“Are you sure that’s what you wanted?”
“Of course I’m sure. Besides, I can’t spend that much on a phone.”
“That’s all right then. What did you buy behind my back?”
“I guess it’s a secret for now.”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry. I’ll tell you when the time is right, so please give me a break, both of you.”
I put the phone in my pocket as well as the other things I had bought.
Honestly, it’s no exaggeration to say that I came to buy this rather than a smartphone today.
“Then, when the time comes for you to talk, you’ll talk to me.”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“It’s nothing to be sorry about. Everyone has something they want to keep hidden, and hiding it might do you some good.”
Amane san was smiling a little fearlessly.
Why is she smiling?
I feel scared of Amane san at times like this.
I’m really scared because I don’t know what she’s thinking.
“Onii, did you do something to offend Towa Nee san?”
“No, I have no idea.”
I don’t know if Misora sensed Amane san’s strange mood or not, but she asked me in a whisper.
That’s what I want to know.
“What are you two talking about?
Can I join you?”
“No, it’s not a big deal.”
“Oh, yeah ! It’s nothing you need to know ! !”
We both tried our best to cover it up.
There’s nothing wrong with that, and there’s no need to hide it.
The pressure that Amane san was exerting was too much for me.
“Is that so? Then that’s fine.”
Did we do something to Amane san?
I don’t know, but I’m going to do my best to get her in a better mood.
“I know it’s late, but Towa Nee san, why are you calling Onii by his name?”
“Because we live together and Misora chan’s last name is Yanagi, so it’ll be confusing, isn’t it?”
“That’s true, but I don’t think that’s the only reason~”
After lunch, Misora was having such a conversation with Amane san.
I was also a little curious about what Misora was talking about.
At first she called me Yanagi, but I was puzzled because she suddenly started calling me Sora.
“There’s no deep reason for it. Just my whim.”
Amane san answered in a defensive manner, averting her gaze.
It was a suspicious gesture no matter how I looked at it, but I felt it was best not to go any further.
“I see. Thank you for answering ! !”
“No, it’s not something to be thanked for.”
Apparently, Misora, like me, thought it best not to go any further and immediately tried to change the subject.
Misora has always been good at reading people’s minds~
“Onii ! You bought a new phone, so tell me your contact info ! !”
“Oh, that reminds me, I forgot. Can I ask you to tell me yours too?”
“Oh, sure. Here you go.”
I display the QR code for the messaging app on the screen of my phone and offer it to both of them.
“Okay, thanks, Onii !”
The next moment Misora said that, a cute bear stamp was sent.
“Here you go.”
After a ping sound, the stamp sent by Amane san appears on the screen.
The stamp was a little bit ugly, but it was cute.
The stamp of a plump cat was sent.
Come to think of it, I think I have seen this stuffed animal in Amane san’s room.
I sent them both a dog stamp that they could use without having to pay for it.
“Then, let’s go home now. Is there anything you two would like to buy?”
“I’m fine.”
“I’m fine too !”
“Really? Then let’s go home.”
And so the three of us headed home.
“Well then, Yanagi Sora san. Yanagi Misora san. May I speak to the two of you?”
The next day at noon in Amane san’s room we were having a conversation with the lawyer.
“First of all, Yanagi Sora san. We asked your parents about you, and they said that you forced yourself on a girl you grew up with, and that’s why they kicked you out. Is that true?”
“Of course not. No, I never did anything like that.”
That was a great question right off the bat.
Well, I expected it a little.
It was that mother of mine.
It was easy to imagine that she would start off by claiming that I was at fault in order to justify herself.
“I understood. Well, I guess you didn’t really do anything like that when you were with Towa san and didn’t touch her.”
The lawyer took one look at Amane san and smiled.
Apparently, he was acquainted with Amane san to a certain extent.
“Now, let’s get to the point, but what your parents are doing clearly falls under the category of child neglect. If you go to court, they may be imprisoned from three months to five years. Also, in that case, both you and Misora san can have a minor’s representative.”
