
If I take Sumika’s words as they are, it means that Sumika is not happy right now.

Indeed, she may not be happy when she found out that Takamiya senpai is a womanizing asshole.

Still, Sumika just told me that it’s my fault that I don’t have any bad points, so I guess my worries were pointless when she didn’t break up with Takamiya senpai, who was full of bad points, and they got along somehow. However, I wonder if her relationship with Takamiya senpai has deteriorated.

“Wouldn’t Sumika be happy to be dating Takamiya senpai? You’d be much happier dating Takamiya senpai, who acts bad towards women, than an uninteresting guy like me who doesn’t have any flaws.”

“Takamiya senpai’s bad behavior towards women has gone too far, and no matter how much I hate it, he’ll try to get his hands on me right away, so I’ve already broken up with him! !”

……Oh lord.

I had that feeling from Sumika’s atmosphere, but I never expected that they had really broken up…

When I heard that Sumika had already broken up with Takamiya senpai, I was convinced that I wasn’t wrong after all.

Even so, if there’s nothing wrong with it, you can’t go without it and lament that it lacks spice, and if there is something wrong with it, you can complain that it’s gone too far.

I was so dumbfounded by such a thought that Sumika started to shed tears in front of me.

It was the first time I had ever thought that a girl’s tears were so dirty.

“Why am I so unhappy, and you’re the only one who seems to be happy with such a pretty girl ! If I see you looking so happy, I will regret that I should not have broken up with Eita…..”

The reason why I don’t feel any sympathy for Sumika’s tears is probably because the treatment she has been subjected to me has been so terrible.

Instead of feeling sorry for Sumika when she was shedding tears, I was glad that she said Kohime was pretty.

Putting those feelings aside for the moment, I had to explain to Sumika why the situation between me and her was now the complete opposite.

After all, Sumika doesn’t know why she’s unhappy.

“When I was going out with you, Sumika, I was always thinking about you and acting only with you in mind. But then you betrayed me, fell in love with another man, and dumped me. Then you ignored my advice and treated me like a bad guy. No wonder you were unhappy. Well, I’m not saying that Sumika was 100% at fault, but—“

“That’s right ! It’s Eita’s fault for not letting me stay in love with you ! It’s not my fault !”

…There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do other than sigh.

This guy is rotten to the core, even if she just showed a slight opening.

“…Haa. I was hoping that you might have changed a little, but you’re still the same.”

“What ! Acting like it’s not your fault and being so bossy !”

No, I made sure that you’re not 100% at fault, right?

She still doesn’t listen or try to understand when she gets emotional.

I silently gave Sumika a look of dismay.


“What are you looking at me like that for? I know ! I’m sure you know it’s really your fault. I’m not that stupid either……”

Saying this, Sumika burst into tears again. 

Even though I know this, Sumika is a person whose emotions I cannot catch up with.

She is still a high school student, so it is inevitable that her emotions are immature, but she should not cause trouble for others because of it.

At the very least, she needs to become a person who can sort out her emotions within herself.

“Crying won’t help you anymore. What Sumika did will never be forgotten, and I have no choice but to ask you to be careful about your future behavior.”

“What are you preaching to me like a big shot ! I know that ! I just have to be careful from now on !? Then I’ll be careful from now on, so go out with me ! The woman hiding behind you is probably just a scumbag with good looks, too, right !?”

When Sumika said that to me, my blood rushed to my head and I was about to argue, when someone other than me called out to her, looking sharply at her.

“Aren’t you the scumbag?”


The one who called out to Sumika instead of me was Hoshino Mai, who was supposed to be Sumika’s best friend.

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