
When the fireworks were over, Yutaro shouted happily.

“Then, let’s do the courage test next.

We’ll pair up, men and women, and walk to a shrine about a kilometer away.

It’s a narrow road, but it’s paved and there are street lights from time to time, so you shouldn’t get lost.

Now, here’s the lottery.”

I don’t know if it was planned or not, but here we are.

First group: Ogasawara Makoto, Otsuka Jun

Second group: Matsuo Susumu, Kumagai Yuri 

Third group Sameshima Kingo, Kanno Haruko

Fourth group: Sudo Yutaro, Kioka Yuika 


“Let’s go, Jun.”

“Go-go !”

Ogasawara happily and shyly called Otsuka by her first name.

Mmm. I’m glad the first name-calling spilled over to everyone so well.

At a distance almost lost in the darkness, Ogasawara’s hand quickly reached out, and Otsuka responded,

Their hands were linked, and they waved their joined hands in a big, buzzing motion.

[ [ [ [ [Good for you.] ] ] ] ]

Ten minutes later, Matsuo and Yuri left, and another ten minutes later, Haruko and I left.

I had only one flashlight, a small one I bought at a 100 yen store,

The only brightness was at our feet.

“I’m scared, so please hold hands with me.”

When I looked into Haruko’s face, I saw a smiling face, not a trace of fear in it.

“…..You’re not scared, but rather happy.”

“I’m nervous.”

“Well, we’re just getting started.”

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll only make fun of you in front of Yuri.”

“Please give me a break !”

“Hahaha !:

In total darkness, for the first time, and on a narrow road surrounded by trees,

We were walking slowly, relying on the light of a small flashlight, and continued talking about nothing else.

“You can see the stars so well in the dark.”

“Ufufu. You can say the moon is beautiful.”

“The moon isn’t out, is it?”

“That’s out of respect for Soseki san.”

The buses departed every 10 minutes, and there was no one in front of or behind us because we were in the middle of the mountains.

We’re probably halfway there already, and I’m getting pretty scared.

I wonder if holding hands would make me less scared…


Wow, that scared me !

I reacted with a startle when I heard a rasping sound coming from my phone  !

“You startled me too much~”

Phone call, who is it?

It’s Yuri !

“Hello? What’s wrong?”

“I’ve broken my leg. I’m sorry, but you have to come help me.”

“Oh. Where’s Matsuo?”

“…..We got separated. So I’m all alone.

As soon as I was alone, a boar approached me,

I got scared and started to run away, but I fell.”

“Do you know where you are? Do you have any landmarks?”

“I ran off the road and into the woods. The landmark…..”

“Did you see any landmarks on this road that you passed?”

“……I saw a sign warning of a wildfire.

Then a little further on, a wild boar came out from the left and ran off to the right.”

“Got it ! I’ll be right there.

I know you’re anxious, but it would be really bad if the battery runs out of charge, so I’mma disconnect the phone.

Don’t worry, I’ll be right there.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Yuri answered stoutly, but her voice was a little trembling.

“Being alone in the dark forest is too scary !”

Haruko shuddered at the thought.

“Let’s go get her, quickly !”

Two minutes later, we came to a sign warning of a wildfire ! This is it !

After a little further on, I let out a loud voice.



I heard her ! To the right, that way !

“Haruko, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to wait here, alone.

I’ll use the flashlight, but I’ll be right back.

If we go into the dark woods together, I’m not sure we can make it back here.”

“Yeah. You’re right. Find Yuri as soon as possible.

But I’m scared, so come back soon.”


I entered the forest and walked slowly for 100 steps.

It was my first time in the woods and I was very scared.

“Yuri~ !”

“Kingo, over here~!”

In the pitch blackness, I saw a figure waving at me. Thank God…

“Are you okay?”

When I pointed a small flashlight at her, Yuri’s face relaxed with relief.

“Ah, that was so scary~! You saved me again. Thank you.”

I was also relieved, as I walked up to her and she picked up my shirt.

“don’t mention it. But is your leg okay?”

“Yes, it’s fine. The pain has subsided a lot.

But it’s so dark, I don’t know which way to go.”

“Yeah, I don’t know the direction and even with a flashlight, I’m scared.”

“Seriously ! I was so scared !

……Will you hold my hand?”


I was so nervous that for some reason I responded in an enthusiastic manner.

I hadn’t held hands with a girl in a while.

It’s so smooth, and holding hands makes me so happy.

“Let’s go slowly. Watch your step. Oh, and take the flashlight.”


I started walking, and Yuri seemed to be limping a little, but seemed to be okay.

I felt relieved again, so I said what I was most curious about.

“…..Did something happen with Matsuo?”

“………Yeah. He confessed his feelings for me, and when I turned him down, he ran away.”

“Seriously ! It must have been scary to be left all alone in a place like this.

You did well.”

Instead of lashing out at that bastard Matsuo, I tried to empathize with her, comfort her, and encourage her.

“Thanks. But  when Kingo hung up on me, I was really scared.”

“Yuri squeezed my hand tightly.”

“I told you I was sorry ! If I couldn’t use the phone, we’d be in big trouble !

I’m really sorry !”

In fact, I was aroused by the guilt I was feeling, and when I apologized as much as I could, Yuri burst out laughing.

“Ahaha ! I’m just kidding ! I had faith that you would come right away !”

“I’m glad I found you so quickly and that you’re not hurt too badly.”

“Yeah. Thanks a lot.”

I thought I was going back in the direction I had come from, but it seemed like I was going crazy, and I could hear Haruko’s voice coming from my left.

I was horrified at the thought of being left alone in the woods.

I saw Haruko’s figure, and though I didn’t want to let go, I gently let go of the hand I was holding.


I heard Yuri’s small voice.

She sounded disappointed, but I’m glad if that was the case.

