
“No, it’s not like that. Sota kun is very kind, and unlike other boys, he doesn’t act arrogant, and I like him very much—that’s not what I meant !? I don’t mean that I like him as a member of the opposite sex ! I mean, I like him as a member of the human race 


She likes me as a member of the same human race.

In other words, a universal like that emanates from 7 billion members of the human race.

I mean I’m just like one in 7,000,000,000,000.

In effect, it means that I’m not in her eyes.

……B-but it’s not like I’m sad, you know !

I’m just being reminded of an obvious fact !

“Of course I know that.”

I said cheerfully with a laugh, trying not to show even the slightest hint of disappointment.

I’m not the kind of person who expects things and then gets discouraged.

While we were talking like that, we soon arrived at the bus stop.

We got on the bus that came right on time and sat down next to each other,


Yuka gave a small yawn.

It seems like Yuka is covering her mouth with her hand so that others can’t see it.

“Maybe you’re not getting enough sleep?”

I asked gently as if I was concerned about her health.

“Ehehe, just a little bit. I had a little evaluation meeting last night, so—“

“What kind of meeting?”

However, the unusual words that came out of Yuuka’s mouth made me interject, even though she was in the middle of speaking.


Maybe because she was interrupted, Yuuka’s shoulders trembled for a moment.

Oh, shoot, that was a little rude.

I just interrupted the conversation.

Not many girls would like a rude guy who interrupts their conversation to talk about whatever he wants to talk about.

“I’m sorry I interrupted you. I just reacted to the unusual word.”

Not wanting Yuuka to hate me, I immediately told her how sorry I was.

Then, for some reason, Yuuka suddenly began to panic.

“I-it’s not that ! That was just a figure of speech !?”

“A figure of speech?”

“Y-yes…that ! Every night, I reflect on today’s day, and I try to make a better tomorrow.”

“Wow, that’s amazing, Yuuka. You do that every day?”

“Uh, yeah, well….maybe I do?”

“I’ve never done that or even thought about it. It is a very cool way of life to make tomorrow better than today, isn’t it?”

I praised Yuuka’s stylish way of life–good tomorrow behavior with all my heart.

She’s not an ordinary girl at all, living such a cool life.

How perfect of a girl is Yuuka?

As an ordinary guy, I’m just too dazzled by everything about her.

“Well, not really, ahaha…”

Moreover, she had this humble attitude, not boasting about it at all.

“No, no, that kind of thing doesn’t happen to anyone. I was really moved when I heard what you just said. Yuuka is amazing after all. You’re an amazing girl.”

“Y-yeah…..but, you know, it’s really not that big of a deal……”

“There’s no need to be modest. You can’t do an evaluation meeting every day. I really respect you. It’s amazing.”

“E-enough about that, okay?”

“? You’ve been acting all flustered since a while ago–“

I thought of a possibility here.

Maybe Yuka’s current story–.

“I-I’m not lying, okay? It’s true that I had an evaluation meeting, okay?”

“Eh? Of course I don’t think you’re lying, okay?”

“T-that so?”

“Well, I was wondering if maybe Yuuka was keeping this a secret from me.”

I wonder if she was imposing on me not to tell others.

“Ah……yeah, that’s right ! It’s my own secret evaluation meeting, so that’s why I can’t tell you about the contents~. So it’s no wonder I can’t talk about it much~. I’m sorry~, I’m keeping it a secret~.”

“I see, I understand. Then let’s not talk about it anymore.”

“Y-yeah. Would you be happy if we did that? Fwuah…”

And here Yuuka gave a small yawn again.

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