
In this world, wildfires are not particularly rare.

After all, there are demons that breathe fire from their mouths, and lightning can strike in an environment where there are no high-rise buildings or lightning rods.

Therefore, even if Tia were to burn down the entire forest without regard to the damage to the surrounding area, it would not be considered a problem – except by those who had to escape from the forest fire.

“Already, you idiot! It’s not even a fuss that the screw in your head is loose. I’m going to find it and tighten it next time, damn sister!!!”

With Sophia on his back, Yuran desperately descends the slope of the forest.

The screams that can be heard from time to time are probably due to the fact that the demons are being burned.

In such an environment that would burn the skin, the super beautiful girl-framed big sister was puffing out her cheeks cutely and making an appeal of dissatisfaction.

“Muu, First of all, I think you should thank the princess for gallantly rushing to the scene in a pinch first!”

“If you hadn’t carried me to the next pinch, I could have honestly thanked you one more time!”

It is no wonder that Yuran complains.

The magic, which increased its firepower without regard to the damage, soon covered the forest vegetation, and the path was almost completely stained red.

If they did not get out of the way quickly, they would be in a straight line to the Sanzu River, not to mention burns.

“Um, I’ll run too!”

“If you can run at this pace, I’d be willing to crack the whip and let you run too!”

“Ahh ……”

Perhaps lacking in confidence, Sophia, who is being piggybacked by Yuran, immediately shuts down.

Seeing this, Tia, who was running alongside for some reason, had a blue streak on her forehead───

“Yuu-kun, it’s better, let’s do it. The vixen who takes away Yuu-kun’s back position, which is reserved for onee chan, is combustible trash.”

“You’re so out of line that I can’t even defend what you said, nee san!”

What a horrible girl.

If I don’t carry it on my back like this, the life of the girl behind me will surely be in danger worse than a fire.

(I wonder if this will add to the tardiness and even bring up the issue of uniforms!? I hope they will remake it if it gets burnt…!)

I Clear the path by mowing down the falling tree with a magnetic pipe.

“Nee san, you can’t use water-based magic!?”

“I’ll learn next time!”

“Thank you for your declaration of willingness! If you can’t use it, don’t be shy to tell me, I won’t think anything of it!”

If I could have handled water-based magic, it would have been somewhat easier to get through this.

As much as I love magic, I’ve been unlucky enough to come across a demand for a genre that I don’t have.

“Can you use it?!”


“Oh, that’s right! You can only use healing magic, right?!”

“!!? H-How did you know that?!”

Sophia shows a surprised expression.

It is obvious that he misspoke. In any case, Yuran had never met Sophia before, and he didn’t even know her name to begin with.

However, Yuran was not so concerned about the death threat that was coming his way.

(Nee san brings the doom flag again! If she dies from this, even the creator will be in tears, damn it!)

Down the slope. They jumped over the burning fallen trees.

Finally, a clear view with no fire in sight came into view……but the foothold disappeared at the same time.

“D-Damn, the cliff!”

Immediately, Yuran pulls Tia’s body up with one arm and gathers a large amount of iron sand on the ground with the other hand.

Then, as if to protect them both, he fell from his back and…

“……I thought we were dead!”

Thanks to the iron sand he collected, he barely suffered a minor injury to his back.

This is definitely an amusement you can’t enjoy in peaceful Japan.

He looked up at the clear sky as he complained.

“Yu, Yu-kun ……”

As he looked into the distance, a serious voice came out of Tia’s mouth.

No way, is she hurt somewhere? Yuran’s impatience welled up in his brain.

“I …… think I’m going to get a nosebleed from the sudden attack of Yuu-kun’s prince move.”

However, he quickly discarded such impatience.

“Oh, um,…….”

Then, this time, a voice came from Sophia’s side.

At that moment, Yuran finally realized that he was holding Sophia firmly in one arm.

“Ah I’m sorry …… for hugging you so strangely. You didn’t like it, did you?”

“No! I’d rather say I was thrilled and happy,…….”


Yuran tilted his head as he couldn’t hear the latter half clearly.

After that, he got up and walked away from Tia, who was obviously very reluctant to leave, and Sophia, who was a little reluctant to leave.

“Hmm,…… if the fire has spread this far, I guess we don’t have to worry about the demon problem.”

All that remains is for the humans who hear the commotion and rush to extinguish the fire.

Even if that doesn’t happen, if you burn it down, there will be nothing left to burn and it will disappear naturally.

“I mean, why is nee san here? You were at home, weren’t you?”

“I heard that demons were rampaging near our house, so I came over!”

“The reality?”

“I was trying to sneak out to see Yu-kun’s entrance ceremony when I ran into coach-san and after hearing what he had to say, I rushed over!”

I thought it must be something like that.

Even though I let out a sigh, I was saved, so I patted Tia on the head. She looks very happy.

“Thank you.”

Then Sophia, who was watching from the side, bowed her head slowly.

“Thanks to you, I was saved. I don’t know how to thank you anymore. ……”

“No, please don’t worry about it.”


“I really don’t care ……!”

The opponent is the main character. Is it unbearable to create a strange relationship value here with the leader who brings the ruin flag?

Therefore, Yuran desperately refuses even if it is a thank-you from a beautiful girl. He was shaking his head in such desperation that it was hard to describe.

“Oh, ……, is that so?”

Sophia’s head droops.

In response, Tia pulled his head to her chest to hide Yuran.

“That’s right! ︎︎Yu-kun doesn’t need any thanks! ︎︎Onee-chan will do everything for you!”

“Wait, nee san!! Wait!”

“Even now, you are excited and happy about onee chan’s big breasts!”

“Really wait, nee san! ︎︎It’s rude of me not to give a dishonorable impression to someone I’m meeting for the first time!”

Even though Yuran didn’t want to create a relationship value, he was sorry to be looked at with cold eyes.

“Muu… It’s none of your business right. Or rather, why are you always so cold towards me?”

Sophia lowered her voice as if she was a little irritated.

“I am also grateful to Tia san this time,…….”

“That’s because you’re a snotty girl.”

She is the older sister who honestly says harsh things.

“Rather than that, I basically don’t like cute girls who seem to attract Yuu-kun! ︎︎What will I do if Yuu-kun freaks out over this!?”


“See? that’s what …… happens, that’s why I hate all the pretty girls in the whole world!!!”

Sophia reacts to the part about Yuran falling in love with her and makes her face turn bright red.

Tia senses something maidenly and is in a bad mood as far as she is concerned.

On the other hand…

(I was worried that something had already happened when she said that she doesn’t like the main character. ……)

I wondered if she simply doesn’t like everyone of her rivals except herself.

Yuran dismissed the worry that had sprung up and casually enjoyed the fluttering feeling in the air as they gently rose to the occasion.

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