
“Speaking of which, Nanaka san, thanks for your hard work on yesterday’s collab stream.”

I call out to Nanaka san, who is waiting in the living room while Mei prepares lunch.

“T-thank you so much !”

“The response was great as far as concerned, and above all, the response to Nanaka san was tremendous.”

“Yes ! Thanks to Kanako san, there were many people who subscribed to my channel, and I was surprised to see the number of subscribers increase all of a sudden !”

Nanaka san says happily.

The number of subscribers to her channel, which was only a few hundred, exceeded 10,000 in just one day, and it continues to grow.

This was the result of her collaboration with Kanatsu Kanako.

But then, Nanaka san looked down.

“Just for a little bit. Of course I’m happy, but…..”

“Are you anxious about something?”

“No, I’m not anxious or anything. I’m just wondering what I’ve been working so hard for…”

I see what you mean.

The number of channel subscribers, which had not increased in spite of all her efforts, had increased many times that number with just one collaboration.

I guess she felt empty. She must have felt that all her hard work up to now had been worthless.

“I’m not a streamer, so maybe I’m off the mark, but……even this collaboration with Mei was made possible because of Nanaka san’s hard work up until now, wasn’t it?”

“Because I worked hard……”

“The hard work that Nanaka san told me about up until now…..if it were me, I probably wouldn’t have been able to continue. If I hadn’t continued, Jinguuji wouldn’t have spotted me and we wouldn’t have met like this.”

“Tachibana san……”

“I think that since you have suffered so much up until now, no matter how much pain you may experience in your future activities, you will be able to overcome it.”

As I conveyed my own words, Nanaka san nodded several times.

I’m not in the same industry  as her, so I can’t really persuade her, but I hope it can be a little bit of encouragement. All the hard work she has put in up until now has not been in vain, and it is because of that that Nanaka san is who she is today.

“Nanaka chan, Senpai is right.”

Mei in her apron tells her.

“There have been many people like Nanaka chan who have had their number of subscribers increase all at once, but they didn’t grow from there. But there were also some who didn’t grow from there and quit after realizing their lack of talent.”

“Kanako san.”

“If you have time to talk like that, think about how you can improve from now on.”

“Y-yes !”

Unusually, Mei said something serious.

No, she has always been serious about her idol attitude and proud about her work, so it was only natural.

We then enjoyed the food Mei had prepared for us.

Spaghetti with meat sauce, gratin, and a salad, a perfect dish in appearance and taste as well as content.

Nanaka san kept exclaiming that it’s delicious

Mei goes through all the trouble of making such elaborate dishes.

She is a perfect woman, not only in her cooking skills, but also in her attentiveness…….

“–Now, first of all, Nanaka chan, you will be mainly streaming games, so you need to be able to talk while you play.”

“Yes !”

After we finished eating, Mei’s study session began.

Nanaka san took notes while I worked on my laptop.

“In the first place, you don’t have to have good playing skills to stream a game.”

“Eh, is that right….. I’ve been practicing hard.

“People who think, [I’m gonna get better at this game and become a pro, so I’m gonna watch the videos of streamers !] don’t watch Mei’s streams in the first place. 

If you look for the streams of pros, you’ll find a lot of them, so it’s much more beneficial to watch them, right?”


“A streamer’s job is to entertain and fascinate. They talk more than they play well. They laugh, they are happy, they cry, they scream, and they exaggerate those emotions more than normal. And they talk so much that there is no silence during the stream, and enjoy it with the people who are watching. Have you ever watched your own stream on another day or something, Nanaka chan?”

“I’m so embarrassed, its…….”

“You have to see it. Okay, this is Nanaka chan’s stream from a month ago…….”

Mei plays Nanaka san’s stream on her tablet.

Unlike the Nanaka san in front of me who was blushing, the voice I heard from the tablet was so calm it was scary.

[This small fry character will move to the right after three seconds and aim at my back. So I will hit the boss at once. Ah, yes, here he raises one leg and steps through, so I avoid him by rolling and only attack him once. And then it quickly retreats and–]

“Too robotic l ! Who’s gonna enjoy watching this stream that proceeds so nonchalantly !”

It may be an overstatement, but as Mei pointed out, it was somewhat like watching a live RTA.

There is no inflection in her voice and her movements are perfect, so the comments are all “wow” and “damn,” making it seem as if the same person is posting a series of comments, even though another person is commenting.

“I understand that Nanaka chan is good at games. But you’re not at a professional level, right?”

“Well, I’m working hard on that right now…oh, I’m at rank 42 in this game !”

“So what !? And it’s a minor game to begin with !”

“But it’s fun……

Indeed, as Mei said, most of the games Nanaka san is playing on her stream are minor ones, and while it would be fun to watch until she completes all of them once, playing the same games over and over again would honestly get boring.

If you keep doing this, you might make some maniac fans. However, if you want to increase the number of channel subscribers and views, you should change your streaming policy so that everyone will like it.

“You have to stream the kind of stream that will be liked by seven out of ten people. What you’re doing right now is a stream that may or may not be liked by one out of ten people, right?”


“You wanna continue as a streamer, right? If that’s the case, you have to change.”

“Speaking of which, Nanaka san, why did you decide to become a streamer?”

When I asked her that, she turned her head down as if she was pondering.

Perhaps some serious reason. Don’t tell me you have to take care of your family and can’t leave home to go to work?

If so, I probably shouldn’t pry too much. I thought so.

“…..I don’t want to work.”

[ [……] ]

It was an honest reason……

And Nanaka san excitedly appealed to us.

“I want to play games all the time ! I wake up in the morning and play FPS ! After lunch I play MMORPGs ! At night I play the new games  I have on my stack until I fall asleep ! I want to play so many other things, and working doesn’t leave me much time, so I became a streamer !”

What can I say about that?

Mei shakes Nanaka san’s hand.

“Then let’s change your streaming policy, shall we? If you keep doing what you’re doing now, you won’t be able to live off of just playing games.”

In response to Mei’s advice, Nanaka san gave a small nod.

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