Episode 22 – Is It Jealousy or Arrogance?



I demonstrated magic in front of Shayla Carrera, a prodigy who is on par with Lucia of the Duke of Morgan, a famous family of magic.

She looks at the small flame that erupts from my finger and is clearly astonished.

“I’ve never seen anyone invoke magic just by reading a book. It’s frustrating, but Luca’s talent is real.”

Shayla said, her face contorting in genuine frustration.

I reply with a smug look.

“Well, yeah. I never thought it would be this easy to use magic myself.”

No matter how similar this ability was to aura or prayer, it didn’t feel even slightly strange.

Like a bird can fly in the sky from the beginning. I could use magic like a fish can swim in water.

“I’m curious.”


“I want to cut open Luca’s body to see what it looks like.”

‘Don’t say scary things.”

I felt her face close to mine and she started to say horrible things.

Although she wasn’t that bad when I was playing the game, I get a strange feeling that she’s a psychopath.

“I can’t help it. Wizards are explorers of the unknown. They have a scholarly side.”

“So you want to see my talent……or the brain that produces it?”


“You’re not answering.”

Who would make you do such a grotesque thing?

I grab Shayla’s face and push her backwards.

She didn’t even show any signs of resisting as she was inferior in physical strength.


“It’s your own fault. I need to read more books and practice magic.”

“You can’t do that here. If you burn the equipment badly, you’ll get scolded.”

“Then show me the right place.”

“The training grounds.”

“The training grounds. That’s good.”

There I could do all the magic I wanted.

“But….you’ve been very attentive since the beginning. What happened to your initial brusque attitude?”

“I was just being cautious because I thought Luca was blaspheming magic.”

“And now?”

“I’m interested in Luca. I want to keep an eye on you.”


I can’t help but be curious.

“You have a talent that even I have never seen before. I’m sure that there is something that I haven’t noticed. I’ll enjoy it for now.”

“Am I your plaything?”

“I’ll pay the price.”


“Myself. I’m all yours. So let me watch you for a while.”

Shayla is the price?

Hmmm. Not bad for a subtlety.

Right now I’m a fledgling wizard, no matter how talented I am. With Shayla’s knowledge and experience added to that, I can become stronger without spending any extra time.

With no particular reason to refuse, I nodded my head and gave my permission.

“Fine. You can teach me a lot of things, right? Senior.”

“Sheyla is fine. Luca and I are equals. I should be more humble.”

“I’m fine the way we are.”

I don’t care if the cool, expressionless girl uses polite language.

I don’t care about such small things as honorific language.


I borrowed some books and left the library while answering Shayla’s questions. The two of us headed for the training grounds.


Shayla led me into the training grounds.

In the training grounds, there are human-shaped targets placed side by side.

Do I have to hit that target with magic?

“Shayla, I can hit that target with magic, right?”

“Yeah. It’s made to be quite sturdy, so you can shoot it as hard as you can.:

With a thumbs up, she gave the OK sign.

I immediately started to work up the magic to the limit of what I could control.

I’m just starting out, so I don’t have that much power.

The attribute to change is fire. Earlier, I lowered the output to resemble candlelight, but this time I went full throttle to create a fireball.

“Muu. You also activating magic without much ado. That’s not fair.”

“If you think so, you should learn. I’ll be a good sample.”

“Hmm, okay. I’ll watch it until I have a hole.”

“I’ll grow twice as fast as you though.”

“One more word.”

“Hahaha. Sorry, sorry.”

I finish controlling the magic while joking.

I’m a bit slow now, even controlling magic the size of a volleyball.

I’m going to speed things up a bit here. The fireballs are created in the palm of my hand and released with this thought.

The target is in front of me. I just throw it and it hits the target. It’s so hard to miss.

–Goooh !

The magic hits the target as I aimed.

The fireball bursts with a small explosion.

The damage is subtle. It’s not enough to use in a real battle.

“Tsk. It’s too weak. Shall I increase the amount of magic power released?”

“No. The important thing is to control.”


Shayla, who was standing behind me, was teaching me everything.

“If you only increase the amount of magic you emit, but you can’t control it, you’re just wasting magic. The most important thing is the ability to control.”

“I see. In other words, it is better to practice control first than to shoot magic.”

“That’s what I mean. The more magic you shoot, the more power and control you’ll have, so it’s not a waste.”

“Sharp or well-balanced? Hmmm.” 

That’s a problem.

How about raising it in a well-balanced manner while in the training grounds, and focusing on training control outside of the training grounds?

I think it would be more efficient.

“I understand. I’ll just let it go while I’m in the training ground. When I’m alone, I’ll do control training.”

“That’s good. I’ll go with you.”

“Great. Show me your magic, too.”

“Okay. You’ll learn.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

It had been less than an hour since we’d met, and Shayla and I had become friends enough that we were able to talk lightly.

I mean, she’s getting to know me better.

She is somewhat similar to the Salvatore family members.

“—Miss Shayla ! Are you practicing magic at the training ground?”


Suddenly, I heard a voice from the side. It was a man’s voice.

I glanced over and saw a man with seaweed-like limp hair coming toward me.

“Who is it? Do you know him?”

“I don’t know.”

“Geh ! N-no way……”

Seaweed was very upset. With a pale face, he said.

“It’s me ! I’m, Org, from the same class as Miss Shayla.”

“Orc? I don’t know much about monsters.”

“Org ! With a G !”

He desperately said his name, but Shayla tilted her head in disinterest.

Sadly. She can’t believe she can’t even remember the faces of her classmates.

Well, me neither.

“So? What do you want, Ogre?”

“Now I’m an Ogre !? How unintrested are you !”

“What do you want?”

Shayla was so brilliant.

I felt sorry for Seaweed.

“Gnnnnn……well, that’s alright. I have only one thing to do. What’s the matter? Bringing such a novice wizard along.”

Seaweed’s gaze turned to me.

Are you talking about me?

“He is Luca. Luca Salvatore.”

“Salvatore? The son of the Salvatore family of geniuses?”

“Yeah. Nice to meet you, Seaweed.”


Hmm? Isn’t seaweed used around here?

Well, I’ve never seen it either. It’s a marine product, and I guess it’s hard to find when you’re far from the sea.

There is a seaside town in a part of the imperial territory, I’d like to visit there sometime.

Maybe they have fish sauce or something.

“It means [shaggy hair.]”

“Shaggy hair !? Y-you are so rude, aren’t you? Even if you’re the son of a duke, ability is everything in the magic tower ! You’re just starting out, please respect me.”

“I can’t.”

I can only respect myself.

“Tsk. If you’re going to go that far, why don’t you have a magic match with me? I think it would be faster if we actually fought to see who is better.”


I’m not underestimating you because you’re weak or anything.

I’ll get stronger soon anyway. There’s no need to respect you !

But I don’t dislike his attitude of seeking a fight by himself. He must be very confident in his talent.

To be honest, there are too many things to be worried about with my current abilities, but I don’t think a member of the Salvatore family can run away when challenged to a fight.

I smiled and said.

“I don’t know about you…..but I’m interested. I’ll take you on.”

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