
“Good morning, Ryu Nii. Breakfast is ready.”

“……It’s kind of dark.”

The next morning, when I got up and went to the living room, I found a strange breakfast lined up on the dining room table. Usually the menu is orthodox Western style, but this morning, for some reason,……it is rice with grated yam, stir-fry of pork liver and garlic chives.

“It’s just my whim. It’s good to have it once in a while, right?”

….Even so, it’s still rice with grated yam and stir-fried pork liver. And it’s only for me.

It seems like there’s something wrong with it, but maybe it’s better not to worry about it too much.

“You’re not eating it?”

“No, I’ll eat, but….I’m worried about my body odor if I eat this in the morning…….”

“I’m sure no one cares about your smell, so come on.”

Even though she said something terrible to me, I thought it was okay. The taste was very delicious.

After that, school life began and lunchtime soon arrived. As usual, Moka, Riho, and I went to the school cafeteria for lunch. We’re staring at the menu on the counter.

“(I’m in the mood for a cheese-in-hamburger steak today.The picture of the yellowish stuff dripping from the inside is very attractive to me, just like last night.)”

Riho was on her way to order with a dangerous mutter.

……Let’s pretend I didn’t hear anything.

“Looks like Riho chan has already decided. What about Ryu Nii?”

Moka still hasn’t decided yet. The school cafeteria has such a wide variety of menus that I wonder if it’s profitable, and it’s difficult to decide right away.

“Hey, if you’re having trouble deciding, how about the fried oyster set meal?”


“Why don’t you have the fried oyster set meal? I think it’s delicious, the fried oyster set meal.”

Moka looks up at me in a way that seems to be forcing her.

I don’t know what it is,…..but I feel a mysterious pressure.

However, since I had never had a fried oyster set meal before, I thought it would be perfect, so I did as I was told and chose the fried oyster set meal.

After finishing such a lunch, I went to my afternoon classes and eventually came back after school.

When I went to the library, I found Rina chan waiting in ambush with a dark smile on her face, so I retreated, watched videos and studied on my own at the Net cafe in front of the station, and then headed home.

“–Dinner’s ready.”

When I returned home, Moka had already prepared dinner for me. The menu was apparently broiled eel.

(….So disturbing)

In the morning, she served stir-fried pork liver and garlic chives, in the afternoon she recommended fried oyster set meal, and in the evening, she prepared eel…..all of them are energetic things.

It’s possible that Moka is planning something……but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the case.

I started eating normally for the time being, but I tried to remain cautious.

“–Then Ryu Nii……today, please?”

After all was said and done, it was time for the usual breasts fondling. After taking a bath, Moka appeared in front of me in her underwear. She is still slender, or rather petite, lacking in various ways compared to the other girls around me. But that’s not a bad thing. There is no doubt that she is cute.

By the way…after I was forced to eat something that fill my energy. Will normal breasts fondling be enough?

“…Hey, Ryu Nii, I want to try something a little different today, so I’m sorry, but let go of your consciousness, okay?”

It was sudden. Moka picked up her smartphone and activated a hypnosis app.

You see, there was no way it was going to be normal after all……

“Um, Ryu Nii…I heard that protein intake is important for breast growth.”

I started to act blank, and Moka said something like that to me.

“Eating protein helps the mammary glands grow and make your breasts bigger .Female hormones are also important, and when their secretion increases, breast growth is activated.”

…..What an explanation.

“So, when I learned that, I thought…so, if you ingest protein while doing naughty things, your female hormones will be activated and your breasts will grow……”

Moka puts her hand on my half pants with a look of shame on her face.

Don’t tell me…….

“In other words, to sum up what I’ve just said…it seems like if I drink Ryu Nii’s rich stuff directly, it will be effective…”

–I knew it…….

“That’s why I’ve been feeding you all the things that will make you energized this morning, you know? I’m gonna get some nutrition, Ryu Nii…in order for you to eventually depend on me, I want my breasts to be big enough to make you bubbly…..”

What exactly is bubbly…?

While I was preoccupied with such questions, Moka crouched down in front of me.

“Hehe…well then, Ryu Nii, let it out as much as you can for me♡”


◇side : Rina◇

(Heh……Moka chan too?)

Meanwhile, in the yard of Ryuto’s house, there was Rina with her highlight-off eyes.

Rina, who had been spying on Moka’s suspicious movements lately, was peeking through a gap in the living room curtains tonight to see if anything was going on.

And this is what happened.

(It’s something that would never happen with normal siblings, but…..maybe it turns out that they are not blood related?)

Ryuto and Moka are not blood related.

If that’s the case, it probably doesn’t matter for her if Moka is having feelings for him or expressing them.

(I’ve got more rivals……but that’s okay. If that’s the case, I’ll brainwash Ryuto kun even more and more subconsciously♡)

As long as she has the hypnosis app, she can do whatever she wants with Ryuto.

However, she is also aware that it is not good to be too dependent on the hypnosis app.

Ever since she got the hypnosis app, Rina has been relying on it all the time.

If the hypnosis app were to disappear for some reason, she would not know how to approach Ryuto.

(Sometimes….I think I should make a proper appeal from the front.)

During a recent shopping trip, there was an incident where Ryuto touched Rina’s buttocks while she was in her bare bottom. Perhaps there is a chance without resorting to a hypnosis app. She thinks so.


Rina decided to be a little brave.

The thought that crossed her mind was a weekend date.

Just as her sister had done the other day, she needed to make a little progress.

Life without growth is not fulfilling.

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