
Kumagai Yuri

September 1. The second semester began.

After the barbecue, I ended up not seeing anyone in my class.

Kingo helped me out again, and I wanted to thank him for lunch or something.

He turned me down saying he was a little busy.

I was talking with Yuka, who had arrived earlier,

Takuma and Yagi Saki came into the classroom holding hands.

It didn’t hurt my heart to see that,

I just thought that they’re as lovey-dovey as ever.

Thanks to Yuka, Kingo, and Yutaro.

Their classmates were approaching them and making a fuss.

“Takuma, your music video was so cool !”

“Really !”

“How much buzz did it get?”

Apparently, the music video they shot during the first half of the summer vacation got a bit of buzz.

I watched it once myself and saw Takuma and Saki san hanging out like a pair of lovebirds, singing happily together.

Then, they shot another one during the second half of the summer vacation.

Takuma…it’s been a while, but you don’t look at me at all anymore. I don’t mind.

Takuma is a childhood friend of mine from elementary school.

I’m from a single-parent family, and my mom worked at a snack bar, and when it was discovered at school,

everyone bullied me, but Takuma defended me.

That’s when I fell in love with Takuma,

He was the best friend I had ever had.

I was so happy when Takuma told me he liked me in the second year of junior high school.

Takuma is a serious guy, so he told his parents that we had started dating.

Takuma’s family is one of the most prominent families in the city and he is the eldest son of the family,

His father told him not to date the child of a snack bar owner.

Takuma never broke up with me, and we studied together without telling the Matsukubo family, and we were accepted into this high school together.

But on the day of the entrance ceremony, he suddenly said, [I have found someone I like. Please break up with me.]

I cried every day in April.

“Hey, hey, guys, long time no see !”

Makoto and Jun, who started dating on the day of the barbecue, came into the classroom holding hands !

“Oh…..hey, why are you holding hands with Otsuka san?”

“Eh~, that’s, well, I’m her boyfriend? Her lover? So?”

As Makoto showed the margin of victory, the boys’ snickers echoed.

“No way !”

“Why with Makoto of all people !”

“No way~!”

According to Yutaro, Jun was inferior in appearance (rude !),

But she is always ready to listen to the boys’ boastful stories and trivia, and she laughs a lot, also she does a lot of skinship.

Furthermore, there is no discrimination between everyone, from handsome guys to nerds.

Furthermore, her skirts are by far the shortest in the school,

she often leaves the buttons on her shirt open because it’s hot.

She had no boyfriend, of course, so she was a [sexy goddess],

By the end of the first semester, she was the most popular girl in the school.

Kingo quietly walked into the classroom amidst the continuous snickering of the boys.

I waved and said, [Good morning !],

Kingo just smiled a stiff smile.

I wondered if he didn’t get enough sleep.

After listening to the gratifying talk by the principal, the class changed seats.

I was at the very back of the window, everyone’s coveted position, and Kingo was next to me.

I did it !

At recess, the seven of us from the barbecue gathered at our seats.

“Hey, Yuri. Did Matsuo apologize to you?”

“No, he didn’t. I almost made eye contact with him once, but he quickly averted his eyes.”

“I see him sometimes, but he doesn’t talk much and stays still.”

“Just like Kingo and Yuri in April.”

“That’s right.”

“Kingo, what’s wrong? You don’t look well.”

Yutaro looked at Kingo with concern.

“Hm? I don’t seem to be getting enough sleep. Thanks for worrying about me.”

It doesn’t look like that, but that’s what the person himself said.

Yutaro was backing down.

After that, we had to choose new class committee members,

As in the first semester, as for the female, Haruko was chosen, while Makoto was chosen for the boy.

Makoto’s grades were below average,

He is usually not chosen because his grades are below average and he is not a serious person.

Is he being harassed because he started going out with Jun?

Matsuo kun, who was not chosen, seemed even more depressed.

I didn’t care about that and sent a message to Kingo, who was not in good spirits.

[Can you come to the usual convenience store? I want to thank you for the other day.]

After school, Kingo came to the convenience store, but he was still in low spirits.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You don’t seem fine at all.”

“I appreciate your concern. But it’s nothing.”

Kingo looked away awkwardly as he said this.

I grabbed his arm and tried my best to talk to him.

“You’re totally different from usual.

I know it won’t help you even if I listen to you.

But I’m sure you’ll feel much better if you just talk to me.

I’ll keep your secret.

Hey, please. Will you do me a favor for once?”

I stared at him for a moment, and then Kingo nodded, as if he had given up.

“…Then, will you listen to what I have to say?

It may take a while, though.”

We stopped at the convenience store and went into a nearby family restaurant,

Lunch time seemed to be over, there were few customers, and I could choose any seat I wanted.

