Episode 33 – Successfully waking up early ! Commute to school by bus with the school idol (2)



“I know what you mean. There are times when I’m in the mood to change things that I usually do in my routine.”

“I-I know, right?”

“I often have the “Daily A Set Lunch” for lunch, which is a large portion with excellent cost performance.”

“Oh, I may hear that from time to time. A girl with a boyfriend…

[My boyfriend always eats the daily A set meal because it’s a big portion. I feel sorry for him, so maybe I’ll make him some lunch next time.]

I think something like that.”

“For guys, it’s more about quantity than quality. Basically, I wanna eat a lot of food.”

“Boys eat so much that you would be surprised. The lunch box is also very big. Like this.”

Yuuka drew a huge oval in the air with both hands.

The long diameter is about 40 centimeters.

As expected, I had never seen a boy bring such a huge lunch box, but Yuuka expressed her feeling of [It’s so big !].

Yuuka’s adorable appearance made me feel relaxed from the morning.

“Well, for us boys, we are more surprised at the small size of girls’ lunch boxes. I seriously think that such a small amount of food is not enough even as a snack.”

Not that I was trying to imitate Yuuka, but I put the index fingers and thumbs of both hands together to make a small circle to express how small the girls’ lunch boxes were.

“It’s funny how we wonder at each other.”

Yuuka giggles as she lightly puts her hand over her mouth.

The casual gestures are so dainty when Yuuka does them that it’s as if the seat where she sits has been turned into a scene from a TV drama, even though she only commutes to school by bus in her featureless blazer school uniform.

“But even so, sometimes I find myself irresistibly craving the B set meal, which is a bit more expensive and smaller in quantity, but looks delicious with soup and other dishes.”

There is nothing strange about changing one’s usual routine just because one is in the mood for something different.

So, of course, it never occurred to me that Yuuka had changed her lipstick in anticipation of meeting me in the morning.

Of course, I would have thought I’d be happy if she did.

“But if Sota kun says this one is better, I might try this one from now on.”

Yuuka traced her own lips lightly with her index finger and asked me with a beguilingly upward glance.

“Hmm…I think it’s definitely better to prioritize Yuuka’s opinion over my random opinions about fashion, right?”

I gave her a wry smile.

If you use my opinion as a reference, it may end up being negative rather than helpful.

Of course, no matter what kind of lipstick she wears, Yuuka’s beauty will not be greatly diminished.

But I still didn’t want to do anything that would drag Yuka down.

“Even so, the opinions of boys are valuable. I don’t have any other boys I’m close with besides Sota kun, so it’s hard for me to ask them about things like this.”

“Well, an amateur’s opinion might be helpful as well. Whether or not you adopt my opinion is a different matter.”

“I will take that into consideration and I will use this lipstick from tomorrow.  

For Sota kun–just kidding. Ehehe…”

At those words Yuuka shyly said,

Guhaa !?

I almost let out a strange voice unintentionally.

I’m not sure if that’s a foul !

How could I hold it in my mind without saying it out loud !?

If an S-class beautiful girl like Yuuka says something like [for Sota kun] in a shy manner, Sota kun all over the country will definitely misunderstand that she likes him !?

I’m not that Sota kun, so I almost made a terrible mistake.

That’s the thing.

I remembered that I was in the “benefactor who saved Yuuka’s sister’s life” category and managed to stay rational.

Whew, oh dear.

I almost turned out to be one of those boys who take a girl’s joke to heart and think she likes him…..

“What’s wrong with you, Sota kun?”

“I’m sorry, it’s nothing. I was fighting with my weak self in my mind.”

“Um, maybe I don’t understand what you mean…?”

From that day on.

I sometimes wake up early and take the first bus to go to school with Yuuka.

Actually, I was only able to wake up occasionally, so I felt very sorry for Yuuka.

But I’m really weak in the morning, so please forgive me for that….

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