I’m a hard worker, but still, going to school is a hassle. But lately I’ve been having a little fun.
Because …….
“Good morning, Amamiya san! You look so cute today!”
It’s because I get to see Amamiya-san. I originally started approaching her to help her become a real person, but what the heck, I’m having fun too.
“……G-good morning. Hatoyama-kun mouu …… so embarrassed …… in the morning.”
She hides her face with her bag to avoid the gazes of her classmates. This gesture is cute, like that of a small animal, but if she’s scared of something like this, I’m worried about her future.
“Do you really hate being looked at that much?”
“I grew my bangs because of that…… ……”
Ah, so that’s the reason. I don’t understand …….
Of course, I get scared of people’s gazes when I make an embarrassing mistake, too. But I don’t understand being scared of people’s gazes all the time. It’s impossible to survive. When you become a working adult, you’ll have to give presentations in front of people, and at university, you’ll have to present your research, right?
“Sure, they’ll look at you if you cut your bangs. You look cute.”
“I’m not cute. ……”
You’re still saying that at this point in time. Why don’t you admit it? If I were a crazy non-delinquent, I’d be surveying everyone in class. I wouldn’t because I’m a sensible guy.
“Why don’t you ask the other girls? You’d trust their word more than mine, wouldn’t you?”
“ …… Hatoyama kun, can you …… ask them if you’re good-looking?”
“Eht? No, that would be really creepy. ……”
“Right, ……?”
You’re doing a good job, aren’t you? I’ve been successfully debunked.
“But that’s because I have a normal face. If I am handsome, I can ask. You’re pretty, so you should be able to ask”
“That’s just because …… Hatoyama kun is a weirde…”
I have a feeling we’re going in circles, but I’m not giving up. Until Amamiya san has confidence in herself, I’m going to keep pushing back. I’ll give up when she changes seats.
“Wait a minute. I have similar sensibilities to the other boys, you know?”
“…… have you got any evidence for that? Most boys don’t care about me ……”
“I like actresses who are popular with the public, and vice versa.”
I think it’s rare these days due to compliance issues, but female comedians in the past used their ugly looks as an advantage, right? When I see things like that, even I think, with all due respect, “This woman’s face is pretty low-quality.” So that means I have normal sensibilities, right?
“You don’t like it that much? Do you really dislike being praised by me?”
“Eh, I don’t hate …… it, but I thought it was sarcastic…….”
“I’m not being sarcastic. ah, ……?”
What is it? Amamiya’s hand…….
“Oh? Amazing!”
What’s this? Her nails are …… shiny!
“They’re shiny! Your nails are shiny!”
Wow! They’re shiny! What happened? Did she eat something nutritious?!
“T-That tickles. ……”
“Oh, ……, sorry. ……”
Oh, I’ve done it! I was so excited about her shiny fingernails that I grabbed her hand with my guts!
Oh, no. You’re angry ……, right? Will I be accused of sexual harassment? Or get slapped? Will she cry ……?
She’s slumped over and pulled, but I’m pretty sure she’s mad at me, right? There’s an atmosphere like a child on the verge of crying out. Oh no, ……, did I hurt you? And my resume will be damaged, too. No, I don’t care about my side of it. ……
“You have lovely hands. They’re soft and smooth.”
I’m going to praise her for now. You know what they say, “If you eat poison, you’ll end up with a dish” If it’s going to be sexual harassment anyway, let’s praise her as much as we can.
You know, if it’s going to be tardy, let’s make it tardy …….
What is this expression ……? If you say she’s angry, she looks angry, if you say she looks like she’s about to cry, she looks like she’s about to cry. But in reality, I feel different……. Not so much shame…… as shame-leaning anger……?
“Is this …… a manicure……?”
Definitely not, but that’s okay as long as we can get away from the subject for now. If I keep seeing this expression on Amamiya’s face, I’m going to feel weird.
“Uh, oh, yeah. ……? Yes, but ……? Eh, ……?”
Her expression changed to one of confusion, just like I wanted, but wait a minute.
