
What a disturbing and violent girl

I just want to live my life in peace. I think it is enough if I can avoid the doomsday flag that my sister brings to me.

There is no way a boy from a genuine, peaceful Japan would be full of fighting spirit.

What’s with the visuals? She doesn’t even appear in the game much.

Yuran, thinking this, firmly rejected Sasha’s offer to fight.

And then, a few hours after the school orientation—

“Come on, let’s fight, Yuran!”

Sasha, the second princess, was smiling at Yuran on the training ground on the school grounds—sword in hand.

“Hey, Sasha-sama’s going to have a mock battle.”

“Why would she do that? And I think the opponent is …… the guy who kicked the crown prince today.”

“Apparently, Sasha-sama got angry”

The students who had heard the rumors were all gathered around the school.

The reason there were so many people even though it was lunch break, the precious meal time, was probably because the girl named Sasha was extremely popular.

(How did this happen….?)

As I recall, I had firmly refused the invitation.

Despite this, I thought I was suddenly summoned and a beautiful girl was pointing a sword at me with a smile that made me fawn over her.

Before I knew it, the gallery had gathered as if to block my way out.

It was really strange, and Yuran was feeling fed up and slumped his shoulders.

In addition—.

“Kyaa! Good luck, Yu-kun! Onee chan super excited to see yu-kun’s cool appearance!”

—- Somehow, my older sister, who should have been home without classes, was cheering for me in the audience at the training ground.

That made Yuran cry even more.

“If Tia san is there too, You can’t show her how pathetic you are. I have to put my mind to it too.”

“Ah, yeah,……, if that’s what you think after seeing her like that, then I won’t say anything.”

No matter how you look at it, the eyes with heart marks floating in them are only directed at Yuran, but he doesn’t care.

Even if she was proudly holding up a “Yu-kun Fight♡” placard that made you wonder when she had prepared it, as long as Sasha wasn’t dissatisfied, she wouldn’t worry about it. she doesn’t want to get motivated though.

“I mean, isn’t it more the brother over here than the sister’s reputation? I mean, he’s here to watch something, though”

The audience in the opposite direction from Tia.

There was Caesar, who had kicked off, and beside him was Sophia, who was looking at him with concern.

When I saw the two characters I often see in the packages standing side by side like this, I thought to myself, “This really is the world of video games.”

“Why should I care what my brother thinks of me? I know Sophia-san is a nice person, but I don’t care about my relatives who are standing next to me with their noses in the air.”

“But isn’t this mock battle supposed to be about avenging your brother’s…”

“I appreciate your help, but I’m not going to avenge him.”


Sasha carries the sword on her shoulder and turns to Yuran with a ferocious smile.

“I just want to see if there’s any benefit to being friends.”

“Damn it, she just admires my sister, but she’s such a nuisance!”

And then, without even a signal to begin.

Sasha approached Yuran with the sword on her shoulder.

“No, I haven’t said I’m going to fight yet…!”

He clicked his tongue at Sasha, who appeared in front of him at top speed.

Don’t pull it out, put it down. Yuran couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat as he blocked the sword that hit him as if it was a sledgehammer.

“Oh, Heavy ……! I mean, if you play without permission, you won’t get scolded! ? ︎︎Especially understanding adults! ︎︎In consideration of me, who got yelled at for kicking a relative earlier!”

“Ara, it’s okay… it’s lunch break now, and there are almost no students in the school. By the way, I got permission from the teacher in advance. The lady has arranged this for you, so it would be embarrassing for a cute girl if he doesn’t go out with her. Okay, gentleman?”

“Girls always pretend to be girl-positive only when it suits them!”

“Fufufu, that’s what girls do.”

It is too heavy.

It wasn’t the kind of power that could come from a delicate girl, but she was relentlessly pressing against me.

One blow, two blows, and so on. Yuran barely managed to catch it with his sword, but…

(Damn it, it’s not the type I know …… and I’m not that good with swords to begin with, so it’s hard to fight!)

Perhaps the reason for the heaviness of the blow is Sasha’s unique sword

It looks as if she is holding a big hammer. Unlike a mallet, the lightness of Sasha’s swing gives her a speed that leaves no opening.

He wanted to aim for an opening that could easily be created by the large swing, but Sasha’s speed and Yuran’s lack of skill were not enough to break the deadlock.

“Hey hey, what’s going on! Show me your ability that kicked my brother!!”

Sasha’s kick slammed into his body, and Yuran’s body was blown away.

She immediately chased after him as it was, and while he was rolling over, she threw another kick.


Yuran rolled to the edge of the training ground with more force than the first time.

There was no sign of a counterattack. Was it a match? Sasha, in a fit of pique, re-carried her sword and…

(This much ……?)

No, she says.

Sasha’s mouth twisted.

(There is no way that Tia san’s brother is this good!)

And as if to affirm that thought.


Yuran’s body, which had been rolling, stopped with a snap.

At the same time, the sword Sasha was holding became heavy.

A definite feeling of discomfort. As soon as a question came to mind there, it was immediately yanked with all its might.


“It hurt….!!!!”

If she had known what Yuran had done, she would have immediately let go of the sword.

The reason why she didn’t let go of the sword is because she couldn’t let go of the idea that she was fighting with a sword. In a sense, she was being told not to let go of the sword, a habit that backfired on her as a swordsman.

Her feet lifted off the ground, and she was drawn to …… where Yuran was also pulled to the ground….

“I’m really pissed off,……, I’m going to hit you once, but I won’t take any complaints!”

One is poorly prepared and the other is fully prepared.

It is not necessary to answer which of the two has the advantage.

The magnetic force pulls the bodies together, and Yuran’s fist, which has gained speed, slammed into Sasha’s abdomen.


A blow that was too heavy.

Her slender body crumpled to the ground, and Sasha, unable to even get up, slowly looked up at Yuran’s figure.

“I’ve knocked out two royalty in just one day,……, and I’m starting to worry that I’m going to get beheaded before my sister does.”

As if to say, “I’m finally done playing house with the kids.”

As Sasha looked up, the sight of Yuran, who was fully satisfied and sighing leisurely, appeared in her field of vision.

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