
“Where were you until this late?”

“Eh…..R-Rine san asked to deliver something.”

I came home and started eating dinner with Moka.

Tonight’s menu is also something that seems to increase stamina, so I guess Moka is fully motivated to use the hypnosis app.

But that shouldn’t be a good thing.

I should tell her that it was just an act, and end the relationship with the hypnosis app.

Phew, I’m nervous.

But I feel much better now that I’ve confided in Rien san. Not as nervous as the first time.

Anyway, I’m going to tell her.

If she hates me as a result, so be it.

Thinking like that,

“Hey, Moka……there’s something I want to apologize to you about.”

I decided to cut it out right away.

“Apologize……? …..What is it?”

“Actually….I’ve been deceiving you.”

“…..Deceiving me?”

“Yeah……I’m deceiving you by acting.”


“With hypnosis app.”


The moment the words [hypnosis app] came out of my mouth, Moka’s plump face began to show signs of agitation. I bowed my head to her.

“D-don’t tell me, Ryu Nii….”

“Yeah……I’ve never been hypnotized by a hypnosis app before. The hypnosis app is obviously a fake, and I was just acting.”


“I started acting on Riho’s hypnosis app and that’s how it all started, and then I couldn’t back down……but I can’t fool people forever and it’s dishonest, so I’m going around like this now to make things right.”


“I’m sorry, Moka.”

I have no choice but to apologize. That’s all I can do.

On the other hand, Moka’s reaction after knowing everything is…


She was beyond upset and had lost her mind. She’s about to spit her soul out of her mouth,…….

…….It’s just that Rine san was too openhearted, but that’s how normal reactions are.


I have no choice but to be a sorry bot.

After that, there was a period of silence that seemed like an eternity.

It must have been five or ten minutes.

Finally, in the midst of all that—

“It’s not like….it’s only Ryu Nii’s fault….I think.”

With an expression that had regained some of its composure, Moka muttered to me.


“I’ve been trying to play a trick Ryu Nii with a hypnosis app, and if the hypnosis app was real, I’d have been more likely to rob him of his dignity….so, Ryu Nii isn’t the only one to blame.”

I see…..Moka was not only angry, but she was aware that she was also in the wrong. As an older brother, that makes me happy.

“And besides, if that’s what the truth is, I don’t think it’s a bad thing for me,…….”

“…….What do you mean?”

“Because Ryu Nii…no matter how much you had to act, the fact that you obediently followed my baby play means that you didn’t dislike it, right?”


“Ryu Nii could have just revealed the truth to me the first time I started the hypnosis app, but you didn’t. In short, Ryu Nii had enjoyed it deep in his heart, so that means you have a choice, right?”

N-no way…..I can’t argue with that……!

“Ehehe……I’m not angry about this, considering that I got to know Ryu Nii’s baby side…..of course, it’s embarrassing that all my inner secrets were known, but as long as Ryu Nii continues to enjoy it, there’s no problem♡”


“You’ll play as a baby, won’t you?”


“Do it♡”


…..I couldn’t beat Mommy (I really wanted to).

So, after dinner–

“–Then, Ryu Nii, we’re gonna play now~♡”


It was bath time with Moka.

I’m in the bathtub sucking on Moka’s nips.


It’s a commandment, so I’m going to do my best to be a baby…….

However, there was a part of my body that couldn’t be kept as a baby, and Moka seemed to have noticed this in the milky white bathtub.

“Hey~ a bad boy who grows up on his own needs some encouragement, right~?♡”

With that said, Meka tries to straddle me in the pure white bathtub where I can’t see anything.


“Nihihi♡ Today is a safe day, so let’s squeeze it raw for the first time♡”


—This is……! !

It looked like I was going to wake up in the morning in an extremely dry state, having been squeezed.


“Phew… confession will be Riho or Rina chan.”

The play with Moka went on for a while after we got out of the bath, and although it didn’t last until morning, the date had changed before I realized it. I put a towel over Moka who had fallen asleep and returned to my room.

…I’m glad that I was able to collide with Moeka properly without using a hypnosis app.

It’s likely that we’ll end up having a forbidden relationship, but it’s better than falling out…

“Anyway…considering Riho is a club member, it seems like tomorrow…or rather, during the day today, I’ll be the first to settle with Rina chan…”

I wonder how Rina chan will react.

I feel like she’ll forgive me easily, but I also don’t think so.

Anyway, I’ll have to keep my guard up.

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