
If Yuran had been alone, he could have honestly managed the situation.

Even though there were more demons than expected, there was no problem as long as he concentrated only on defeating them.

In the first place, this wouldn’t have happened if Yuran hadn’t gone to check on the situation on his way to the school, saying, “There’s some noise.”

However, if there was a problem within a few hours of leaving the mansion, the problem could have spread to the mansion. Even though Tia is at the mansion right now.

That’s why he asked the coach to bring him to the noisy forest.

Once again, the number of demons that overflowed was certainly unexpected. However, it was still a number that one person would be able to defeat.

However, what was completely unexpected was…

(Why is the main character here ……!)

There is no way I could have mistaken them.

I have seen her many times in the package and in the game.

She has long, lustrous golden hair and a beautiful, elegant face. Amber eyes and a well-defined bridge of the nose. Her ladylike and calm atmosphere – she is definitely Sophia, the main character of “Kirakoi”.

But why?

Why is the main character here?

(Sure, most of the story was inside the school, but if she was outside, she should have at least explained a little bit about her presence …….)

Yuran runs and holds Sophia’s stunned body.


Suddenly, a strange voice is heard from Sophia, but Yuran doesn’t care and runs through the forest.

If this is the case, I shouldn’t have let the carriage go ahead of us, he thought.

“Why are you in a place like this!? I mean, even though you were alone and playing hide-and-seek, there are that many demons!?”

“I-I simply came to investigate the cave at the request of the academy! If I had known about this kind of thing, I would have ……”

Yuran listens to Sophia’s words, which are becoming sullen, and thinks.

(Indeed, it seems like there was always an event set up by the school on holidays where they received requests… things like having to send money home. So, this time, it was one of the many times she had to do it?)

Even though it just happened, it was a very exciting and difficult situation.

Yuran pulls out a thick nail from his pocket and holds it in the air.

(No, I don’t have time to think about it! In the first place, it’s not a good match for a forest where you can only fight with the metal you have, or a situation where you are outnumbered. ….!)
Yuran magnetically pulled the pipe he had just slammed into the demon, not the nail he had levitated, and swung it sideways.

The head was crushed and reddish-black liquid scattered.

However, another group of demons quickly advanced on it.

“Really, how many of these demons are there! It’s not like they’re all gathered here because they’re ravaging the nuptials of a couple in their mating season!”

“I-I don’t even know why the demons suddenly appeared …… out of nowhere, they came out of the cave!”

“Yeah, I don’t know! ︎︎But if I deal with all of them, I’ll definitely be late! ︎︎I’ll be a delinquent from the first day of school! damn it!!!!”

How much more do I have to beat to finish?

Because he can’t see that, Yuran swears out loud.

“Oh, um, …… don’t worry about me.”


“I know I’m probably slowing you down. So …….”

Over my back, I hear a trembling voice.

I’m sure she knows …… that it’s her own fault and that she can’t attack it fully.

That’s why she wants me to abandon her, because she doesn’t want me to be involved ……


“Huh? Why are you talking like abandoning!”

Yuran said straight out, without looking at Sophia.

“I don’t care how dangerous it is for me, that’s no reason to abandon someone here!”

Tears came to Sophia’s eyes.

I’m a commoner. He came in a horse-drawn carriage and was apparently a nobleman.

Up until now, I had been ridiculed as a commoner.

However, His Highness the Crown Prince, the Knight Commander, and the Prime Minister’s sons also treated me without discrimination

But… but…

That was based on the premise that they were involved, and it may have been due to an ulterior motive, such as being attracted to my appearance.

But this boy.

This boy is trying to help me for the first time I met him.

Earlier, the others had used me as bait to escape, but…

“…., I mean, I’m the one who’s trying to fix my sister’s character, and I’m the one who needs to set an example.”

Yuran suddenly stopped.

He lowered Sophia and slowly pulled his lowered fist upward.

The black mass of iron sand that had been buried in the ground rose to the surface and formed a whip-like shape.

“Don’t worry……, the purpose has changed, but what I do is the same.”

The whip of iron sand with minute vibrations is swung sideways.

It doesn’t matter if it’s the torso, the skull, or a tree or rock in the way.

The unrelenting decisiveness of the attack was directed at the hordes of demons.

“Come on, let’s fight, you small fry! ︎︎If I die in a place like this, I won’t be able to survive anymore!!!”

And then…

“Eeeh I don’t want to see Yuu-kun getting hurt either.”


The surrounding area was suddenly engulfed in flames.

Then, a …… girl appears out of the red flames.

“Mmph! ︎︎Just in the nick of time? ︎︎Who’s permission did you get to chase after Yu-kun, you idiot?”

The girl was a familiar, pretty looking stepsister.

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