
The girl I had confessed to and rejected me the day before saw me hugging a different girl. What a crazy awkward situation. I wanted to get as much distance as possible from Rinne, so I pulled Kitajima san’s hand and ran away from the scene.

[We’ve been childhood friends since kindergarten. ……………… nothing more, nothing less.]

That’s what I’ve been saying to myself, but I’m still hurting myself with those words.

I was really trying to get out of that kind of relationship, but yesterday’s confession didn’t make that happen.
I was dumped in a big way.

After all. I’m sure Rinne and I are just childhood friends, and I’m sure she doesn’t want anything more than that.

…… that’s just my own misunderstanding.

A good place, a good friend. It’s best to keep a distance

She doesn’t want ………… to be lovers, kissing and stuff. ……… …

As I was heading to the classroom thinking about this, Kitajima san suddenly pulled my hand.

Ah, no. …… I was holding the hand of such a cute girl in the midst of confusion!!!!
I know it’s a little late for that, but won’t she report me or something!

Cold sweat runs down my back.

“Sakurai kun. In response to my earlier confession, anytime is fine with me okay?”
“………… Eh?”

W-What does it mean1?

……I’m thankful to be honest, to be frank.

I was dumped by Rinne, who I had a crush on for ten years, and I thought I’d look for a new love, but I can’t change my mind that quickly.

I’m very happy and honored that the very cute Kitajima san has always loved me and asked me to be her girlfriend. I’m very happy and honored that she said that, but that doesn’t mean I’ve ever been so light in love with Rinne that I would go out with her with a whim. ……

She pulls my hand like that and hugs my arm.

C-chest! Her breasts are hitting me!

I don’t mean to be rude, but they’re bigger than Rinne’s, and they’re chipping away at my reason.

And Kitajima san, perhaps embarrassed, turns bright red and says to me

“I-I’m going to be making lots of approaches, so be prepared, okay?”


Y-you are going to do this kind of thing on a daily basis? Is that what you mean!??

Let’s live a life with a strong sense of reason and not let lust take over. ……

From the first day of high school, I knew I was in trouble. ……

[Year One, Class Two]

And so we arrived at our classroom.

When we opened the classroom door, we were still the first to arrive.

On the blackboard in front of us were our names and the order in which we were seated.

“When I enter the classroom like this, I feel like a high school student.”
“Yeah. I think so, too.”

With that conversation, I checked the seating order.

“Sakurai Kirito”- “Kitajima Towa”

We were seated next to each other.

…… Really? I thought there was a possibility that we would be next to each other since we are in the “S” and “K” rows.
I’m not Kitajima san, but there is a part of me that feels like it’s fate.

Incidentally, Rinne is in the “Ma” line, so we are quite far away from each other.

Well, we were in different classes for ten years, so I guess we are closer just by being in the same class.

“Not only am I in the same class as Sakurai kun, but we even sit next to each other. …… I’m so happy I feel like I’m going crazy.”
“Haha,…… I think it’s better than having a complete stranger next to me too.”

Anyway, I hang my bag next to the desk and Kitajima san and I sit on the chairs.

…… Oh man, I feel closer than I thought I would.

I know I sound like a total pervert when I say this, but I feel like I smell something good.

“I-It’s closer than I thought.”
“Y-Yes, it is. ……”

What is this, a matchmaking place?

“S-Speaking of which, Kitajima-san!”

I raise my voice to change the air.

“Did you do anything in middle school?”
“Ah, yes. I like reading books, so I was in the literature club. What about you, Sakurai kun?”
“I was in the baseball club. Even though I was like this, I was the ace and fourth in the order.”
“Eh? That’s amazing!!!”

Kitajima san looks at me with respect.
But I’m really sorry. Being the ace and number four on a baseball team that loses in the first round all the time is just a gag cartoon. ……

“No, I lost the first round all year, so it’s not a big deal ……”
“No, it’s still great! So when I hugged you just now, it was very firm ………….Ah”

Kitajima san blushes as she recalls what just happened.
Oh man, she’s so cute.

“I-I’m sorry …… I was being so rude earlier. ……”
“No, no, ……, I was just thinking it was a bonus for …… me too.”

Kitajima san’s face turns bright red and she looks down.

“……U-Umm Sakurai kun”
“W-What is it?”

After recovering a little, she asks me.

“Are you going to be on the baseball team in high school?”

Yeah, I’m not sure. Do you think they might ask? I was thinking

“No, I’m not going in. My baseball career ended in middle school.”
“…… Eh. Did you get injured somewhere?”

I chuckle at those words.

“…… I’m scared.”
“….. scared?”

I really hate to talk about such a pathetic reason, but I will say it. I want her to know that I’m not cool. That’s what I thought.

“Until junior high school, we played with a rubber ball, called softball. In high school, we play with a hard ball, which is a very hard ball, like a stone ball, to be perfectly honest.”
“…… Yes.”

I breathe in and out.

“Once in a game. I hit a dead ball to the batter’s head. Of course, I didn’t do it on purpose. It was a straight ball that got caught in my fingers and I hit it.”
“………… yes.”

I still remember the scene.
It was a rubber ball, thank God.
The guy I hit it to laughed and said, “Don’t worry about it.”
I don’t remember what happened after that.
When I came to, the game was over and we were losing by a large margin.
That was my last junior high school baseball game.

“Then I thought to myself, If this were a ‘hard ball,’ a person would die immediately if a hard ball hit them in the head….”
“That’s what you’re afraid of, isn’t it,………… Sakurai kun?”

At Kitajima san’s words, I shook my head.

“It’s not cool to say I have the yips. I can throw as much as I want. Besides, our high school is a strong baseball team that made it to the Koshien last year. There was no way they would entrust me with pitching. …… but I’m still scared. So I decided to end my baseball career in middle school.”

I told her that much and I laughed.

“That’s not cool, is it? I’m sorry. The guy you fell for is such a pathetic guy.”

Kitajima san shook his head.

“I don’t think you’re uncool.”
“………… why?”

In response to my question, Kitajima san looked me in the eye and said.

“When I was in elementary school, Sakurai kun, the kind man who saved me from being bullied, has not changed at all since then. He is still a very kind person. A heart that doesn’t want to hurt others is never something that can be called uncool.”
“………… I see.”

I say that and let out one breath.
Then, with a little chuckle, I say

“Thank you, Kitajima san. You made me feel a little better.”
“…………! W-Well, that’s good to hear.”

I don’t know what’s wrong, she looked strange for a moment, but ……

“Well, but I’m thinking I’d like to get a part-time job or something in high school, and I’d like to try something new.”

So I’m not going to play baseball anyway.

“I see.”
“Thanks, though, ……. Kitajima san.”

I thank her.

“I [run away] from baseball and do something different. It’s different between “facing” baseball and “choosing” to do something different.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I’m glad to help”

“Are you done talking……?”


Me and Kitajima san look up at the voice.

In front of her and me stood a young man
Is this the teacher ……?

“I can’t show you the entrance ceremony because you two are too busy talking though?”

We both look around.
There were already students sitting in the classroom.

Rinne is looking at us with …… cold eyes.

“It’s fine to be friendly, but in moderation, okay?”

The teacher smirked, while Kitajima san and I bowed our heads.

“”I’m sorry. I’ll be careful.””

We said

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