
“Hey, hey, hey, Ikun-san. Where did you go for lunch?”

After school, I happened to run into a famous person named Todo during my lunch break, and it turned out that we might have met by chance in the past.

In front of me as I was packing my bag, Ayase, who was dressed in her disheveled school uniform, asked me with a glass of juice in her hand.


“That rooftop where men and women get together whenever the opportunity arises?”

“Yeah, it’s that rooftop where men and women who are afraid of being seen can get closer.”



“…………, who’s with you?”

Oops, why the cold eyes in front of me?

“Of course I’m alone, right? Do you think there’s a pretty girl beside me who’ll go with me?”

Well, there was a girl on the roof.

But I’m not lying about going alone. Yeah, I’m not wrong, so you can’t be mad at me.

So by all means, please don’t give me those cold eyes.

“Muu…..If you had told me….., I would have gone with lonely Ikkun myself.”

“No, no, Ayase had something to talk about with her friends, didn’t she?”

“Yeah, we talked like high school girls do nowadays.”

So you didn’t talk about anything related to that website?

I don’t know what kind of site she was browsing, but when it comes to conversations among high school girls these days, it’s probably about recommended cosmetics, love stories, and recent celebrities…

“Today was very fruitful,……, I learned about recommended cosmetics, love stories, and the latest hot topic, the Merikensack.”

What is it with high school girls today?

“Speaking of which, what are you doing today, Ikkun? If you have some free time, I’d like to watch the continuation of the previous episode with you, sitting on your lap.”

“I felt like there was some sort of catchphrase that seemed to attract interest, but today I’m just buying a magazine that features my favorite model–“

The moment I was about to say that, suddenly the phone in my pocket started shaking.

When I got curious and opened the screen, there was

Raika : “…I’m off today, so please teach me study.”

…… hmm.

“Hey, I feel like you just cut the finish line with phone by a few tenths of a second.”

“Surely my phone appeared after I cut the goal tape right?”

Indeed, if you ask me.

If that is the case, then the prior engagement would be Ayase.

Iori ‘Sorry, I’m having an anime viewing party with Ayase at home today on my lap.’

Raika ‘…… I see’

I put my phone away in my pocket after confirming the response from Todo.

“Is it okay, Ikkun?”

“Well, it’ll be fine. Ayase invited me first.”

I’ll contact her one more time later to apologize and we can look at the study at a later date.

If anything, I can teach her over video call or something now. It was today’s today, and I wanted to watch Todo study if I could, but now that I have a …… prior commitment, it might be rude of Ayase to refuse, even though we are always playing.

“Ikkun, you put me first ……!”

As I was thinking this, I saw Ayase in front of me, holding her mouth and looking very impressed.

“Hehehe……Ikkun gave me priority……♪”

A very happy and disheveled expression.

However, the original material is too good to be seen as unpleasant at all.

“Hey, Ayase ……Picture–“



Ayase is very kind. So Iori-kun is very happy.

“Ikkun, I am in a good mood right now! Now I’m tempted to give you more options than just a lap pillow!”

Ayase came around to my side, where I was checking the folder that had just been updated, and hugged me vigorously into my arms.

“Oh, hey, Ayase ……!”

“Ikkun, what do you want me to do to you when I get home? From knee lap to Aaahn, I don’t even mind photo sessions in risqué outfits!”

“Are you going to sacrifice yourself that much after prioritizing?”

Thanks to me being hugged, a soft sensation spreads throughout my arms.

That’s not all. Just by shifting my gaze, I could see the cleavage peeking out from under the worn-out uniform, and the sweet scent hit my nostrils.
The sweet aroma that tantalizes the nostrils is a big hit.

“Hey, I knew those two ……”

“Perhaps that’s who Mikan was talking about during lunch break, the person she likes!”

“I’m so jealous…… shit, I’m so jealous that I can kill people with my gaze as much as I can now……!”

…… Well, if objectively that Ayase is hugging someone, it is only natural that there would be a fuss.

Especially since she’s never done anything like this before, it’s not surprising

Seeing my classmates in such a state of confusion, I cast a distant glance at them, thinking, “I wonder if this will become a rumor again.”


“Hey, hey! That!”

“Why is Todo-san here!”

Somehow, the buzzing of my classmates further accelerates.

I was curious and looked in the direction some of them were facing, and there was a beautiful girl with waist-length silver hair standing at the entrance of the classroom.

The girl looked around for a moment, and when her gaze met mine,……, she slowly approached me…

“…Sakuma, I’m going to your house too.”

“…. yes?”

Suddenly, she said something like that.

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