my heart because Haruka and Sano-kun were getting along well without my knowledge.

The next day at noon, I boldly asked Haruka.

At first she was a little reluctant, but she told me.

It was more shocking than I had imagined.

Naturally, Sano kun’s likability went up and Suguru’s went down.

I felt that I needed to rethink my relationship with Suguru a little.

At that time, Sara came to me

She asked me how I felt about Sano kun, and I couldn’t hide my fondness for him.

Haruka clearly likes Sano kun, and her smile is the most beautiful I have ever seen.

Haruka was so dazzling that I couldn’t be honest with myself and said, “I don’t know.”

But at the same time, I felt a pain in my chest.

I hated not being honest with myself.

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