Haruko was standing there with her hands folded in front of her, looking worried.

“Thank you. If Haruko hadn’t stay behind,

I would’ve become a mummy.”

“I was scared, you know ! But Yuti was even more scared.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

After Haruko spoke quickly, she hugged Yuri’s shoulders and then looked at her feet with concern.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.”

After that, Yutaro and Yuka caught up with me from behind.

“Hm, what’s wrong? Yuri’s here, but…yeah, where’s Susumu?”

“Hey !”

Before I could answer Yuka’s question, Makoto and Jun returned from the front.

The two of them are proudly holding hands !

“Hm? Why did you come back?”

I muttered, and Haruko talked withouth pausing.

“Because I was scared of being alone !

Kingo ! In the dark ! In the mountains ! A weak girl ! Alone !”

“No, no, no, no ! I said you should wait for me alone !

Besides, if we both went looking for Yuri, we wouldn’t have made it back here !”

Haruko said she was bullied by me, so I did my best to make excuses !

And yet, Haruko was already oblivious.

Hey !

“I’m just kidding. I called you back because I couldn’t take the test of courage anymore.

Now that we’re all here, Yuri, will you explain what happened?”


As we were walking this far, Matsuo kun suddenly stopped.

He told me he liked me and asked me to go out with him.

So, when I said sorry, Matsuo kun ran away.”

Once Yuri’s story was over, Yuka was shocked.

“Wow. Of course, Matsuo had a flashlight, right?

Unbelievable. Leaving a girl alone in the mountains in the dark?”

“No, seriously.”

“That’s really messed up !”

Everyone agreed.

“Your leg looks sore. What’s wrong?

“I was left behind and was scared, so I stayed still, but a wild boar approached me.

I was so surprised that I panicked and ran away, but then I fell down.

I got lost and Kingo saved me.”

“Oh yes, that’s right ! Kingo left me alone and ran away.”

Haruko, who was standing next to me, groped my side.


“And where did Matsuo go?”

Makoto was looking around.

“We didn’t pass each other either.”

Yutaro, who had remained silent until then, answered.

“You see the stairs on the way to the road?

If you go up there, you will reach the road.”

“I think so. Then, what about Matsuo?”

Haruko looked around at everyone.

However, in the darkness, only three small flashlights were shining.

It was as if the shadows were moving.

“What do you wanna do, Yuri?”

Yuka asked, and everyone turned their attention to Yuri.

“Well, it was my fault that I fell.

But I was scared because I was left behind, so if he could apologize to me for that.”

“You’re so kind, Yuri~ Yeah, I agree. Let’s just be gentle and leave it at that.

Let’s not blame each other.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

After that, we all went back to the lodge, chilling with Makoto and Jun who were holding hands all the time.

They returned to the lodge.

Yuri had a slight limp on her right leg, and I felt sorry for her.

When we returned to the lodge, not only was Matsuo gone, but so was his luggage.

“Uwaa, he really ran away.”

“His high pride must have been shattered.”

“That’s unbelievable !”

“Uh-huh !”

The three girls, Yuka, Haruko, and Jun, were quite angry.

After the girl’s anger subsided, I called out to Yuri.

“Oi, Yuri.

Let me see your right leg. It will be easier after taping it.”

I had prepared for such an eventuality since we were walking on the mountain path.


“Come on, hurry up. It hurts, doesn’t it?”

I had meant well, but what I got back was

A lot of stares of disdain and abuse from the girls.

“No !”

“Kingo is such a jerk !”

“Don’t you know anything about delicacy?”

“He wants her to show him her feet after wearing shoes for so long ! And in the summer !

The number one reason highschool girls kill themselves is because someone said they stink !”

I would never have said they smelled bad !

I was so frustrated that I rebelled, just a little bit.

“Delicacy? What’s that? Does it taste good?”

Yuka’s punch bit into my body.

“Die !”

“Guhaa !”

While the girls were taking a bath, I was visiting the front desk.

I think I found it.

There it was ! It’s Hagen !

Since I had a part-time job and my pockets were warm, I bought one for the boys and returned to the lodge.

Yutaro and Makoto were the only ones in the living room, and they were having an erotic word-chain game with each other.

“Morning wood.”



“Wet dreams !”

“I-i-impotence !”

[ [Gyahahaha !] ]

…I was taken aback.

If she finds out, she’ll dump you.”

“Eh, really? You guys, shut up !”

“Eh~, what’s wrong~?”

As the erotic word-chain game was interrupted, the girls returned to the living room at the right time.

“Um, Yuri san, here is a Hagen for as an apology for being rude.

I bought one for each of you.”


“You’re so thoughtful !”

“Mm-hmm !”

As expected of Hagen. I could easily bribe both boys and girls !

I sat Yuri down on a chair and placed her right leg on my thigh.

I’ve never taped a girl before, so I’m very nervous !

I guess it’s because she’s just finished taking a bath, or maybe it’s because she smells so good, like shampoo or something !

I taped it tightly around her ankle, which was still white and smooth.

I was too embarrassed to see the expression on Yuri’s face,

The girls’ eyes watching this,

They’re jealous of the way I make her kneel and treat her like a princess ! They were sparkling with envy.

The boys’ desire to touch the girls’ ankles was glistening.

“It’s true ! I feel so much better ! Thanks, Kingo.”

After the taping was over, Yuri walked around a bit, her cheeks tinted.

So cute.

I’m really glad Yuri didn’t go out with Matsuo.

Then Yuka, who was grinning, patted me on the shoulder and praised me.

“Thanks for the food.”

“Not that.”

After that, the seven of us had a lively card game that went on until 3:00 a.m. 

The seven of us became really good friends, and it became natural for us to call each other by name.

We were all united in our anger toward Matsuo.

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