
One weekday after school.

I was visiting Yuuka’s house after school, and Yuuka, Mizuki, chan and I were playing a railroad party game on a popular video game console.

“Now I activate the sword hunting card I had saved ! The target is Sota Onii chan !”

“Geeeeaaaah !? My Cinderella card, which I was gonna use next turn, has been stolen !?”

“Just as planned.”

“Fufufu, Sota kun, you forgot that Mizuki had it, didn’t you?”

Yuuka giggles when she sees the exchange between Mizuki chan and me.

“You’re terrible, Mizuki chan !”

“I’m sorry, Sota Onii chan. But a war is a war.”

“Kuh, you’ve said it !? But watch me, okay? I’ll show you how scary a high schooler is right away…….!”

Yes, I’m not going to let this end with me being beaten to a pulp.

The game is in its final stages, but we still have a chance to make a comeback.

Don’t think you can easily get away with it !

“Then I’m gonna use the robbery flying around card I got for Sota kun in the previous turn.”

“Hey, Yuuka !? Can you please stop going after me right now !?”

“Because right now, it’s more efficient to go after the weakened Sota kun than to go after the leader, Mizuki♪”

“You sisters are all terrible !?  But wait, Yuuka. Think calmly, the one you should defeat isn’t me, but Mizuki chan, the top one, right?”

“My plan is to get the assets from Sota kun and then compete against Mizuki in the final battle. So, here, forfeit~♪”

“Gyaaa ! My most valuable asset, Tokyo Nezukoland, is being robbed…….”

“I’m sorry, Sota kun. But war is a war.”

“Kuh, this is what a scary high schooler looks like… It was shown to me clearly… Also, all the sisters are too strong, and they are too merciless…”

The three of us were having a lot of fun with railroad party game

“Speaking of which, Sota Onii chan, are you good at swimming?”

After a break in the game, Mizuki chan, who cleared the game at the top, asked me that.

“Well, I guess I’m pretty good at it. I’m not the most athletic person in the class, but I’m not particularly bad at it either. I’ve been doing it for six years in elementary school, so I think I’m pretty good at the basics.”

“Then, can you teach Mizuki how to do the butterfly feet? Mizuki still can’t swim well.”

Mizuki chan looked at me with a very serious face, different from when we were playing the game.

I immediately guessed her intention.

Maybe she wants to learn how to swim properly because she drowned that time.

No, I shouldn’t have said “maybe” in front of this serious face.

Mizuki  chan is thinking strongly that she wants to learn to swim well so that she won’t drown again.


She’s a little girl with a lot of ambition.

That’s good.

I want to do my best to respond to Mizuki chan’s wish as she loves me as her big brother.

“I don’t mind teaching you, but the problem with swimming is finding a place to practice. Besides, it’s still spring, so it’s too cold to go in the water. Can we just wait until summer?”

Although I appreciate Mizuki chan’s motivation, the practical problem is that it is difficult to have a pool in the spring.

But in summer, it can be difficult to find an empty pool.

All the easy-to-get-to pools in the neighborhood will be packed with people, so I will have to find a pool that is not so crowded or far away where we can have a space to practice.

As I was thinking about that,

“About that.”

Yuuka came into the conversation.

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