
It was the day of the high school entrance ceremony, the weather was clear and sunny, welcoming us to our first day of high school. Yeah, everyone around me was the same.

Samejima kingo and his girlfriend, Yagi Saki, were nervously looking at the class placement board.

[ [Class 3 !] ]

[ [We’re in the same class !] ]

I looked at Saki, who was smiling, and gave her a high five.

My hands were a little sore from the loud cracking sound,

But the joy was overwhelming.

“Then, let’s go to the classroom !”

“Yeah !”

“What a good start !”

“Yeah, it’s gonna be fun !”

Yagi Saki is a childhood friend of mine and we’ve been friends for a long time,

We started dating after I passed the entrance exam.

She is about the same height as me, 170cm, with long, slender arms and legs,

She is a beautiful girl with long brown hair and big, bright eyes.

We had been talking happily all day as we entered the school building and headed to class 3.

“What do you want for lunch?”

“Pasta? No, meat? Sushi would be nice.”

While talking with me, Saki tried to go into class 3 first,

She lightly bumped into a guy who was coming out.


“Ah, sorry.”

The guy Saki bumped into was a tall guy, about 180 centimeters tall,

He was a handsome guy with a sweet mask.

[ [Ah….] ]

Those two people who bumped into each other were staring at each other.

“Are you okay?”


I was worried because there was no answer, so I put my hand on Saki’s shoulder and called out to her again.

“Ah~, are you okay?”

After a jerk, Saki did not look back at me, but apologized to the man who bumped into her.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking ahead.”

“Me too.”

I entered the classroom after the guy and looked at the seating chart on the blackboard.

We lined up from the front on the hallway side, in order of A-I-U-E-O.

I was in the second row at the back of the hallway, and Saki was in the opposite row at the back of the window.

“What’s wrong?”

She looked at me and gave me a hard smile.

“No, it’s nothing. It’s time for me to go sit down.”

After a while, our homeroom teacher, a young woman, appeared,

We were soon ushered into the gymnasium, where the entrance ceremony was held,

As soon as we returned to class, everyone began to introduce themselves.

The class consisted of 18 boys and 18 girls, for a total of 36 students,

The beautiful girl who attracted the most attention from the guys was Yagi Saki,

She was my girlfriend. Hmhp !

She’s gorgeous, isn’t she !

I promised her that I would keep the fact that she was my girlfriend a secret for a while,

I can’t wait to unveil it. In a loud voice.

Not just to this class, but to the whole grade, or even the whole school.

By the way, I’m not the most popular among the girls,

But Matsukubo Takuma, the tall, handsome guy who bumped into Saki.

I don’t really care though.

I have Saki !

After the self-introductions, we had homeroom in the classroom.

During the introductions and homeroom, I glanced at Saki,

I never made eye contact with Saki.


Saki looked blankly ahead.

Toward the end of homeroom, my phone trembled.

[Sorry, can you go home alone today?]

! ! !

I had said we would go home together !

I had said we would have lunch together !

I looked at Saki fearfully and found her staring at her phone in a serious manner.

A pitch black cloud of anxiety swelled up in my heart.

[Is something wrong?]

[No, it’s nothing serious. I’m sorry.]

[Okay. I’ll see you later.]

I went home and took off my brand-new uniform,

I took off my brand-new uniform and threw it against the wall with all my might.

“What the hell !”

After I had fallen asleep for a while, I received a line from Saki.

[I’m at a park near my house, can you come out?]

There’s a small park right between me and Saki’s house.

This is the park where I used to play the most when I was little, and where I confessed to Saki that I loved her.

Saki was sitting on a bench there, staring at her phone.

“Have you eaten? Let’s go now !”

I sat down next to Saki, trying to sound as carefree as possible.

“I’m sorry I didn’t go home with you.”

Saki looked at me with a puzzled look on her face.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?

“….I was confessed.”

“Eh ! Today? At the high school? That soon?”


When I affirmed her answer to her question, Saki looked away from me and became silent.

“Eh, you turned him down, didn’t you?” 


I thought she’d smile and say, [I’m just kidding.]

Saki remained silent.

“You turned him down, right?”


My anxiety and voice were getting louder.

“….You’ve got to be kidding me !”


“Tell me you said no !”

Unable to hold back, I stood up and yelled at her !

Then Saki stood up and bowed her head.

“I’m sorry. Please break up with me.”

I understood her words, but I couldn’t understand her.

“…Huh? What are you saying?”

I said a cracked voice that I had never said to Saki, or anyone else for that matter.

“I’m serious.”

I was annoyed at Saki, who looked up and stared straight at me.

“I don’t understand ! Who is it ! You better explain it to me !”

“He is Matsukubo Takuma. He’s the guy I bumped into this morning.”

“That guy ! …..You knew him before?”

“No, we’ve never met before. It was love at first sight. It was fate !”

Saki had an enraptured look on her face that I had never seen before.

“Huh? You have a boyfriend, me, and you call it love at first sight, fate, are you an idiot?

……How much do you know about each other?”

I made my first cold voice toward Saki,

Saki didn’t seem to mind, and her voice was cheerful.

“We just talked a little. And yet, we can’t help but like each other !

It’s fate ! So, I’m sorry !”

“You don’t even know the other person at all !

We’ve been together for so long, and now you dumped me?”

I glared at her with all my might, but Saki was completely unfazed.

“Yes, that’s right. I’m sorry.”


I slumped down on the bench, holding my head and ruffling my hair.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want people around me, or him, to misunderstand, so please don’t call me Saki anymore.”

She didn’t feel bad at all,

And her tone was as if I was telling  a child who was not good enough,

Did I do something stupid or bad enough to be called that?

“Shut up…”

“I don’t want to be misunderstood, so please treat it like we’re just classmates.”

“Shut up ! Don’t screw with me ! Stay away from me now ! Go ! Go away !”

Tears began to flow and wouldn’t stop.

“Okay. See you later.”

Saki mumbled and immediately turned away from me.


I reached out my hand to hold her back, but I couldn’t reach her.

Saki puffed out her chest and quickly moved away.


After crying for a while,

I went home and lay down on the sofa in the living room and cried again.

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