~Yuuka SIDE~.
That night.
After eating dinner, taking a bath, and changing into pajamas, I sat on my bed in my room with the blanket completely covering my head like a turtle in its shell, thinking back on the day in the warm darkness.
No, rather than thinking back, I would say I was reflecting on it.
“I-I-I’ve done it~~!”
What did I do?
“I used Mizuki as an excuse to ask Sota kun out~~!”
That’s what I did.
I can’t lie to my heart, so I’ll be honest.
I took advantage of my pure and innocent younger sister, Mizuki.
Mizuki is a well-behaved girl, so she did not force Sota kun to come.
[Be sure to let me know when Sota Onii chan is coming ! I’ll be waiting instead of going out to play!!]
That’s what she said.
However, she never once begged me to bring him home early.
As expected of Mizuki.
Even without the patronage of being a relative, she really is a well-behaved younger sister.
But, even so—!
“Mizuki said she wants to see him, so I invited Sota kun to our house~~~……”
Let’s be clear.
This is cheating.
I knew that Sota kun would not be able to refuse if I mentioned Mizuki’s name.
After knowing that Sota kun adores Mizuki.
I had been feeling so anxious lately that I called Sota kun over to my house.
Oh, my God !
How could I have done such a dirty thing—.
“I was just doing it on the spur of the moment,……. I thought it would be nice to get to know Sota kun better,……and then I just ended up doing it,……. But that’s all just an excuse,…….”
Normally, I should have apologized to both Mizuki and Sota kun for lying.
However, I was afraid that Sota kun would dislike me because of this, and I was afraid to apologize.
Above all, if he asked me [Why did you do that?] I would not be able to answer.
I was curious about Sota kun, so I did it on a spur of the moment.
There was no way I could say that to his face.
“Yeah, I’m gonna take this secret that only I know to my grave……”
But instead.
I firmly swore to myself that I would never use Mizuki to invite Sota kun again.
“But Sota kun seemed to be enjoying himself, so I guess that’s a good thing.”
At first, Sota kun seemed to be struggling with the unfamiliar role-playing.
However, he gradually became accustomed to the role-playing, and halfway through, he happily played the role of a man who was caught between two women in a love triangle.
“Thanks to that, Mizuki seemed to be having a lot of fun the whole time.”
Of course I had fun too.
It was as if I had become a character in a TV drama that I always watch.
Above all, it was “that” thing.
That, of course, was Sota kun’s words, [I love Yuuka !].
Of course, it was just an act.
It does not mean that Sota kun likes me in real life.
It is just a line in a role-playing game.
But when he looked me in the eye and declared strongly, I couldn’t help but feel my heart beat wildly.
After all, this feeling is love…..right?
“Woo……did my face give it away? I was trying so hard to put on a poker face, it’s okay, right?”
I believe it is, and I pull my face out of the blanket.
Since I had the blanket all over me, I was having a hard time breathing.
“It’s over. But instead of keeping today a secret, I have to change too. Regardless of whether I like him as a member of the opposite sex or anything else, if I’m interested, I’ll approach him on my own terms.”
That was my own reflection.
“Yeah, I’ll do my best tomorrow ! I’ll do my best, oh!!”
I placed the palm of my right hand gently on my still warm chest, and felt a strong sense of determination in my heart.
And then I fell asleep with my chest filled with a feeling of happiness that came over me inexplicably—.
~Notebook(Himemiya Mizuki)~
Sensei, today, Sota Onii chan came to visit our house.
Mizuki and Onee chan had a fight over him.
This is because Sota Onii chan is dating Mizuki, but he is also dating Onee chan.
It was like a drama.
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