[Charlotte’s point of view]
“Grundy sama won, didn’t he? My Lady.”
“Yes, he did. As I expected.”
I am Charlotte, the first princess.
I am the sister of the first prince, Claude onii sama.
And I was talking with Anna, the maid, in my room.
“Because of this incident, His Highness Prince Claude has been removed as heir to the throne. That means that the young lady–“
“Yes, that’s right. That means that I am close to the throne.”
This is an opportunity for me.
I can take the throne.
I need the throne in order to advance “the plan”
“I need a competent ally right now. So–“
“So, you want to bring Grundy sama into your side.”
“You’re very perceptive. I have to get my hands on Grandy-sama. ……”
The odds were stacked against him.
From there, a big victory—
Even if those around you say it's impossible'' or
stupid,”. Create a strategy, execute it, and go for the win.
Grundy sama is truly a winner.
I have to get him, no matter what it takes.
“I have a lot of enemies. Especially the Duke Edmond, who has been gaining power lately. ……”
“According to my sources, the Duke Edmond has taken over the Adventurers’ Guild [Sword of Glory].”
“That’s not good. …… The Sword of Glory is an S-rank guild and is the top-ranked guild in the kingdom.”
Enos Nodes, Duke of Edmond–
The younger brother of the current king and a powerful figure at the top of the nobility, the position of head of the nobility.
On the surface, he pretends to have no interest in the throne, but behind the scenes, he is gaining a foothold and is aiming for the throne. ……
He is third in the line of succession to the throne.
In other words – if I, the second in line of succession to the throne, die, Duke Edmond will take the throne.
By taking over the top adventurers’ guild, Duke Edmond will have the support of the adventurers.
If the Duke Edmond should stage a coup, the adventurers would side with the Duke Edmond ……
The situation was very unfavorable for me.
And what’s more…
“Does father know about Duke Edmond’s movements?”
“Yes, he does. I have informed His Majesty the King myself.”
“And what did your father say?”
“[Hahaha! My daughter’s in trouble! I’m looking forward to seeing how she’ll get through this. ……!] He said with a big smile on his face.”
“That damn father ……!”
“No, my lady. You can’t call His Majesty the King a bad word”
“…… Damn damn damnnnnnnn!”
“Y-young lady…”
Anna is pulling back, but I can’t help but call him [damn] repeatedly.
No wonder.
Because my own father is enjoying his daughter’s pinch.
(Well, that sounds like father. ……)
“Anyway,…… we have to go up against Duke Edmond. If he got the adventurers, the next step is–“
“The Aslan Trading Company, right?”
“Yes, that’s right. Once you have military power, the next step is money. If the Aslan Trading Company gets involved, it will be really dangerous.”
Aslan Trading Company is the top trading company in the kingdom.
They monopolize all the trade of the magic stone mined from the dungeon.
It is rumored that they have twice as much money in reserve as the national budget.
The approach of Duke Edmond must be stopped at all costs. ……
“We must get Grundy sama by any means necessary. He is absolutely essential if we are to win.”
“My lady,……, in fact, it seems that Duke Edmond has also had his eye on Grundy sama and intends to make contact with him soon.”
“I see. I am impressed with Duke Edmond. Then we must make contact with Grundy-sama immediately. ……”
“Yes. Young lady”
Anna suddenly disappeared.
Anna is a member of a family of assassins who have served the royal family for generations.
My command will be executed immediately.
“Fufu. Grundy san. I look forward to meeting you. ……♡”
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