
After school on Friday, Kirara and I were at my house.

Kaoru is at cram school, by the way.

Kirara’s work is very efficient, which I’ve gotten used to by now, and she’s really helpful.

The food is delicious, and I’m always glad I hired her.

So actually……when I went to my room to get my charger, I just heard about it.

Kirara said she wanted to thank everyone but couldn’t find the time. And she sighed.

I’ve given her two days off a week, but I’m not sure if that’s convenient for her.

When I say “maybe everyone,” I mean everyone I can think of, her grandfather and grandmother…..well, maybe not only them. If that’s the case, they live together and there would be no problem.

Then there is only Kaoru and Hitomi….maybe those two.

But what does it mean if it’s not convenient…

It’s true that Kaoru definitely comes to me when she’s free, but I don’t think she would say no if Kirara invited her……

Well, I’ll ask her when Kirara finishes cleaning.

If it’s really not convenient for her, I’ll give her as much time off as she wants……well, it’s a bit of a problem if it’s for several days in a row.

I waited for Kirara to finish cleaning.

“Kaito kun ! I’m done cleaning !”

Kirara came into the room with a smile on her face.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

“Yeah ! I’m gonna go make dinner then !”

“Oh, please do.”

I still want to talk to her slowly, so let’s do it when we have time.

Looks fine after dinner.

–After a while, after finishing the meal.

“Kaito kun ! We’re gonna pick up Kaoru now, right?:

“Yeah…..a little later though.”

“I always get a ride home before you go pick her up, isn’t that a burden for you?”

“Not at all. Kirara’s house is just a little off the road on the way to the cram school. It’s not a burden at all.”

And Kaoru has also asked me to give her a proper lift.

Well, of course I’m going to give her a ride even if she doesn’t want to.

“Is that so? Then that’s good, but……”

“Hey, Kirara? What’s troubling you?”

“Eh? Trouble?”

“Ah, actually, I just happened to hear about it earlier…..”

I told her what I had just heard.

“Oh……that. It’s okay ! It’s not a problem at all !”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah ! I just wanted to thank Kaoru and Hitomi for being with me when I was going through a hard time !”

I knew it was those two.

“Then what about you can’t find the time?”


Kirara was having a bit of a hard time saying it.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well…..actually, Hitomi chan seems to be basically busy on Sundays… it’s hard to find a good time…..I want to thank her, so I thought a day off would be a good idea…”

I see……it’s certainly true when you put it that way.

If I remember correctly, Hitomi…I guess Sundays were basically a day for the Minamikawa family to spend together as a family.

Maybe that’s the effect of that, or is the family relationship really good?

I’m sure Hitomi would go too if Kirara asked her to do so, but yes……I’ll give her the day off tomorrow then. Well, that also depends on Hitomi’s schedule. As for Kaoru, she said she’s free and plans to come visit me at my place.

“I see…….that’s what you mean.”

“But it’s okay ! It’s not like I’m in such a hurry ! Because work comes first !””

“No…..I don’t think you need to make this job a top priority. But Kirara would not be convinced if I said so. I’ll give you tomorrow off for now.”

“Eh? A day off?”

“Yeah, you three can go somewhere together, okay? Maybe Kaoru will be okay, so it’s up to Hitomi.”


“Kirara has gotten used to her job, and she’s cleaning faster than before and has more free time…and I want her to do what she wants to do. If I can’t do that, it’s like putting the cart before the horse.”

That’s what I actually think. I want her to live like a student. That was my first thought.

Of course, that’s going to be a little difficult if you’re working as a housekeeper, but I want her to do the things she wants to do in that environment.

“Are you sure?”

It’s totally fine with me, but…..Kirara still seems apologetic.

I don’t know what to do…..but I told her exactly what I was thinking.

“Well, you know…I’m not in a relationship with Kirara like Kaoru is, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re important to me…I want you to live happily. That’s why I really want Kirara to do what she wants.”

If you were to ask me who is more important, I would naturally be biased towards Kaoru, but even so,…..there is no doubt that Kirara is just as important to me as Kaoru.

If something happens to her, it’s only natural that I’ll do everything I can to help her.

Well, there’s also the fact that the only people I can call friends are Kirara and Hitomi…if you think about it, you’d think it would be pretty lonely to have only three good friends in this world, but for me, it’s not like that.

I know that all three of them are really good kids, and if anything, I can say that I’m pretty happy if I get along well with them. Hitomi still has a sense of rivalry towards me, though. Well, Hitomi’s competitiveness can also be said to be her charm.

I mean, after all this time, if it were Ohgo Kaito before my reincarnation, he wouldn’t have said that line even if heaven and earth were turned upside down……

While thinking about this, I looked at Kirara, but from my point of view, she was looking down and I couldn’t see her face.

“T-thank you….I-I’ll let you do that…….”

“Oh, I’ll do so.”

“I-I’ll check with the two of them…..”

“Yeah, do that. I’m gonna take you home in the meantime. It’s almost time for me to pick up Kaoru.”


–I was taking Kirara home.

It’s not unusual for the two of us to be alone together,….. but today Kirara is a bit quiet.

When I looked at Kirara, who was walking next to me, I noticed that she was a little flustered, but now she was saying, [Wait a minute] stopped and looking at her smartphone with a smile on her face.

Well, it doesn’t look like she has anything serious on her mind, does it?

“What’s wrong?”

“Erm. Kaoru is at school right now, so I haven’t heard back from her, but Hitomi said she’ll be fine tomorrow !”

That’s why she was smiling so much.

Kirara happily told me so.

“Kaoru will probably be fine too.”

“I’m glad to hear that ! I’ve never done something like going out with friends and spending money before……”

“Let me ask you something, is your reward gonna be to buy something for them?”

If that were the case, I don’t think they would be willing to accept it.

Of course, it would be a different story if it was a birthday present or something, but that’s not the case right now.

The two of them know about Kirara’s family environment, and even more so now.

“I thought about that, too…..but I think the two of them know my situation, so I think they’d say there’s no need to thank them.”

“Well, yeah……I definitely think they’ll say that.”

Of course they would be happy to be thanked, but it’s not like the two of them were looking for something like that to be friends with Kirara.

“That’s right. That’s why I’m thinking that the three of us will just play around normally and say that it’s okay if I treat them to a meal…”

“That’s true…do you think it’ll be okay if it’s that much? I think they’ll be happy if you tell them to include your gratitude.”

If it was just a meal, it wouldn’t be that expensive and the two of them would be happy to accept it.

I can tell that Kirara is grateful for that.

–A few moments later, we arrived at Kirara’s house.

“See you later, then.”

“Yeah ! See you, Kaito kun !”

“Yeah, have fun tomorrow.”

“Yeah ! I will !”

And when I was about to leave.

“Kaito kun !”


“Thank you so much ! Just so you know, I wanna thank you too, Kaito kun !”

“Me too?”

“Yeah ! Kaito kun says not to worry about it, but I’m pretty sure that Kaito kun is the one I’m most grateful to….s-so….let me thank you separately for that, Kaito kun !”

Kirara said with a smile but a little shyly.

“I see. I’ll be looking forward to that time.”

“Yeah ! Then go to Kaoru’s place !”


–I said goodbye to Kirara and decided to go pick up Kaoru.

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25 days ago

Thanks for the TL
I can’t wait to see the grand revelation of Kaoru’s relationship