A very natural question flies out in a strong tone of voice. Why was Jinpei kun being blamed for the situation when it was I who was at fault? But even if I made an explanation, it would not improve the situation but only add fuel to the fire. All I could do was to bite my teeth.
Jinpei kun smiled kindly at me. Even without words, I could feel what he was saying.
“What Kanna really wanted to say was that she was looking forward to the event because it would allow her to forget about business and work together with her classmates.”
Jinpei kun’s words made everyone pause. As Asakura san and Sasatsuki san were the only ones holding their hands over their mouths and holding back their laughter, it was clear that they were also involved in this whole process.
But once again, it is embarrassing to hear what I was thinking. Compared to what I actually said, it is not as accurate as my intention. Jinpei kun, who realizes this, is a kind of psychic. He is indeed my proud childhood friend.
“You’re not an esper, how could you know such a thing, Itsuki kun?”
A female student asks a perfectly natural question. He was chuckling inwardly, but to a third party, it was understandable to think that Jinpei kun was delusional. It is my turn from here. When I tried to muster up the courage to open my mouth,
“Because I’m Kanna’s childhood friend. What more reason do I need?”
I won’t let you complain. The girls flinched at Jinpei kun’s sharp gaze, as if to say so, and at the same time, the classroom fell silent.
“Jinpei kun…..”
The blurring of my vision makes it impossible to see my childhood friend’s face. Everything I had been holding back for so long collapsed with a sound, and tears flowed endlessly. No matter how much I wipe it, it won’t stop.
“And I heard directly that Kanna said that she was looking forward to this bazaar. And I’m not the only one. Isn’t that so?”
“Yeah. I heard Hanazono san say that too.”
“Likewise. She said it with a very nice smile. I don’t think she’s just trying to do something random for fun.”
Asakura san and Sasatsuki san reinforced that Jinpei kun’s words were not a lie as they raised their hands. My heart was filled with excitement that the two of them remembered what I had casually told them.
[If not only Itsuki, but Asakura- an and Sasatsuki san say it too, then it must be true…….?]
[There’s no reason for the two of them to lie or protect Hanazono san, is there?]
[What kind of relationship do they have in the first place?]
The classroom was buzzing three times with the sudden covering fire by the two genius sprinter and genius actress. From the outside, there is no connection between us, so it’s not surprising that I’m surprised.
And I can’t just keep crying when my childhood friend and the first friends I’ve ever made have gone to such great lengths, and I can’t keep hiding behind their backs forever. I wiped my tears roughly with my sleeve and opened my mouth, determined to speak.
“I’m sorry ! I made you all feel uncomfortable because I didn’t say it clearly. But as Jinpei kun, Asakura san, and Sasatsuki san said, I was looking forward to working with you all at the bazaar ! So—“
I cut off my words and took a deep breath once.
(I wish everyone could understand what Kanna-chan is thinking.)
These were pure and kind words from Jinpei kun when I was a child. I can’t tell you how much these words saved my life. But in fact, there is more to this line. It is an important treasure that shapes the person I am today.
(But if they can’t understand, I’ll tell them what you’re thinking on your behalf, Kanna chan !)
I’m sure Jinpei kun will not remember this moment. Still, just like back then, he spoke for me the words I couldn’t convey.
But it’s okay now. I will tell everyone my thoughts with my own mouth and voice.
“—Would you like to make….accessories together?”
I bowed deeply.
My courage is shaken. Once again, the classroom is quiet.
In the air, everyone was hesitating. As if to cut through the silence, Wada kun stood up with enough force to knock over a chair and said.
“If Hanazono san says that much, we’d have to do it, don’t we !? Or rather….I don’t think there’s anyone out there who would say they won’t, right !?””
Wada kun provoked his classmates with a line that sounds like something a yankee president would say. Although I’m happy, I can’t help but wish he had said it in a gentler tone, but this served as an opportunity to unite the atmosphere in the classroom.
[Let’s do it !]
[I think antler accessories are very fashionable. Itsuki kun, you have good taste.]
[I mean, you’re not saying enough, Hanazono san.]
The heavy air fizzled out and the energy returned. The bazaar was going to be the same as before, but everyone’s feelings have been successfully knocked back to normal. At the center of it all was undoubtedly Jinpei kun. Seriously, he is an amazing person.
“Alright ! Now that the meeting is settled, let’s get to work right away ! Itsuki, are all the ingredients just there? You’re going to teach us how to make them, right?”
“Of course. There are still more ingredients, so I’ll go get them. Prez, I’m sorry, but could you hand out these to everyone?”
Jinpei kun took out a clear file from the cardboard and handed it to the class president. Judging from the thickness of the file, there seemed to be enough instructions for the number of people in the room. It was hard to imagine how hard he had worked to prepare the file while processing the materials.
“It’ll be alright if you work while looking at this. I’ll leave it to you then !”
With those final words, Jinpei kun briskly left the classroom. The rest of us, under the direction of the class president, immediately set about making accessories.
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