[Prince Claude’s point of view]
“The winner, Baroness Grundy ……!”
The dueling judges declared defeat.
“Okay. Claude is defeated. Grundy is the winner. It can’t be helped.”
With a disappointed look on his face, my father acknowledged Grundy’s victory.
But of course I couldn’t accept it.
My own defeat.
(There is no way that I, this I, can lose. ……!)
“Wait! Father! I have not lost! This …… must be some kind of mistake!”
There is no way that I, Feld and Julius could lose.
And to lose to a sub-Baron’s son is absolutely …… impossible.
“What are you saying? Feld and Julius are incapable of combat. You cannot invoke magic. What would you call this situation if you didn’t call it a defeat?”
“But ……”
“You can’t even recognize your own defeat. …… Are you still royalty?”
Yareyare, my father said
[I feel sorry for Prince Claude,…….]
[I’m sure Grundy has set something up.]
[I support Prince Claude!]
My fans, the young ladies, are cheering me on.
(I’m not defeated! ……!)
No one at the academy is cheering for Grundy.
This is the proof of my victory.
“Let me ask everyone! Is there anyone who supports Grundy?”
I asked the students in the audience.
With the audience on my side, I will nullify this duel.
(How smart I am are, ……!)
I am amazed at my own intelligence.
I, the future king candidate, am different from ordinary people!
[Grundy cheated. ……!]
[Your Highness Claude wins!]
[This duel is ridiculous!]
The young ladies who support me are accusing Grundy of cheating.
[Yes! Grundy cheated!]
The young ladies are so energized that they attack Grundy as well.
“Damn ……! What a bunch of jerks they are. …… They’re the worst.”
Grundy swears.
(Fufufu ……! I’ve got the tables turned!)
Now we can “pretend” the duel never happened.
All of the academy students unite to deny Grundy’s victory.
If I make up a story about Grundy’s injustice, Alicia will also abandon Grundy.
If I do so, Alicia will be mine.
(It is his fault for defying me. Grundy ……!)
“I didn’t know that they hated Grundy dono so much. ……”
Even Father is surprised at the number of my supporters.
(This is my victory ……!)
I was sure of it,
Father snapped.
“You guys! You’re still nobles? You can’t even see the result of a duel correctly. ……!”
The excited academy students become quiet at the king, Father’s blackmail.
(Damn ……!They’ve all gone silent……!)
“Grundy won against Claude. Despite the overwhelming disadvantage, he defeated the royalty with more magical power!Our country is based on merit! Those with merit must be recognized, even if their titles are low ……!”
“Yeah….. father is right”
Charlotte, who was nearby, murmured.
“Charlotte ……?”
My sister, whom I trusted, is not on my side.
(Why on earth ……?)
“I, the king, declare. The winner of this duel is Grundy dono.”
Father lifts Grundy’s arm.
[That’s right, …… His Majesty the King is right!]
[We were wrong ……]
[Grundy wins!]
From those of the Order who are not my fans, they begin to flip out.
[His Majesty the King is right! Grundy wins. ……!]
Even the young ladies, except for my “followers,” begin to recognize Grundy’s victory.
[His Highness Claude has lost this time. …… It can’t be helped. ……]
Losing to the general atmosphere, even the young ladies who are “followers” (albeit reluctantly) admit Grundy’s victory.
(Damn ……! Everyone’s flip-flopping ……!!!)
[Grundy’s victory! Grundy’s victory! Grundy’s victory!]
All the students at the academy make a victory call for Grundy’s victory. ……
(No way …… this is possible ……)
I kneel down right there.
“Claude You lost. Admit it.”
With a disappointed look on his face, Father says.
“……I am not! I have not lost!”
“Ha…… you ……!”
Father sighs.
[Your Highness Claude,……, it’s not looking good for you.]
[You should admit defeat quickly.]
[He’s a prince, but he’s not cool. Disappointing.]
(They immediately turned their palm around…! damnn!)
I’m pissed off,
“Admit defeat quickly. My son, you are too pathetic.”
“You could say that I’ve lost ………….”
“No, you have clearly lost. Don’t you admit it?”
“………… yes. Father.”
I nodded.
“Finally, you admit defeat. Then I have something to say to you, now that you have lost.”
I have been defeated by Grundy ……
This means that …… I will be removed as heir to the throne.
The throne will be taken by my sister Charlotte—
“I am making you an illegitimate son. You are no longer a …… prince from now on!”
“………… Eh!?”
I could not believe my ears.
Didn’t father just say that he was going to “disinherit” …… me?
No, that is not possible.
To be disinherited means not only to be removed as heir to the throne, but also to be removed from the rank of prince.
That is indeed–
“Let me say it again. Claude, you are illegitimate. You are no longer a prince.”
“…… T-That! Why ……?!”
“I cannot have a prince of my kingdom who cannot accept defeat in a duel. You are not fit to be a prince. You are demoted to duke!”
“I agree with my father. After this duel, Onii sama has lost the support of the nobility. Therefore, I see no merit in keeping him as prince. ……”
“C-Charlotte ……?
Charlotte even pushes me to the edge.
“The king’s …… word, isn’t it a bit much to make Prince Claude illegitimate?”
Grundy tries to correct his father.
(I can’t believe I’m being defended by a guy like Grundy. ……!)
I shudder with humiliation.
“Grundy dono is so kind. But I have already made up my mind. It would be harmful to the kingdom to keep Claude as a prince. We have no choice.”
He shook Grundy’s hand.
“It was a brilliant battle. From an overwhelming disadvantage, you turned the tables. I entrust the knighthood of my kingdom to you, Grundy.”
(……wha! You’re going to put Grundy in the Kingdom Knights?!)
The Royal Knights should only be open to nobles of the rank of viscount or higher.
Naturally, Grundy, the son of a baron, cannot join.
And yet…
“I’m not a member of the Royal Order of Knights. ……”
“Do something about that! I’m begging you!”
“Let me …… think about it for a minute.”
Joining the Royal Guard is the highest honor for a nobleman’s son.
You’re not going to turn that down, are you?
“Hmm. I see. Then think about it. I will respect Grundy-dono’s will.”
The usually arrogant father of the king is waiting for Grundy’s reply. ……
(Impossible, a completely impossible sight. ……)
“Gentlemen! Aren’t we forgetting something?”
Alicia says, as if remembering.
“Eh? Something we’re forgetting?”
Grundy asks Alicia.
“Come one It’s about Farnese-sama. She said she’ll do anything if she loses the bet. So let’s get her to do something. Since His Majesty the King is here, ……♪”
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Charlotte’s backstab is complete now.
W king isn’t a salty loser like his “son”