
★side : Yamazaki Shin

[Yessssss ! This is a win !]

[Nice !]

[That was a close one.]

I went home right after school and was playing FPS games with my friends.

[It’s dinner time soon, so I’m going down.]

[Sure…’s already 7:00.]

Goto and Saito said so and I asked them.

[Do you wanna play after dinner?]

[I don’t know……I’ve got school tomorrow, so I’ll pass. Let’s do it on Friday.]

[That’s true. Well then, shall we end today? See you, Goto, Saito.]

[See you.]

[See you tomorrow.]


I finished my game and yawned.

“It’s getting dark already.”

Time flies when you’re playing games.

I looked out the window.

“Haa, a couple……making out in front of me……”

I was looking out the window and saw a man and woman walking arm in arm.

“Speaking of arm in arm….”

When I saw the two of them, I remembered the time when I linked arms with Hiroshiki san.

I had never crossed arms with Kaoru either….but I’d like to do it again.

“Girlfriend…..must be nice…..”

I was looking out the window at the couple while I was thinking that…..

“Eh……what is that…..?”

I was very confused when I saw them.

“It’s Kaoru….isn’t it…..”

It was dark and I couldn’t see who they were, but they stopped in front of Kaoru’s house.

And I could clearly see Kaoru’s face in the light of the front door.

I couldn’t tell who the man was because I could only see the back of his head, but I was sure it was Kaoru.

And Kaoru was smiling very happily. She never smiles like that even in front of me…….

“W-who is……that guy…..”

Kaoru shouldn’t have cram school today….so has she been with that guy all this time?

She should have gone home alone after school, saying she had something to do.

And the guy’s uniform is definitely the same school as mine……

“It’s a lie…..there’s no way Kaoru has any boys she’s close to…..I have to go and ask her anyway.”

I’m her childhood friend, there’s no way she’s hiding anything from me…..but my heart was racing even as I thought so.

★side : Sasauchi Kaoru

“Bye Kaito kun ! Thank you for today !”

“See you tomorrow.”

Saying that, Kaito kun left.

I was playing at Kaito kun’s house after school today, and he dropped me off on the way home. 

“After all, it’s fun to be with Kaito kun.”

I muttered to myself after Kaito kun left. 

“By the way…..Mom and Dad are gonna be late today, aren’t they?”

As I was thinking that……

“Kaoru !”

Shin said as he came to me.

He seems confused, but what is it?

I don’t want to talk to Shin too much, in my opinion.

I’m trying to treat him as usual, but I’m not going to forgive him for what he did to Kirara chan.

“Shin? What is it?”

“W-what were you doing today?”

“I had some errands to run, so I spent some time there, why?”

“S-so, what was that…..errand?”

“I can’t tell you that, okay? There’s no reason to tell you.”

What’s with him all of a sudden…..

“T-then……who the hell was that you were with earlier?

“The person I was with?”

“Y-yes…..I saw you through the window of my house, and you were with someone……”

I didn’t expect to be seen through the window,….but I knew this day would come eventually, so I guess there’s no need to panic.

Generally speaking, if it were to be found out, I would talk to Kaito kun about it.

And I guess it’s a good idea…if I say I have a boyfriend, it’ll be a reason why we can’t get along.

More importantly, he didn’t realize it was Kaito kun, did he?

Well, that’s fine then….

“You mean just now?”

” T-that’s right……”

“Well, that’s…..right, then. I didn’t tell Shin for a reason, but……I’ve got a boyfriend.”

“E-eh? Huh? B-boyfriend….w-what do you….mean……”

When I clearly said that, Shin was very upset.

“I said I got a boyfriend. So from now on, we won’t be able to get along any more than necessary.”

“Huh? Y-you’re lying, right? It must be…..”

“It’s not a lie. Because my mom and dad know.”

“W-why….when did you….”

“It’s been over a month.”


“Because….I love him, that’s why.”

“Why didn’t you….tell me about it……?”

“I told you there was a reason I couldn’t tell you.”

“I’m your childhood friend and you can’t even tell me ! ! !”

Shin suddenly yelled.

I was a little surprised, but I didn’t panic that much. 

I’m the one who should be angry……besides Kirara chan and other things…..I have a lot of things to think about Shin these days.

“That’s the reason……and it has nothing to do with being childhood friends……”

“But we’ve been together for a long time !”

“You’re right. But just because we’ve been together doesn’t mean we will continue to be together, right?”

“W-what’s wrong? It’s not at all like Kaoru to say such a thing.”

What do you mean by ‘like me’……

Speaking of which, Shin has always said that it’s not like me and that it doesn’t suit me…’s the same with the necklace thing from last time.

I guess he thinks I won’t change.

“Isn’t that just what Shin thinks?”

“I’m your childhood friend and I know Kaoru better than anyone else !”

Then I know a lot about Shin too.

I didn’t realize it when I liked him, but there are a lot of bad things about him ……

Mostly, I don’t know how to trust someone who would abandon a girl when she’s in danger because of him……the trust I’ve lost is far greater than the time we’ve spent together in recent events.

I can’t forgive himjust because we were childhood friends…….

Compared to Kaito kun, all of Shin’s words seem flimsy……

Besides, the me that Shin knows is the me from junior high school. I’ve changed since I met Kaito kun and became friends with Kirara chan and Hitomi chan.

The me I am now is not the me who can’t clearly express my opinions like before…….

“That’s enough, right? Anyway, now that I got a boyfriend, we won’t be able to spend time together anymore like before.”

“But we’ve known each other since childhood ! You’ve spent more time with me than with that who-knows-what boyfriend !”

Childhood friend, childhood friend……

Shin emphasizes the word “childhood friend” every now and then.

I’ve heard that some people admire the relationship of childhood friends, but from my point of view, that’s not the case.

I feel like I’m being held together by the chains of childhood friends……

Even if I started dating Kaito kun, I had no intention of cutting a relationship with Shin…but looking at Shin these days, I don’t really think so anymore.

I think it’s time to remove that chain of childhood friends,….and it’s not good for the neighbors if we talk.

“I care about my boyfriend more than anything. Let’s stop talking from now……see you later.”

“Oh, hey !”

I said that and went straight into the house.

–I was in my room thinking.

“That’s kind of refreshing,…….”

I couldn’t say what I wanted to say about Kirara chan, but I could say what I truly wanted to say, and I think it was a good opportunity.

I don’t remember why I fell in love with him in the past, but that doesn’t matter now.

I don’t really want him to be unhappy, but I’m trying to keep my distance from him.

Of course, if I had the time to use it for Shin, I would want to be with Kaito kun.

Well, sooner or later this would have been the result……

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