I sat at a table at the far end of the restaurant.

It seats four people, but I sit next to Kingo.

We were shoulder to shoulder.

“Eh Why are you next to me? You’re too close.”

Kingo’s face is turning red.

I guess I was able to emphasize his mood a little bit.

“Did I mention that the seats across from each other are hostile, and the ones next to each other are friends?

So, we’re definitely next to each other today, right?

Besides, we always sit next to each other at the convenience store.”

“No, well, yes, but…

It’s very conspicuous when two people sit side by side in a store with almost no customers…”

Kingo began to flip through the menu.

“Ah !”


I couldn’t help but shout, and Kingo started flipping through the menu in reverse order.

Suddenly, the page that I was looking  was discovered.

“…You want pancakes? Parfait? Anmitsu?”

“…..Strawberry pancakes. But that’s a lot for a lunch and these, isn’t it?”

“…….Half a pancake?”

“That’s a good idea !”

I couldn’t get into the main topic, so I remained silent for a while and then the pancakes were brought out.

“They look delicious !”


“Wait a minute.”

I should cheer him up more ! It’s a little, no, it’s quite embarrassing.

I cut the pancakes into small pieces and dip them in a generous amount of strawberry sauce,

I put the fork close to Kingo’s mouth.

“Here, ah~n!”

“T-t-t-that’s not necessary !”

“C’mon ! Don’t embarrass a maiden who has gone this far !

“Uh~, all right !”

Kingo turned bright red and opened his mouth wide to take a bite.

I’m so happy…

He fluttered his right hand and fanned his face.

It’s hot in this restaurant…

“Y-you can eat the rest by yourself.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

We were too shy to talk after that.

After finishing the pancakes, we went to the drink bar and Kingo had a café au lait and I had a cup of tea.

“Then, Kingo, can you tell me the story?”

“My father works for a major general contractor.

He specializes in tunnel construction and travels all over Japan where there is tunnel construction,

When he becomes the chief engineer of a new construction project, it is normal for him to work there for about three years.

When my mother was alive, he used to come home for New Year’s, Golden Week, Obon, and three consecutive holidays in the fall.

But after my mother passed away two years ago, not only did he not come home at all, but I never heard from him again.

He used to send me money, but I’m worried that we might lose touch,

so I took a part-time job during the summer vacation.

Then, at the end of August, he came home without a word.

When I came home, he had opened several cans of beer, and was breathing heavily with the smell of alcohol.

A few more bottles before my sister came home.

He’s a strong drinker and loves it.

When my sister came home, he told us.

[I’ve decided to quit the company.

And I’m getting married in Niigata.

The girl I’m marrying is a waitress at a snack bar, and she’s very kind and sexy.

Hey, will you give me your blessing !]

When he saw us stunned, he smiled at us.

[Well, I’m not coming back to this house, so I’ve decided to sell it.

We can still sell it for a high price now.

So, you guys, get out of this house by the end of September.

Oh, you’re not coming to Niigata, you hear me?

You’re all grownups now.

I’ll make sure you get your money’s worth.]

[Don’t screw with me ! This house is filled with memories of Mom !”

[Shut up ! This house is mine ! She’s dead ! I don’t want this house !]

[You can’t do this]

[This house is mine ! I let you people live here out of pity !

You’ll be out of here by the end of September !]

He, my sister, and I yelled at each other a lot.

But she and I both knew.

We knew that we would never be able to live with him again.

We would never call him Dad with affection again.

Mom’s last will and testament was, [Dad, Touko, Kingo, the three of you, get along well.] That’s all…”

Kingo’s shoulders trembled and he began to cry, stifling his voice.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

I gently patted Kingo’s back.

That was all I could do.

“….That night, I was worried about what would happen if my father stopped sending money.

I was reminded that I was sheltered by a father I hated…”

Unable to respond, I continued to gently stroke Kingo’s back as he continued to cry.

……His father was taken away from me by a waitress at a snack bar.

If he finds out my mother work at the snack bar,

Kingo would hate me…

I knew I had to keep my mother a secret…

“Thank you. I really feel much better after talking to Yuri.”

Kingo’s face looked much better after he stopped crying.

“I’m glad. But what happened to the house?”

“I’ve decided that my sister and I will move out by the end of September.

The house is too big for the two of us, and it would be better to be closer to the station.

My sister is looking for it right now.”

“I see. That’s a lot of work. Are you sure you can afford it?”

“Yeah. If the house sells as planned, it will be worth a lot of money.

He said we will have enough money to live on until I graduate from college.

It’s all because my mother inherited it for us.”

“She must’ve been a really good mother

….Well, let me know when you move out. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you. I’ll talk it over with my sister.”

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