
After that, the sports festival went on without a hitch.

The ball toss, which is an event for our school year, has also ended successfully.

“Guhehe, everyone is desperate to get into the ball thrower ……guhehehe!!!”

Utsusugawa state of excitement is not the only thing that is safe.

After a lunch break, we moved on to the afternoon session.

The white team had the upper hand, with the event being the third grade event.

“Kasumi-senpai, Yomi-senpai, do it~!!!

“Go for it~”

The third year is a class relay, and Kasumi-senpai and Yomi-senpai, who are in the red group, are in the same class.

Yomi-senpai is fast on his feet, so he is assigned to be the anchor, and in front of him is Kasumi-senpai.

“Uwaa~ sorry~. Haruchika, please take care of the rest.”

“I’ll take care of it!”

Yomi senpai fixes his glasses and takes the baton from Kasumi senpai.

Yomi senpai is currently in third place in his class. He is always an idiot and unreliable.

Although he is always an idiot and unreliable senpai, he runs with the strength of his legs.

He crossed the finishing tape in first place.

“I knew he was fast.”

“That’s because he used to be a national athlete!”

Yomi senpai was actually a member of the junior high school track and field team and had competed in the national championships.

I was only in the prefecture, but when I saw Yomi-senpai there, I was stunned.

Well, I heard that if I don’t study now, my future will be in trouble, so I quit track.

“Okaay, It was so fast that it didn’t feel blank!”

“Okay, now the red team has overtaken the white team!”

“With this point difference, the game will come down to the final relay.”

“Yomi senpai will be there, so let’s go cheer him on!”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

I went to the entrance gate.

I found Yomi senpai right away, but he was acting strangely.

“O-oh, Fuyunose.”

“What’s wrong?”

He was very concerned about his right leg.

Could it be ……?

“This guy~ He twisted his leg because he was so happy to have won the first place~”

“What are you doing?”

“I-It wasn’t supposed to be like this. ……”

If things look like this, I don’t think he’ll be able to get out.

“Have you told the alternates yet? If you don’t, hurry up, it’s already time to get in line …….”

“That’s the thing, the alternate guy is also ……”

“Twisted my leg because I was so happy~”

“Is this place full of idiots?”

First of all, what kind of joy did he have to twist his leg because he was too joyful?

As I was sighing, Yomi-senpai put his hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, Fuyunose, would you mind coming out?”

“Hee….? No, no, it’s impossible for me to go out. And the anchor need a substitute.”

“That’s right. But you can go Fuyunose. I have seen you run when I was in junior high school, and you were pretty fast. It was like riding a moped.”

“Mopeds are a weak example of speed.”

“Anyway! Please! I ask you!”

Yomi-senpai asked with a true-to-life expression on his face.

Even though I don’t want to run in the biggest relay race, I don’t want to be the anchor that attracts the most attention…

“I can’t do it. indeed ……”

[Please line up the contestants.]

The competition will start soon.

If this doesn’t work, Yomi-senpai will have to leave the competition.

“Anyway, tell this to the headquarters now–“

“Who is the anchor for the red team?”

“”This guy.””

“‘Haa ……?”

“Please line up quickly! It’s time to enter!”

“…… Eh?”

Before I knew it, Kasumi-senpai had made me wear the anchor’s number.

I lined up at the end of the line of players as if pushed by three people, and was allowed to enter as soon as the entrance music started.

“(T-That’s the worst. Why did this happen…)”

When I looked back, I saw the three of them watching me off, handkerchiefs in hand.

That’s too much of someone else’s problem.

I sighed deeply and reluctantly resigned myself to the situation, when the guy next to me stuck his tongue out at me in a show of disdain.

“You again?”


Bando-senpai glared at me strongly and turned away.

Apparently, I also have a strange connection with Bando-senpai.

Player entry has been completed and all players have taken their positions.


With the sound of the starter pistol, the relay begins.

As I expected, this was the final event of the gymnastic festival, and since the overall championship was at stake, it was the most exciting event of the day since it began.

Against such a crowd, I was alone, desperately hoping for a win.

“(Please let me win overwhelmingly or lose overwhelmingly ……!)”

As the anchor of the team, one may think that’s not much, but please put yourself in the shoes of someone who has suddenly been made the anchor.

It is not a punishment to pray this much, is it?

In the beginning, the red team was overwhelmingly dominant.

I was hoping that they would continue like this, but a mistake in passing the baton suddenly narrowed the gap, and instead the White team was gaining on the Red team.

And the relay continued in that balanced state…….

“(I knew I was being punished. ……)”

The baton was about to be passed to the anchor.

If I lost here, I would be treated as a war criminal. I would not let that happen.

I swallowed a mouthful of spit and as I waited for the baton to be handed over, Bando senpai stared at me again.

“I’m never going to lose to you”. 

Obviously, Bando senpai’s words did not refer only to this relay.

Bando senpai received the baton a little early.

I took the baton, too, and finally the final race began.

“Go, Red Team!~”

“Bando senpai!”

“White team, don’t lose!!!”


Kicking the ground, we accelerated faster and faster.

However, since Bando-senpai was entrusted with being the anchor, he was running in front of me at a considerable speed.

“(Can I catch up? No, this is quite a bit…)”

The gap was not closing.

Just when I was about to give up, she said to me

“Hang in there”

I suddenly saw my fake girlfriend. 

Usually, she doesn’t encourage me or affirm me.

What’s more, Koyadori is on the enemy team. Originally, she had to support Bando-senpai.

But she still supported me. She told me to do my best.

“(I’ll do it!)”

Suddenly, I felt a surge of power, and I accelerated and lined up with Bando senpai.

Then, at the last straight, I took a step ahead of Bando senpai and cut the goal tape.


“The winner is the red team~!!!!!”

As soon as that announcement rang out, the crowd erupted in the loudest cheer of the gymnastics festival.

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