“…Yes. “
“And to be clear, there has already been a police investigation, and it has been acknowledged tha child neglect occurred, and charges have been filed. I don’t know what the outcome of the trial will be, but this will allow you to go to family court and appoint a minor’s representative.”
I had no idea that they had already been indicted.
I don’t know if Amane san was working behind the scenes or if there was some other cause, but this makes it easier for me to move on.
“Will the minor’s representative be okay with me?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I understand. Then we will proceed accordingly, is there anything else you would like to ask me?”
The lawyer looked at me and Misora and asked.
“May I ask you one question?”
“Yes. You may.”
Misora raised her hand hesitantly.
“Did our parents say anything?”
“About what they say? Should I tell them?”
The lawyer looked at Amane san in a very uncomfortable way.
“Tell them. They both have the right to know.”
“I understand. Your parents were very worried about you, Misora san.”
“Nevermind me, what about Onii?”
Did they say something terrible to me that made him shut down?
Well, they must have said something related to that, since that was the first question asked.
“It’s all right. Tell me.”
“They said they were just kicking out sex offenders, and that they didn’t do anything wrong.”
Apparently, it was the default among the two of them that I forced Runa into a relationship with me.
I guess they didn’t even suspect it.
In other words, those guys trusted Runa more than their own children.
No, maybe Runa was cuter.
“I see. Thank you for telling me.”
“No, are you all right?”
“Why is that?”
“It is impossible not to be hurt by being told such a thing by your own parents. Are you really okay?”
“I’m fine. I expected it. But more importantly, I would like to ask you to take care of the minor’s representative.”
“I understand. Then I will go through the procedures.”
With that, the lawyer left.
“Onii, are you all right?”
“I’m fine. I expected that they would say something like that anyway. More importantly, Amane san. Thank you for everything.”
“I didn’t do anything this time. Goto san was the one who did all the work.”
“But if it weren’t for Amane san, I don’t think Goto san would have been able to do anything either. So thank you.”
“Me too.”
We both thanked Amane san.
I am now in debt to Amane san again.
“It’s fine. You two take it easy today. You must be tired.”
“No, it can’t be like that. I’ve been relying on Amane san all this time, so is there anything I can do to help?”
I stopped Amane san, who was quickly starting to prepare dinner, and offered to help her.
I couldn’t just rely on Amane san forever.
“That’s right ! Towa Nee san ! I can cook too, so let me help you !”
“If you say so. I’m sure Misora chan can help me, but Sora can’t cook, can he?”
“Kuh….it’s true that I can’t cook at all, but.”
“Then take it easy. You’re probably the most tired. You don’t have to worry about it, you’re always washing the dishes, so you’re helping me a lot.”
That being said, I had no choice but to back down.
I said I wanted to help, but I had completely forgotten that I couldn’t cook at all.
Maybe I should ask Misora to teach me housework next time.
That’s what I seriously think.
“Well then, shall we start preparing? Misora chan.”
“Yes ! I’m looking forward to cooking with Towa Nee san for the first time~”
“I can’t cook something that great, can I?”
”Even so !”
The two of them disappeared toward the kitchen, talking amicably.
It’s kind of calming to see Amane san and Misora getting along so well.
“Is the matter with my parents now settled? It was surprisingly easy.”
I didn’t have such a big desire for revenge against my parents.
But I didn’t want Misora and I to be involved with them anymore.
That’s why I asked a minor representative to be appointed for me.
Now I can concentrate on revenge.
“I will not tolerate it anymore. I don’t care if they’re my childhood friends or my best friends. They’re equally my enemies, and they are a blight on my peace. I’ll make sure they go to hell.”
I waited for the two of them to finish cooking dinner while I thought about how I was going to get around at school starting tomorrow.
All the while, I was constantly flashing back to the scene that happened on Christmas Day.
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