Source Three hours have passed since I started selling cookies, and it is now around 5:00 p.m. The shopping district came alive with people
Category: Is It Work? I Make Money by Doing Cooking Stream to Feed a Woman Who Come to Kill Me Every Day
Source “Inami?” “……” “Hey, Inami !” “……” “I-na-mi !” “Huh !? Eh, w-what is it !?” “You were just spacing out. What’s wrong?” Inside
Source “Ah ! I know gingerbread cookies ! Something tangy and delicious !” As usual, her description of the taste is sketchy, but this
Source “—Okay. So, good morning, everyone. It’s Inami.” : Good morning ! : Morning : Been a while : It’s been a while since
Source “Inami, you fell asleep.” “I’m afraid of the kotatsu’s magical power……! Inami san’s sleeping face is so cute…….!” After the meal was over,
Source “Then let’s get started.” I set the portable stove on the table. I put the pot on the stove, added the stock I
Source Since Haku san could not help me, I prepared dinner on my own. When I was done, I returned to the living room.
Source “Ah, it seems like it’s all as expected…” The next morning. Last night’s stream had been clipped, picked up by social networking and
Source “Ah, right. I have to give this to you.” After driving around the area at random, the car stopped in front of the
Source “What’s wrong with your clothes? Where’s your regular suit?” “It was given to me. Isn’t it cute?” “….It’s cute, but be careful. The