
◇Charlotte side◇

A few minutes before ────.

Charlotte Anastasia had come to a nearby mountain to look for Feal, first in a dangerous place near the Anastasia family compound to look for him.

She thought that if he was not here, she would not have to worry about life for now, because if he was not here, the worst case scenario would be that Feal was not in a dangerous place. ……

“Oh come on, Anastasia’s daughter coming to this mountain so late at night all by herself, all sorts of dullness from being raised in a greenhouse, huh?”

“Hehe, but that Anastasia family member could be good business,……, you can sell her for a good price, or take her hostage and get money from the Anastasia family, and with her looks and body, she might even let us play with her a little bit.”

“Don’t be too rough with her, or you’ll lose a lot of customers.”

“Heihei, I know what you mean.”

Searching for dangerous places means that you are more likely to encounter danger.

Charlotte, who was running in the mountains shouting the name of Feal, met not with Feal but with a group of bandit men, and now she is surrounded.

There are about twenty bandits.

“…… Hey, just out of curiosity, have you seen a boy with dark hair and a collared shirt?”

“Oh? Who is he? more importantly, she doesn’t seem to know what’s going on.”

When one of the bandits said that, the bandits all took out their prey all at once.

“Young lady, you have two choices: resist and be captured by us, or resist and be captured by us.”

“Then, haven’t you seen the black-haired boy?”

“No, I haven’t seen him. Forget about that────”

“Oh, well, go away.”

When the bandits were about to say something, Charlotte used ice magic to freeze several of the bandits in front of them in order to block them.


The enraged bandits attacked with their prey in hand, but Charlotte avoided all of them and froze all of them with ice.

“Al…… where are you? Are you not in these mountains? I miss you, Al…….”

Just as ──── Charlotte muttered this, she heard footsteps running toward her from the side, and when she turned to look in that direction, she saw Feal there.

“Al…..? Al!?!”

Charlotte called out to Feal with a twinkle in her eye as Feal came into view.

“Charlotte, ────.”

Feal was about to call Charlotte’s name too, but at that moment, a man dressed like the bandit men was about to attack Feal from a tree behind Feal.

“Ah! Al! Behind you!”

──── Charlotte blamed herself.

She could definitely sense the presence of a bandit hiding behind a tree like that, if she were her normal self.

She was so preoccupied with Feal that she was unable to prevent that crucial crisis of Feal from happening.

Charlotte’s breathing was erratic as she recalled his passing away in a previous life.

The same rhythm of breathing, the same disorder, as when she knew he had died in a previous life.

Charlotte was mentally trapped by the thought of losing him again, someone she loved and cared for. ──── But Feal answered calmly, “Yes, I know,” and leapt behind the bandit, hitting him in the neck with lightning magic and knocking him out.

I” didn’t attack because I didn’t know what the situation was, but it would have been easier if the other side attacked”


Charlotte said as she approached Feal and hugged him.

“I just wanted to apologize to Al,…… I’m sorry I did such a terrible thing!”

“No,…… I’m glad you cooled down and became the usual Charlotte san”

Seeing Feal face smiling gently as he said this, Charlotte was again reminded of him in her previous life.

But now ……

“I’ve realized that I care about Al, regardless of him, or cheating on him, or whatever. …… Al, I’m so sorry.”

“Please don’t be so sorry ……, you are very important to me too, Charlotte san.”


After that, Charlotte-san hugged Feal with tears in her eyes for a while, but eventually, as Charlotte calmed down, Feal murmured.

“…… Oh, by the way, where is Grendel san?”

“Grendel? He’s here?”

“He should be,────”

“I’m a good man, I’m not in the habit of observing crying women, so I kept a little distance while Charlotte Anastasia calmed down.”

After saying this, Grendel walked toward Charlotte and Feal, and one could still see the pride of a marquis on his face.

“Well, …… thank you.”

“I didn’t do it for you.”

“… went to the trouble of giving me and Al some time alone together.”

“Don’t talk about me like I’m a nuisance!”

Later, as the three of them were walking along the trail to get out of the mountain, Charlotte asked Grendel a question.

“Hey, I want to ask you, do you think it’s a bad idea to like two people at the same time?”

“Hmmm? I wouldn’t think so, what’s not good about liking someone?’

“But don’t you think …… that’s akin to cheating?”

When asked this, Grendel looked puzzled.

“cheating (uwaki), what do you mean? Is there such a creature?”

Grendel’s reaction was a look as if to say that he had no such word in his dictionary.

Feal spoke to Grendel in relation to this.

“Grendel, you don’t know about the affair?”

“W-What? …… Feal, how could there be anything that Feal knows and I don’t know? I think there was an animal called a Uwaki.”

“It wasn’t an animal.”

“Was it a flower?”

“Not a flower.”

“Then ────.”


Charlotte felt a strong sense of discomfort when she saw Feal and Grendel casually conversing like that, but for now she was so happy to be safely with Feal that she abandoned thinking about the nature of that discomfort for once and left the mountain with them.

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11 months ago

The charachter in this story is just really stupid. Charlotte heard Al said something exactly the same as the man she like in her previous life said when he first talk to her. And secondly, this chapter showed that people in this word don’t understand the concept of cheating, only Charlotte and Al know this, so why the fuck that she still not realise that Al also remembered his past or that Al actually the man that she desperately want to meet. And Al also not better, she told him her story, her famiy background, how the person in the previous world died, and the similarity between he and that person and still don’t even have a slightest suspicion that that person might be him. So stupid

Last edited 11 months ago by Agus