“No, I’m not waiting at all. Thanks for preparing everything, Yuuka.”
“You’re welcome. Here is Sota kun’s tea.”
I took the cup of tea from Yuuka and immediately sipped it lightly.
I didn’t want to look like a child, so I asked for straight black tea, but it wasn’t as bitter as I expected, and I found it easier to drink.
Maybe she diluted the tea?
In that case, there was a high possibility that Yuuka would have noticed that I was trying to look good, but of course, it would be rude to pursue the matter.
Since Yuuka was so considerate as to keep her mouth shut, there was no need for me to go out of my way to embarrass her.
“It’s easy to drink and very tasty.”
I told her my honest impression,
“Ehehe, I’m so glad♪ I’ve been practicing making tea lately, you know?”
Yuuka smiled very happily.
“The practice is paying off. And may I have some of those delicious looking macarons?”
I asked for the macarons, which were neatly arranged on a small plate.
….No, you see, you get hungry after school, right?
If you see some delicious-looking macarons in front of you and have a cup of tea, you’ll want to eat them, right?
So it’s not that study sessions have become a fake tea party.
As the old saying goes, you can’t fight a war with empty stomach.
First, let’s have some freshly brewed tea and macarons to fill up our stomachs for the battle of studying for the test.
That’s the end of my excuses !
“Of course you can have them. I brought them for Sota kun to eat. Here, please eat it.”
Yuuka’s gentle smile like a spring breeze lured me in and I put one of the macarons in my mouth.
The elegant sweetness spread in my mouth instantly.
I had an image that macarons are quite sweet and are for people with a serious sweet tooth, but these macarons were a little less sweet and very easy to eat.
“The macarons are really good, too.”
“Really? I thought they were a little too sweet.”
Yuuka said, a little relieved.
“For real. It’s just my guess, but Mizuki chan also said it was delicious, right?”
“She said so, but she says anything sweet tastes good.”
Yuuka gave a small giggle.
“Ahaha, it’s childish and cute. So, can I have another one? It’s so delicious that I can’t resist just one.”
“Of course you can have another one. Please eat as much as you want.”
I took her at her word and had the second and third macarons.
–And then I realized something.
All of the macarons had beautiful faces, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that they were slightly misshapen.
I wondered if they might be Yuuka’s handmade macarons.
“What is it?”
“Could it be that these macaroons are Yuuka’s handmade?”
“Ehehe, actually they are.”
“I knew it. Yuuka is good at making sweets.”
“I made them last Sunday, but I made a little too much. So I thought I’d ask Sota kun to help me finish it. Sorry, I had to ask you to help me dispose of the leftovers.”
Yuuka waved her hands from side to side apologetically.
“That’s how it is to dispose of leftover food. It’s really delicious without any pretension, and I’d be more than happy to cooperate with you in any way I can.”
It’s nothing but lucky to be able to eat the handmade macarons of the school’s idol, isn’t it?
“Then, I’ll ask you another time. By the way–”
“Sota kun, is something troubling you?”
Yuuka suddenly asked me with a worried look.
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