Yagi Saki
The new music video we shot over the summer break was not as good as it could have been.
The band’s ability to make music videos has declined significantly since the graduation of the third-year seniors.
The first music video we shot last summer break got a little buzz,
Since then, we have posted four more, but they have only been slowly growing.
Takuma encourages us to keep going, but I think it’s going to be difficult without a great opportunity,
But I was beginning to think that it would be difficult without a great opportunity.
After the party was over around 9:00 p.m., Takuma dropped me off at home,
I wanted to give Takuma a little pampering,
We stopped at a nearby park and cuddled for a bit.
“Two hot couple on a hot night~.”
“I’m so jealous~.”
“Whoa, aren’t you guys so cute !”
As I hurried away from Takuma, I saw three guys approaching us, grinning at us.
“….Let’s go.”
Takuma grabbed my hand and started walking to the other side.
“Stop there !”
The man’s angry voice made me stop.
I had to get away !
In the meantime, I was surrounded by three men running toward me !
“Hety, hey, hey, why are you running away?
Did we do something wrong? We didn’t, did we?”
“Ah. But running away is an insult to us, isn’t it?”
Takuma was shaking with fear.
“T-that’s not true.”
“But it is ! I’m saying that we’re hurt !”
What’s going to happen to us?
I was too afraid to move or speak.
I just clung to Takuma tightly.
It’s okay.
Takuma will take care of it.
It’s going to be okay.
“I-I’m sorry.”
“Apologizing won’t be enough.
Then what are you gonna do? Hey.”
One of the men repeatedly poked Takuma in the chest.
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’m sorry.”
As Takuma continued to apologize, the three men’s smirks grew louder.
“Hey, give me your phone !”
“Eh, yes…”
Takuma held out his phone with shaking hands.
The man snatched Takuma’s phone and slipped it into his own pocket.
“Ah. Give it back…”
Before Takuma could finish his sentence, the man suddenly punched him !
Takuma groaned and fell to his knees.
“Hey, hey, hey, I just patted you lightly~”
“Hey, get up, man. Come on.”
The two men forced Takuma to stand up,
The man in front of him let out a harsh voice.
“Get lost.”
“Get lost, fool~!”
“Eek !”
Takuma screamed and rolled away.
He left me behind.
Takuma !
Why !
Three men surrounded me, smiling wickedly as I lay motionless.
“Hee hee hee. Lady, you got left behind by that horrible boyfriend of yours,
Let’s have fun with us !”
“Yes, yes. Rather than that premature ejaculation bastard,
We’re much harder, bigger, and last longer ! Right?”
“Yeah. So let’s have fun all night long ! I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
“Now, let’s go !”
The two men grinned and held me from both sides as I froze, forcing me to move out of the park,
They forced me to proceed out of the park.
I wanted to call for help, but I was too scared to speak !
Somebody !
Help !
The man, annoyed at my refusal to move, shouted angrily.
“Get here~! Don’t get carried away just because I was nice to you~!
Move your ass !”
“We can have all the sex we want right here !”
“Eek !”
Somebody !
Help !
Takuma !
Why did you run away by yourself !
Samejima Kingo
I started my daily running routine.
There was a big, black, one-box car parked by the park near my house,
All the windows were covered with black sheets, which was very suspicious.
Then I heard a man threatening a woman from inside the park.
I called the police, knowing that I would be scolded for giving a false alarm.
“It’s an incident. A girl is about to be kidnapped at No. 3 Park in Nagata Ward.”
That’s all I told them, and while they were talking, I screwed my phone into my pocket,
I headed toward the voice and found three raspy men,
They were dragging the girl along, yelling abuse at her.
Oh crap, there were three of them !
And they look like they’re used to violence.
Hm? I can’t see much with my head down, but does the girl look like Saki?
My mother’s words came back to me.
[If Saki chan is in trouble, help her out.]
I summoned up my courage and shouted from the bottom of my stomach.
“Let go of that girl !”
The guys finally noticed me, apparently preoccupied with the girl.
“Ahhn? What the hell, man?”
“Get the fuck out of here ! We’re busy !”
“Hey, you wanna get hurt? Ah?”
They seemed to be prioritizing the girl.
I need to buy some time for the cops to get here…..
Also, I need to get the message to the police that we’re in trouble…
I shouted again.
“Three men kidnapping a girl? Get away from that girl !”
“Shut up !”
The man in the middle who yelled at me waved his arms and approached me menacingly.
The feeling that he was used to violence was great.
I shook my body just a little and waited.
“You wanna die……then die !”
The man took me by surprise and threw a kick,
but I could see his preliminary move, so I guarded it tightly with my left arm.
“What !”
I slammed a right low kick into the man’s calf, which surprised him.
“Gah !”
The man crouched down in pain from the blow, but when he was hit again with a right kick to the temple, he fell down.
“You son of a bitch !”
The girl was thrown out and the two men came at me from both sides !
Oh no !
I panicked and ran away.
Okay, follow me !
But the guys stopped running after only about five seconds.
What a bunch of gutless bastards !
I wanted to buy more time, but it didn’t matter.
I caught my breath and approached them again, slowly, and they slowly approached me !
The big guy on the right threw a straight right, but I stepped in and countered with a sharp left straight right to the big guy’s jaw.
Good !
The big guy’s head shook with a grunt and he collapsed.
Thump !
I was hit from behind !
“Ggh !”
I fell down and tried to get up, but was hit in the stomach by a follow-up kick and fainted in agony.
Then I was kicked again and again in various places.
“Kingo !”
Damn it !
Get up !
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