What, is this nail polish ……? It’s nail polish and it’s shiny?
“H-Hatoyama kun recommended me, you know? He said I’d look good with a manicure. ……”
…… Well, you see, that …… is different. I thought nail polish was the nail version of lipstick. That’s why I thought she would have red or pink nails. I had no idea they would be this shiny. ……
“It looks great on you. It looks good on you because you are a graceful Japanese woman. ……”
For now, I’ll pretend like I know what I’m talking about. It’s completely different from the nail polish I was expecting, but I should play dumb here.
“Hey… don’t you think I’m getting too cocky…? Isn’t that creepy?”
“Why? What’s creepy about …… that you’ve become more of a beautiful girl?”
“I’m not a …… beautiful girl, but thank you …….”
I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m suddenly going to be haunted by the fact that I held her hand. I’m completely missing the timing to let go of her hand, but I guess I’ll just keep touching her at this point.
I wonder …… what it is, a sense of security or euphoria? I don’t know what it is, but I’m getting positive feelings. It’s a strange feeling.
“I’d never had a manicure before, and I didn’t know anyone I could talk to about it, so I was worried …… it would be weird.”
Well, I guess you could say it’s weird. It’s not the manicure I know. I guess I’m just too ignorant.
“No, it’s not weird. It’s beautiful and kind of cool.”
“Cool ……? Yeah. ……?”
“Yeah. It’s cool and cute. You’re cool and cute.”
“Hahaha, what’s that?”
Again. I was able to see that smile again, though the timing was completely unexpected.
I was able to touch her hand and see her smile. It was a perk of being a meddler in the first place.
“Can you paint me too? Manicure.”
I want to be cool too. I want to be Zenkichi Mark II.
“Eh ……? ….. for you, Hatoyama kun?”
“Yeah. I want to be a manicured man, you know? Let’s break the school rules together.”
Feeling how brazen I was, I offered my free hand. It’s not that important, but after enjoying Amamiya-san’s beautiful hands, my own hands somehow started to look ugly. They’re thinly haired, and my nails aren’t trimmed. You can even see the veins.
“Oh, of course I’ll pay for it. Manicure is expensive, after all.”
“Umm I don’t mind paying……. Okay, well, I’ll see you at lunchtime …….”
“Yes! Thank you!”
I was just going to say no, but she agreed to do it. I don’t know, something about this kind of thing, doesn’t it seem like a friend thing? Isn’t this a very adolescent thing to do?
“I can’t wait to see your manicure.”
“So much ……? You’re really weird.”
Although she bears the dishonorable double name of “weirdo,” I don’t sense any malice in her at all. Rather, I sense something of favoritism. At least sh doesn’t hate me.
“Because, you know, matching manicures are kind of like being friends, aren’t they?”
“……!? M-matching ……?”
Why is your face suddenly red? Why does she always blush?
It’s really difficult to be a girl.
“N-No, I can’t do it.”
“Why not!? We were both in the mood for it!”
You changed your mind too soon! Is this the autumn sky?
“Well, ……? It’s going to take a while, …… and I forgot to bring the base coat.”
“Oh,……, it’s not a good idea to do it halfway, is it? I can kind of understand that.”
Not sure about the base coat, but it’s probably just a primer thing, right? If nail polish is like conditioner, base coat is like shampoo?
“…… matching, huh?”
I think she mumbled something, but since she was probably talking to herself, I’m not going to mention it.
But more importantly, are you sure it’s not a bad idea? I’d like to try nail polish too, but do I have to do it myself?
“How about after school then? Or on a day off?”
“H-holidays ……! Matching manicure on a holiday ……! kyaa!?”
She seems pretty upset. She spilled the contents of her pencil case all over the place. She’s actually quite a mess.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
When I helped her pick it up, our hair touched each other. If it were a classic romantic comedy, it would be hand to hand, but now I understand why. Hair touching each other is really awkward. From the girls’ side, it’s absolutely uncomfortable. Look, she is rubbing the touched part desperately. She must have really disliked it. ……
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