Wednesday in July.
The usual four of us headed to Class 7 to eat lunch together.
I received a challenging look from Umetani Koichi, the new student council president.
Fall~! I prayed…unfortunately.
And yet, he still seems to have his eye on Yuri.
I wish I could brag to him about our date last month.
As the four of us were eating our lunches, Yuka asked me.
“Kingo, do college students have about two months of summer vacation?
How does your sister spend hers?”
It was a very natural question, so I answered without thinking.
“I heard they have two months off from about July 20.
Last year she had a lot of part-time jobs, but as I recall, there was a training camp for a softball club,
I remember she went on a tour of the Sea of Japan with some of her servants.”
Yuka grinned.
“Fufufu. Then we’ll have a homework camp at Kingo’s house then !”
“D-damn it ! You conspired against me !”
“You seem happy ! It’s like it’s on purpose.”
Yutaro hurriedly interrupted my customary exchange with Yuka.
“Hey, Kingo. I’m going this time.
If you spend the night with Yuka without me, I’ll kill you !”
“Hey, hey, hey. Last time we slept in a separate room.”
“You saw her in her pajamas, you son of a bitch !”
You saw it before me !
You washed dishes side by side~!
You ate Yuka’s home-cooked food before I did~!
Yutaro stared at me as if he was going to bite me, and Yuka put her mouth close to his ear.
“You’ve seen me in a much more amazing way, haven’t you?”
“No. Well. Yes, but…”
Yutaro turned red and slumped down.
No, no, no, please make sure Yuri and I don’t hear !
No, it’s funny how innocent Yutaro is.
He’s so naive !
Immediately after summer vacation, my sister went on a trip to the Sea of Japan with her servants.
A camp was to be held at my house.
The four of us were to concentrate on our summer vacation homework.
When I picked them up at the nearest station, Yutaro was waiting for me, looking at his phone.
“Oh, I’m looking forward to it today.”
“No flirting.”
“It’s fine.
If we flirt, your relationship will go a long way.”
“No, no, no. I don’t want strangers flirting in my house.”
“Mmhmm. I agree with you…
It can’t be helped. I’ll keep it to a minimum.”
“You’re still doing it !”
To Yuka, who arrived on time.
“Don’t flirt.”
I said.
I give her a stern look.
Yutaro and Yuka were cooking dinner side by side in my kitchen.
They had already been to each other’s houses and greeted each other’s parents, but this was the first time they were cooking together.
Neither of them cooks much, so it was frustrating to watch their poor set-up.
And if I’m not watching them, they immediately start flirting.
Yuri, who had taken the first bath almost an hour earlier, came up.
“…it’s not done yet.”
Yuri whispered in my ear as she sat down next to me.
The sweet smell of the bath was intoxicating.
“They immediately go off the rails and try to flirt.”
“It’s their first time cooking together, so I guess it can’t be helped~.”
“I wish they had done it somewhere other than my house.
Besides, it’s Yuka’s cooking, right?
I wanted to eat Yuri’s cooking.”
It was a whisper, but it seemed to have been heard,
Yutaro and Yuka’s faces turned toward me.
They were so in sync with each other, it was scary.
“I’m sorry !”
“Don’t make fun of Yuka’s cooking !”
“Yes. I’m sorry.
After dinner, we took turns taking a bath.
Meanwhile, the remaining three were working hard on their homework.
The four of us played Peach Tennis until late at night, and then I went to bed with Yutaro.
When we turned off the light, Yutaro started talking.
“Hey, Kingo. I’m going out with Yuka thanks to you and the others
I’m grateful.”
“That’s because of your hard work, Yutaro.”
“That’s true, but the most important thing is the trigger, which you gave me.
That’s why I want you guys to do well.”
“Thank you.”
“You like Yuri, don’t you?
Even Yuri likes you.
You know that, right?”
“……Is that so? Yeah, I’d be happy if she did.”
“Right? You have to make up your mind. You go first.
Otherwise, there will be a lot of guys who will confess to Yuri.
Maybe the timing is bad and Yuri, who is weak, will become flustered.
Do you understand?
A nice girl like Yuri might not like you anymore, you know?”
“I know…
Yuri won’t do anything like Saki, I think it’s okay.
But, you know, two years ago, if you tell me that,
[Saki fell in love at first sight with a guy she met in high school, and I got dumped.]
I would never believe it. Never.
But that’s what happened.
I’m still scared of what that would do to me.”
I told Yutaro the thought that had been lodged in the back of my mind and would never leave.
“Yuri would never do such a thing, right?
Well, I can’t help it if you don’t believe me.
But I think it’s harder to meet two women like that in a row than to win the first prize of a jumbo lottery.”
“I’m gonna win the lottery !”
“Oh, I believe that. It’s convenient.
Well, you’d better do your best so you don’t regret it.”
“Thanks. Good night.”
The next day, four warriors were facing each other in a neighborhood park.
Samejima Kingo !Sudo Yutaro !
Kioka Yuika! Kumagai Yuri !
The four were holding large water guns they had bought at a toy store.
All three were enemies, refilled with water at the tap, and there was no winner or loser,
and a time limit of 10 minutes.
When we started the game, Yutaro and Yuka started shooting at each other, cackling.
I took aim at Yuri and Yuri took aim at me.
When it hit my face, it had a surprisingly strong impact, and I gasped when it entered my nose and mouth.
We were all soaking wet from the screaming and shooting.
Of course, they were wearing rash guards, so they didn’t look like adult stars,
But it was cute to see Yuri and Yuka soaking wet, which was a rare sight.
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