
“Fufu, here, ahhh.”

In the end, I didn’t find the soft-serve ice cream that Touko san was looking for.

Still, she sat down next to me and happily pointed the spoon with which she had scooped the chocolate soft serve ice cream at me.

For the umpteenth time, she continued to feed me.

She continued without pausing, and I noticed that my ice cream was not getting smaller, but only hers was getting smaller.

“I’ve had enough, so please eat, too.”

“Oh, really? Then……”

She turns to me and opens her mouth a little.



This time it would be me.

As expected, I’ve been fed by Touko san so far, so I’m used by the eyes of the people around me. I guess I should just get used to it.

It seems like it won’t end unless I feed her, so I brace myself and bring the spoon to her mouth.


Touko san looks cold.

“Is it good?”

“Yeah, it’s delicious. Hey, hey, one more bite. Ahhn.”

Her expression was like a child’s as she begged for another bite.

It was like a genuine date, and I almost forgot what the original purpose of the date was.

—The atmosphere was the same afterwards.

Our destination, an inn, was far from the city, surrounded by mountains.

We passed through a tunnel several times, the number of cars decreasing, and when we proceeded deeper into the mountains, we saw our destination, the inn.

According to Touko san, it is a famous inn with hot spring.

I had done some research on the inn and found out that it was just as she said, a very popular inn, and so popular that you had to make a reservation months in advance to stay there.

We parked the car and the innkeeper showed us to our room.

“Wow, what a nice room…….”

“It’s amazing……”

I was not told what kind of room we would be staying in until we were shown around.

Touko san said, [It’s something to look forward to after you arrive.] So, the moment I entered the room I was guided to, my voice leaked out.

“Ken kun, hurry up, hurry up.”

I put down my luggage and went to the back of the room with Touko san leading me by the hand.

The room itself was a simple Japanese-style room.

However, what caught my eye as soon as I entered the room was the luxurious open bath.

The room was located on the eighth floor, so the view from the window was quite spectacular, with lush green mountains and a spectacular waterfall running through the room.

“……It’s lovely.”

“Yes, it is.”

I couldn’t help but stare at it.

“Let’s take a picture together as a keepsake.”

Saying this, she took out a selfie stick from her bag.

“How am I supposed to use this?”

She bought a selfie stick but didn’t know how to use it.

I took the phone and the selfie stick from her and operated them.

“I think this will probably work.”

“Ken kun, you’re a real pro. What should I do with it?”

“Haha, you’re the owner, how come you don’t know?”

“Because I’ve never used it before. C’mon, take a picture quickly.”

She stood next to me and smiled.

I take a few pictures as instructed, and Touko san looks happy when she sees them.

“I saw in a magazine that the view is even more beautiful at night.”

“Heh, I see. Oh, by the way, I saw something like a lantern on the street. Maybe……?”

“Hmmm, that’s something you’ll have to wait until nightfall.”

Apparently, this is also a secret.

Well, it’s okay, because we can see it after a while.

“It’s already 1:00 p.m.. Shall we have lunch soon?”

“Yes, I guess so. But it’s deeper in the mountains than I imagined, and there are no restaurants nearby.”

We were talking about how we wanted to drink at noon, but we didn’t know where to go.

We had talked about it on the way here, but there were not many good restaurants within walking distance.

“Then how about this?”

I looked at the information about the inn that was on the table.

Inside the inn, there was a hot spring, a game center, an indoor pool, and a bar.

Of course, there was also space to eat, which was probably better than leaving the inn and going to an outside restaurant.

“Wow, this is a stylish place. I didn’t see much about it in the magazine, so it was a blind spot.”

“Maybe the stores inside the building have changed since that magazine came out?”

“….I’ve been studying this magazine for a long time.”

Touko san is disappointed.

I extend my hand to her.

“Isn’t it fun to just look around without knowing anything? I’m the only one who don’t know anything.”

“Well, that’s right… Too bad, I thought I’d know everything first and appeal to you as a big sister.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Well then, let’s go.”

When Touko san grabs my hand, we naturally intertwine our fingers and walk next to her.

I thought I was just trying to get her to stand up, but forcing her to let go…there’s something about it that makes me feel safe and comfortable.

Then I looked around the store spaces on the first three floors.

Since it was a weekday afternoon, there were few families. There were some foreigners, but most of the customers were couples or lovers.

We must have looked like that to other people.

“Look, Ken kun, look, look. It’s an indoor swimming pool.”

Looking at the sign, Touko san beckoned to me.

She had her mind set on the indoor pool, not on her lunch.

“Wow, it’s a surprisingly solid pool.”

From the picture, the pool was quite solid.

However, it was not the kind of pool where students would make a lot of noise and play, but rather, it was more like an adult pool with a relaxed atmosphere to enjoy while drinking alcohol.

At night, the pool is lit up. This is what is known as a night pool.

“Ken kun, you’re not very good at this kind of atmosphere, are you?”

“Well, not that I like it What about you, Touko san?”

I’m not good at exercise to begin with,……I prefer a relaxing hot spring bath. Besides, if it’s the open bath here, we can be alone together.


A strange voice came out.

“Maybe we can go in together……”



“I thought you were expecting me to say something like that.”

“No, of course not.”

Well, a little…….

“Then I’ll give you a prediction.”

Touko san puts pressure into our connected fingers and draws her body closer to me.

“Ken kun, you’re gonna take a hot spring bath with me tonight. We won’t even put a towel on, and we’ll put our skin next to each other.”


“Let’s look forward to the night, okay?”

Seeing Touko san smiling brightly, I couldn’t deny it.

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